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) The nurse is teaching the client about the health benefits of

consuming at least 3 ounces of whole grains each day. Which of
the following foods would the nurse encourage the client to
2.) The nurse is educating a black client about how sodium in the
diet may affect blood pressure. Which of the following statements
could the nurse make to this client?
3.) The nurse is teaching a client who recently moved to Chicago from
Puerto Rico about planning a balance diet. What food might the
nurse suggest the client consume that is often missing from
Puerto Rican cuisine?
4.) The nurse is completing an initial assessment of a Somali client.
For religious reasons, this client may avoid particular foods.
Which food might this client avoid due to religious doctrine?
5.) A client tells the nurse that there is no reason to engage in regular
physical activity as long as one has a BMI is in the normal range.
There are benefits to physical activity not related to body weight
that the nurse could discuss with this client. Which of the
following statements would be appropriate for the nurse to share
with the client? Select all that apply.
- Engaging in regular exercise builds endurance
- Engaging in regular exercise increases physical fitness
- Exercise helps control blood pressure
- Exercise promotes psychological well-being and self-esteem
- Exercise reduces feelings of depression and anxiety
6.) A client who is at risk of developing coronary artery disease makes
comments indicating a lack of understanding of which fats are
unhealthy and why they should be limited in the diet. Which of
the following dietary teaching statements would the nurse make
to this client? Select all that apply.
- High intake of saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol
increases the risk of coronary heart disease
- Keep total fat intake between 20 and 35% of calories
- Select lean, low-fat and fat free meats, poultry, and milk
- The diet must contain some fat because dietary fats serve as
carriers for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and
K and carotenoids
7.) The visiting nurse is assessing a homebound client who complains
of frequent diarrheal illness that may be food related. The visiting
nurse tells the client that it is estimated that every year about 76
million people in the United States become ill from pathogens in
food. Which of the following recommendations would the nurse
make regarding prevention of foodborne illnesses? Select all that
- Clean hands before preparing food
- Cook foods to a safe temperature to kill microorganisms
- Do not eat partially cooked eggs
- Separate raw foods from ready-to eat foods while shopping
8.) A client at risk for heart disease asks the nurse for some small
changes that can be made in the diet to begin adopting an Italian-
Mediterranean style diet. Select all that apply.
- Begin using olive oil as the primary fat in the diet
- Eat small portions
- Have fruit for dessert
- Have the main meal of the day at lunch

9.) The nurse is assessing a client who is suffering from diarrhea, fever,
headache, abdominal pain, and nausea. The client reports having eaten
home-canned tomatoes. What foodborne illness should the nurse


10.) The nurse is assessing a client whose medical history includes a

bout of foodborne illness caused by mycotoxin found in spoiled peanut
butter. The nurse knows that a serious illness can develop as a result
of this foodborne illness? What illness is the nurse concerned with in
this client?


11.) The nurse is teaching a class to a group of clients who suffer from
food allergies. What is one possible goal of this teaching?

- For the client to demonstrate understanding of how to identify

allergens on a food label
12.) A client tells the nurse he has diarrhea that he thinks is due to a
foodborne illness. Which of the following bacteria should the nurse
suspect as causes of the patient’s diarrhea? Select all that apply.

- Clostridium perfringes

- Listeria monocytogenes

- Salmonella

- Shigella

- Staphylococcus aureus

13.) A client presents with what appears to be a foodborne illness. The

client reports consuming raw milk. What bacteria will the nurse suspect
as the possible causes of foodborne illness in this patient? Select all
that apply.

- Campylobacter jejuni

- Escherichia coli

- Listeria monocytogenes

- Salmonella

14.) The nurse is assessing a client who appears to have a foodborne

illness. The client’s food recall indicates that undercooked pork was
eaten 24 hours before onset of symptoms. With what diseases will the
nurse say the client may be infected? Select all that apply.

15.) A client appears to be suffering from a foodborne illness, but the
nurse does not uncover any likely bacterial causes in the assessment.
She realizes that the client could still be suffering from foodborne illness
related to ingestion of a poisonous plant. What foods will she look for in
the food recall? Select all that apply.

- Fish from polluted waters

- Poisonous mushrooms

- Rhubarb leaves

16.) The nurse is explaining to a parent how to implement an

elimination diet for a child who was tested for food allergies using skin
tests. Which of the following dietary teaching statements would the
nurse make? Select all that apply.

- Knowing the cause of the allergy allows the child to lead a healthy
normal life as long as eliminating the offending foods does not lead
to nutritional deficits

- Once the allergic symptoms are resolved foods that were

eliminated will be added back at the rate of one every 4 to 7 days

- The duration of the first phase of the diet will be just 1 to 2 weeks

- Vitamin and mineral supplements may be needed because the diet

may not be nutritionally adequate

17.) The nurse is teaching the parent of a child who is starting to eat
solid foods about which foods are common food allergens. Which foods
will the nurse say are common food allergens? Select all that apply.


18.) The nurse is teaching a group of consumers about food safety. Of
the following statements which ones would the nurse communicate
during the seminar? Select all that apply

- Any dishes that held uncooked meat must be washed properly

before cooked foods are placed on them.

- Do not serve undercooked foods

- Food must always be protected from animals

- Refrigerate leftovers as soon as the meal is finished

- Wash hands after blowing your nose

19.) The client asks the nurse why the need for iron is increased during
pregnancy. Which of the following responses would the nurse give in
response to this question?
- The need for iron is increased during pregnancy because of the
increased blood volume
20.) The client asks the nurse for suggestions of what to eat to supply the
additional 300 calories needed in the diet during the second and third
trimesters. The nurse suggests she choose nutrient dense foods based
on My Pyramid. The nurse then suggests the client fulfill the additional
caloric need with what particular item?
-3-8 oz glasses of fat free milk
21.) What client comment would indicate to the nurse that more teaching is
needed about nausea (morning sickness) during pregnancy?
- Nausea is a normal part of pregnancy and there is no need to
contact the doctor about it
22.) The nurse is teaching a breastfeeding mother about the need for the
mother to consume additional calories during lactation. How many
additional calories above the mother’s usual caloric needs will the nurse
say the breastfeeding mother should consume during lactation?
- 500
23.) Which of the following client comments indicate to the nurse that the
pregnant client understands the teaching on weight gain and caloric
intake during pregnancy? Select all that apply.
- During the first trimester average weight gain is a total of 2-4
- On average a pregnant adult requires an additional 300 calories a
day above her usual requirement during the second and third
trimesters of pregnancy
- Overweight women should not gain less than 15 pounds during
the pregnancy
24.) The nurse is counseling a pregnant client on the dangers of smoking
during pregnancy. What client comments demonstrate to the nurse that
more teaching is needed on the topic of smoking while pregnant? Select
all that apply.
- Having a high birth weight baby may be a consequence of smoking
while pregnant
- Thyroid hormones can be prescribed to help maintain the
pregnancy so it isn’t necessary to quit smoking
25.) The nurse counsels a pregnant client who is taking supplemental
vitamin A that the need for vitamin A is not increased during pregnancy.
Which of the following effects could the nurse say are associated with
excess vitamin A? Select all that apply.
26.) A client asks the nurse for suggestions of ways to reduce or eliminate
constipation. Which of the following suggestions would the nurse make?
Select all that apply.
- Drink at least thirteen 8 oz glasses of liquid each day
- Eat high fiber foods
- Get some exercise every day
27.) The pregnant client tells the nurse that her mother almost died as a
result of preeclampsia and wants to know more about it. Which of the
following statements could the nurse make about preeclampsia? Select
all that apply.
- One characteristic of pregnancy-induced hypertension is edema
that causes a sudden increase in weight
- Preeclampsia is now called pregnancy-induced hypertension
- Pregnancy-induced hypertension occurs more frequently in first
time pregnancies
- Pregnant adolescents have a higher rate of pregnancy-induced
hypertension than do pregnant adults
- The cause of pregnancy-induced hypertension is not known
28.) The nurse is teaching a group of pregnant clients about breastfeeding.
What benefits could the nurse say there are for the breastfed infant?
Select all that apply.
- Breast fed babies have a lower incidence of ear infections than
babies that are not breastfed
- Breast milk contains just the right amount of lactose, water,
essential fatty acids, and amino acids for brain development,
growth, and digestion
- No babies are allergic to their mother’s milk
- Sucking at the breast promotes good jaw development in the baby
- The primary benefit of breast milk is nutritional
29.) The mother of an infant child asks the nurse what the right feeding
schedule is for an infant. Of the following responses, which would be
the best response for the nurse to make?
- Feed the infant when the infant is hungry
30.) The parents of an infant tell the nurse that they are concerned that their
healthy breastfed infant is not getting enough fluid from breast milk
alone. What could the nurse say about the infant’s need for fluids?
- The ratio of water to calories in breast milk is ideal for the infant
31.) The parents bring a two-month infant in who has had frequent ear
infections. The baby is being fed formula from a bottle. The nurse knows
that feeding position may affect development of ear infections. How
should the nurse say the infant should be positioned for feeding?
- In a semi upright position
32.) A client tells the nurse that formula is very expensive and wants to know
when the infant can be given regular cow’s milk. What is the best
response for the nurse to make?
33.) The client tells the nurse she is going to begin giving a 3-month-old
infant rice cereal at bedtime so the infant will sleep through the night.
What will the nurse tell the client?
- The introduction of solid foods before the age of 4 to 6 months is
not recommended
34.) A client who wanted to breast feed her premature newborn who was
born at 33 weeks is told the newborn must be fed by total parenteral
nutrition. What reason will the nurse give the distraught mother for
- The infant has not yet developed the sucking reflex
35.) A concerned parent tells the nurse that the infant has not quite doubled
its birth weight at 6 months. Which of the following statements could
the nurse make? Select all that apply.
- A baby usually doubles its birth weight by 6 months of age
- Growth rates vary from child to child
36.) The mother of an infant asks the nurse how she can be sure the baby
is getting sufficient nutrients and calories from breastfeeding. Which of
the following statements could the nurse make to teach the mother how
to assess the infant’s intake of nutrients and calories? Select all that
- If the breast becomes less full during nursing
- If the infant is experiencing normal growth
- If there are one or two mustard-colored bowel movements a day
- If there are six or more wet diapers a day
37.) The client asks the nurse why the infant cannot have cow’s milk before
1 year of age. Which of the following are reasons the nurse could give?
Select all that apply.
- Dehydration can result
- The fat is not absorbed as efficiently as that in human milk
- The kidneys are challenged by its high protein and mineral
- The proteins are more difficult to digest
38.) The parent of an 8-month-old child asks the nurse for advice about how
to tell when the child is full. Which of the following could the nurse say
are ways the infant will indicate he or she is full? Select all that apply.
- Falling asleep while eating
- Looking around and no longer opening his or her mouth to solid
- Playing with food and not eating
- Playing with the nipple on a bottle or breast
39.) The parents of a young child ask the nurse if they should be concerned
that their child who just turned 3 years old gained just 5 pounds in the
last year. Which of the following responses would be appropriate for the
nurse to make?
- The child gained an appropriate amount of weight in this period.
40.) A concerned parent asks the nurse how much fiber a 4-year-old child
should have each day. Of the following responses, which best answers
the parent’s question?
- Between 9 and 14 grams per day
41.) During a well child visit, the nurse plots a child’s BMI for age and sex
on the CDC growth chart. The child is just over the 95th percentile. How
will the nurse classify this child’s BMI for age?
42.) An adolescent client is preparing to run a half-marathon. The nurse is
teaching the client how to eat foe competition. Which of the following
will the nurse say is an appropriate meal for the day before competition?
- Pancakes with fresh blueberries, apple juice, orange slices, and
whole wheat toast
43.) During a well child visit, the nurse is evaluating a child who just turned
2-year-old. The nurse knows to expect vast changes in a child between
the ages of 1 and 3. For which of the following changes would the nurse
be looking? Select all that apply.
- Their legs grow longer
- Their muscles develop
- They learn to assert themselves
- They learn to feed themselves
- They begin to walk and talk
44.) The nurse is teaching a group of parents about the importance of a child
maintaining a healthy weight. Which of the following statements would
be appropriate for the nurse to make? Select all that apply.
- Calories in must be balanced with calories out
- Children drinking sugared beverages contributes to the problem
- Obese children should not be put on a “diet”
- Watching TV contributes to obesity in children
45.) The nurse suggests to the parents of an overweight child that engaging
in activities as a family will help prevent the overweight child from
becoming obese. The parents ask the nurse to suggest some appropriate
activities. Which of the following activities would the nurse say are
appropriate? Select all that apply.
- Playing basketball at the local park
- Playing soccer in the backyard
- Riding bicycles together
- Taking a walk after dinner
46.) The parent of a child with type 2 diabetes asks the nurse at the
pediatrician’s office what the child should be eating. Of the following
responses, which would be appropriate for the nurse to say? Select all
that apply.
- I will give you a referral to a certified diabetes educator
47.) At a well child visit, the parents of two teenagers express concern about
their teenage daughter’s weight. The children are home schooled and
eat all of their meals at home. The parents say they control the portion
sizes of the food they serve, and the boy and girl eat exactly the same
thing. If the children are eating exactly the same thing, why might the
nurse say the daughter’s weight is increasing? Select all that apply.
- Boy’s calorie requirements tend to be greater than girls
- Generally teenage boys have more muscle mass than girls
- Perhaps the girl is not as physically active as the boy, so she needs
fewer calories
- Perhaps the girl is physically smaller than the boy, so she needs
fewer calories
48.) During the initial assessment, a 42-year-old client indicates that weight
gain is a problem despite the client’s diet not having changed since the
client was 25. What reason would it be appropriate for the nurse to give
this client?
- After age 25 calorie needs begin to diminish, so fewer calories are
now needed to meet the body’s needs
49.) A client tells the nurse when discharged from the hospital that the client
is going to do whatever is necessary to lose some weight. What is the
most appropriate response for the nurse to make?
- Be sure to contact your physician before embarking on a weight
reduction plan
50.) The nurse is caring for an otherwise healthy patient who has been
diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). What dietary factors will the
nurse say have an effect on RA?
- Diet changes have no effect on RA
51.) A 40-year-old client asks the nurse how much more dietary protein is
needed in the diet now that the client is entering middle adulthood.
- No additional protein is needed after age 40
52.) During the initial assessment of a 39-year-old premenopausal women,
the client proudly states that she eats very little to maintain herself at
a small clothing size. This woman does not take any vitamin and
mineral supplements. The nurse should discuss what nutrients that
may be of concern for this client? Select all that apply.
53.) The nurse is caring for a client in long term care who has been
prescribed tetracycline. What if any dietary issues related to the
tetracycline must the nurse be concerned with?
- Dairy products should not be consumed within 2 hours of taking
54.) A healthy elderly client tells the nurse that the doctor said the client’s
diet should be based on MyPyramid. Which of the following responses
is appropriate?
- MyPyramid is appropriate for elderly clients who have no
underlying medical problems
55.) An elderly client who has been hospitalized for 2 weeks keeps refusing
her meal trays because she says the hospital food is awful. What type
of malnutrition should the nurse be concerned about in a client who is
not eating?
56.) The nurse is completing the initial assessment of a hospitalized client
who has arthritis. The client uses aspirin daily for pain relief. The nurse
makes a note to look at the patient’s labs when they come in to see if
the patient may need supplementation of what nutrient?
57.) An elderly client asks the nurse if there are any nutrition related things
that might be good for someone with arthritis. The nurse makes some
suggestions of things the client might want to consider. Which of the
following are appropriate statements for the nurse to make? Select all
that apply.
- Consume sugar in moderation
- Consume salt in moderation
- Eat a healthy diet that includes 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
- Eat fatty fish such as salmon every fay
- There is no direct connection between any specific kind of food
and a specific symptom of arthritis
58.) The visiting nurse is assessing an elderly client at the client’s home.
What things that may be related to the client’s nutrition should the
nurse cover in the assessment? Select all that apply
- Does the client appear to be depressed?
- Does the client have regular visitors?
- Has the client undergone any recent economic changes?
- How often does the client go out and socialize?
- Is the client suffering from constipation?
- What medications is the patient taking?
59.) After becoming aware that the client has hyperlipidemia, the nurse
educates the client on medical nutrition therapy designed to improve
the condition. The nurse explains to the client that this treatment
involves a restriction of fats in the diet, and that foods such as ______
should be included, while foods such as ______ should be avoided.
- coconut and cereals; sausage and processed cheese
60.) After explaining to the client that a fat-controlled diet is necessary to
help alleviate the client’s high cholesterol levels, the client asks the
nurse to provide an example of a breakfast that would satisfy all with
the fat restriction. Which of the following would be an appropriate
example of a breakfast for the nurse to give the client?
- egg-white omelet with broccoli, a plain bagel with a tablespoon of
honey, two slices of cantaloupe, and a cup of coffee with fat-free
61.) The physician notified the nurse that the client is suffering from
congestive heart failure and is presenting with edema. The nurse is
then notified that diuretics will be prescribed to aid in the excretion of
water and sodium, in order to alleviate the client’s edema. The nurse
must advise the client that a potential side effect of diuretics is _______,
and this can be addressed by the client by consuming ______.
- a loss of potassium; fruits and vegetables
62.) The client asks the nurse to identify some examples of products that
often have sodium added to them and to describe the purpose of adding
sodium, so the client can increase awareness of foods to avoid in a
sodium-restricted diet. One accurate example that can be provided by
the nurse is:
- Baking powder, which is used to leaven quick breads and cakes
63.) The nurse is aware that the client has been prescribed a 2-gram sodium-
restricted diet, and it is necessary to provide the client with an example
of a dinner that would satisfy the diet requirements. Which of the
following examples of a dinner would be appropriate for the nurse to
give to a client on a sodium-restricted diet? Please select the best
- glass of fat-free milk, fresh salad with oil, vinegar and unsalted
nuts, fresh fish with lemon juice, and rice.
64.) The nurse is evaluating an adult client for metabolic syndrome in order
to assess the risk for cardiovascular disease. The client is concerned
about his obese child as well. Which of these risk factors that the adult
client may demonstrate would also be a risk factor for a child? Select
all that apply.
- Blood pressure of 138/88mmHg
- Blood pressure of 142/85mmHg
- High LDL
65.) A client suffered a myocardial infarction 24 hours ago but is now able
to consume a low-cholesterol-low-sodium diet. Which of the following
dietary modifications could the nurse suggest that would increase the
client’s comfort after a myocardial infarction? Select all that apply.
- Avoid foods that are hard to digest
- Avoid foods that are too hot
- Avoid roughage
66.) The client tells the nurse that the physician advised the client to restrict
the amount of sodium consumed to help control the client’s
hypertension. The client thinks it would be best to simply consume no
sodium or sodium containing foods. What would be the most
appropriate way for the nurse to respond to the client’s statement?
Please choose the best answer.
- Notify the client that it is impossible to have a diet totally free of
67.) The client tells the nurse that the doctor has put him on a sodium-
restricted diet that would allow him to consume 2 grams of sodium per
day. Assuming the client consumes the average amount of sodium
consumed by U.S. adults, how many grams of sodium must the client
restrict per day in order to satisfy the prescribed sodium-restricted diet?
68.) The client notifies the nurse that the physician prescribed a diet for
hyperlipidemia that would restrict the client’s percentage of calories
from fats to the maximum recommended by the American Heart
Association. Assuming the client consumes an average U.S. diet, what
percentage of decrease in calories from fats must the nurse say the
client needs to incorporate into his/her daily diet?
69.) The nurse is assessing a client who is overweight and whose weight has
been steadily increasing over the last year. The nurse estimates this
client’s total energy needs to be 1800 calories a day. What energy deficit
will the nurse say the client must achieve each day to lose 1 pound a
70.) The nurse is teaching a group of parents about child nutrition. The
nurse says that children between the ages of 1-4 should have 3 servings
of vegetables each day. Stated in tablespoons, what is the serving size
of vegetables for a 3-year-old child?
71.) A client has recently been diagnosed with Type I diabetes and asks the
nurse for help formulating a nutrition plan. Which of the following
recommendations would the nurse make to help the client increase
calorie consumption to offset absorption problems?
- Eating small meals with two or three snacks may be more helpful
in maintaining blood glucose levels than three large meals.
72.) When a client learned that the symptoms of diabetes were caused by
high levels of blood glucose the client decided to stop eating
carbohydrates. In this instance, the nurse would be concerned that the
client would develop what complication?
73.) The doctor is interested in how well a client has controlled their blood
glucose since their last visit. What lab values could the nurse evaluate
to determine how well the client has controlled their blood glucose over
the past three months?
- hbgA1c
74.) A client recently decided to undertake the exchange diet, and for
breakfast chooses a large (4 oz) bagel. How many starch exchanges
would the nurse tell the client this bagel contains?
75.) The client tells the nurse that the client really misses having sugar with
tea in the morning. What is an alternative that the nurse could advise
them to help sweeten their drink?
76.) During a teaching session, the nurse tells the client that 50% to 60% of
daily calories should come from carbohydrates. What should the nurse
say about the types of carbohydrates that can be eaten?
- Try to limit simple sugars to between 10% and 20% of daily
77.) A client comes to the nurse and expresses concern that they may have
diabetes. What signs and symptoms would the nurse, look for in this
client? Select all that apply.
- The client complaints of changes in vision
- The client complaints of frequent headaches
- The client exhibits weight loss despite excessive hunger and
- The client has to go to the bathroom frequently
78.) The client, an otherwise healthy teenager has recently been
diagnosed with type I diabetes. The client has recently started using the
pump for his insulin and is worried he won’t be able to eat at regular
times as a result of his busy schedule. What symptoms should the
nurse advise this client to look for? Select all that apply.
79.) The nurse is educating a pregnant client who has gestational
diabetes. Which of the following statements should the nurse make to
the client? Select all that apply.
- Cakes, candies, cookies, and regular soft drinks should be
- Gestational diabetes increases the risk that the mother will
develop diabetes later in life.
- Gestational diabetes usually resolves after the baby is born.
- Insulin injections may be necessary.
80.) The public health nurse is giving a lecture at the local community
center about risk factors for type 2 diabetes. What ethnic groups will
the nurse say can predispose one to developing type 2 diabetes?
81.) After becoming aware that the client has hyperlipidemia, the nurse
educates the client on medical nutrition therapy designed to improve
the condition. The nurse explains to the client that this treatment
involves a restriction of fats in the diet, and that foods such as ______
should be included, while foods such as ______ should be avoided.
- pita bread and peanut oils; blue cheese and cream soups
82.) After explaining to the client that a fat-controlled diet is necessary to
help alleviate the client’s high cholesterol levels, the client asks the
nurse to provide an example of a breakfast that would satisfy all with
the fat restriction. Which of the following would be an appropriate
example of a breakfast for the nurse to give the client?
- egg-white omelet with broccoli, a plain bagel with a tablespoon of
honey, two slices of cantaloupe, and a cup of coffee with fat-free
83.) The physician notified the nurse that the client is suffering from
congestive heart failure and is presenting with edema. The nurse is then
notified that diuretics will be prescribed to aid in the excretion of water
and sodium, in order to alleviate the client’s edema. The nurse must
advise the client that a potential side effect of diuretics is _______, and
this can be addressed by the client by consuming ______.
- a loss of potassium; fruits and vegetables
84.) The client asks the nurse to identify some examples of products that
often have sodium added to them and to describe the purpose of adding
sodium, so the client can increase awareness of foods to avoid in a
sodium-restricted diet. One accurate example that can be provided by
the nurse is:
- Baking powder, which is used to leaven quick breads and cakes
85.) The nurse is aware that the client has been prescribed a 2-gram
sodium-restricted diet, and it is necessary to provide the client with an
example of a dinner that would satisfy the diet requirements. Which of
the following examples of a dinner would be appropriate for the nurse
to give to a client on a sodium-restricted diet? Please select the best
- glass of fat-free milk, fresh salad with oil, vinegar and unsalted
nuts, fresh fish with lemon juice, and rice.
86.) The nurse is evaluating an adult client for metabolic syndrome in
order to assess the risk for cardiovascular disease. The client is
concerned about his obese child as well. Which of these risk factors that
the adult client may demonstrate would also be a risk factor for a child?
Select all that apply.
- Blood pressure of 138/88 mmHG
- Blood pressure of 142/85 mmHG
- High LDL
87.) A client suffered a myocardial infarction 24 hours ago but is now
able to consume a low- cholesterol-low-sodium diet. Which of the
following dietary modifications could the nurse suggest that would
increase the client’s comfort after a myocardial infarction? Select all
that apply.
- Avoid foods that are hard to digest
- Avoid foods that are too hot
- Avoid roughage
88.) The client tells the nurse that the physician advised the client to
restrict the amount of sodium consumed to help control the client’s
hypertension. The client thinks it would be best to simply consume no
sodium or sodium containing foods. What would be the most
appropriate way for the nurse to respond to the client’s statement?
Please choose the best answer.
- Notify the client that it is impossible to have a diet totally free of
89.) A client with chronic renal failure who is not receiving dialysis is
suffering from uremia. What nutrient will the nurse tell this client to
limit in an attempt to control the uremia?


90.) The nurse at the dialysis clinic notes when she reviews a client’s
labs that the labs indicated hyperkalemia. She makes a note to make
sure the client is adhering to all dietary restrictions. Of the following
possibilities, which might the nurse ask about?

91.) The nurse is assessing a dialysis patient who is asking to receive
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) instead of
hemodialysis. Which of the following complications of CAPD will the
nurse review with the client? Select all that apply.


92.) The nurse is calculating the protein requirement for a client who is
switching from peritoneal dialysis to hemodialysis. The client is 5’5” tall
and weighs 140 pounds. How many grams of protein does this client
need per day?

- 64 TO 76

93.) The nurse is assessing an otherwise healthy client with renal

disease. The client is taking several supplements that are not indicated
for clients who have renal disease. Which of the following will the nurse
think should be discontinued? Select all that apply.




94.) The diet order for a client receiving hemodialysis is written as 80-
3-3. When the nurse explains the diet to the client, which of the
following will be included in the teaching? Select all that apply.

- 80 grams of protein are allowed per day

- Potassium is restricted to 3 grams a day

- Sodium is restricted to 3 grams per day

95.) The nurse is educating a client who recently had a kidney
transplant about the dietary changes that will be necessary. Which of
the following statements could the nurse make to the client? Select all
that apply.

- Additional calcium may be needed

- Carbohydrates may be restricted

- Extra protein may be needed

- Fats may be limited

- Protein may be restricted

- Sodium may be restricted

96.) The nurse is educating the client about diet after the client was
treated for calcium oxalate renal stones. The nurse tells the client about
foods that should be avoided to reduce the risk of development of future
renal stones. Which of the following foods could the nurse tell the client
to avoid? Select all that apply.




97.) A client has recently been diagnosed with dyspepsia, and after
discussion about the underlying reasons, the nurse found that the
client has been stressed at work and at home. Based on this
information, the nurse would suggest that the cause of the dyspepsia is
______ in nature, and perhaps the best way to resolve the dyspepsia
would be to _____________.

- psychological; find relief from the underlying stress

98.) A client has recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, so they
have a high sensitivity to gluten. The client learns that the treatment is
consumption of a gluten-free diet but is not exactly sure what kinds of
foods are gluten-free. The client asks the nurse to provide an example
of a gluten-free dinner. Which of the following responses is appropriate?

- Fish seasoned with salt and pepper, fresh mixed vegetables, and
wild rice with a glass of soda

99.) A client has recently undergone intestinal surgery and will be on a

low-residue diet during recovery. The client asks the nurse to provide
an example of a breakfast that would fit in a low residue diet. Which of
the following meals would the nurse say is most appropriate for this

- Scrambled eggs seasoned with salt, a ripe banana, and white toast
with margarine with a cup of coffee with sugar
100.) A client with a gastrointestinal problem has recently been given a
new diet and is quite uncomfortable with it. If the client refuses to eat
for the most part, what would be the most appropriate thing for the
nurse to do in order to make the client more likely to eat?

- Show the client respect and understanding while helping the

client learn what they should eat and why.

101.) A client who has been diagnosed with pancreatitis is now ready
for oral feedings but must follow a low-fiber diet. The client asks the
nurse to provide an example of a low-fiber dinner. Which of the following
examples would be the most appropriate for the nurse to give this

- A ground beef patty with skinless mashed potatoes, canned pears

and a glass of diet soda.

102.) A client has been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, and after being
on a low-residue diet for a while, the client is now ready to try a regular
diet. The client is not sure what to expect in this new diet after becoming
used to liquid and low-residue diets, so the client asks the nurse what
the diet will consist of each day. Which of the following responses would
be appropriate? Select all that apply.




103.) A hospitalized client has been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. At
discharge, the nurse teaching the client about what foods may
exacerbate he condition. Which of the following foods would the nurse
say are irritants to the esophagus?




104.) A 72 kg client with a peptic ulcer asks the nurse what changes
should be made in their diet in order to alleviate the problem. The nurse
notes that there is no bleeding associated with the peptic ulcer. Knowing
that the client needs sufficient protein, but not an excess of protein, the
nurse calculates the client’s daily protein need. How much protein will
the nurse say the client needs to consume each day?

- 57.6 GRAMS

105.) The nurse is educating a client who has advanced cirrhosis of the
liver about the appropriate diet for this condition. The client weighs 70
kg. What will the nurse say is the minimum number of daily calories
that should come from carbohydrates?

- 875
106.) A client who has atherosclerosis is told they need to begin a high-
fiber diet. The client asks the nurse how many more grams of dietary
fiber must be consumed each day in order to satisfy the minimum
requirements of a high fiber diet. Assuming the client consumes an
average U.S. diet, how much more fiber per day would the nurse tell the
client should be eaten in order to satisfy the minimum requirements of
a high-fiber diet?

- 14 GRAMS

107.) A cancer client is having trouble eating and has not kept up with
the prescribed diet for a week. The nurse wants to help the client
increase quantity and quality of eating. Which strategy would be most
beneficial for the nurse to use to help the client improve eating habits?

- Encourage the client to eat foods they enjoy, and attempt to get
their family and friends to bring some of those foods to them

108.) A client who was recently diagnosed with cancer is curious as to

what to expect in regard to diet. The client is expecting to be told to
reduce caloric intake because of the cancer but is not sure why. The
nurse should respond to this expectation by saying it is _____ because


- Inaccurate; the client will need an increased caloric intake

because of a higher metabolic rate and loss of nutrients due to the
109.) After undergoing multiple treatments for cancer, the client begins
to describe some side effects to the nurse. Knowing that the treatment
underwent by the client was ______, the nurse would most likely expect
the side effects described by the client to be _____________________.

- Radiation; tooth decay and tooth loss

110.) A client who has previously been diagnosed with cancer and who
has been undergoing treatment is now concerned about problems with
tasting foods. The client states this problem to the nurse, who
subsequently describes to the client that there are many changes in
taste that can be associated with cancer. Therefore, the nurse told the
client that it was necessary to specify the change in taste in order to
determine the potential cause. If the client described the problem as
_______, the nurse would likely tell the client that this change was due
to __________.

- Experiencing a metallic taste when eating chicken; chemotherapy

111.) After being asked about the relationship between food and cancer,
the nurse illustrates the importance of the notion of moderation to the
client’s diet in order to help prevent risk of cancer. Which of the
following statements would be most appropriate for the nurse to say to
the client in regard to moderation in their diet?

- It is important to consume all types of food in moderation,

including potentially carcinogenic as well as vitamin-rich foods
112.) A client who has recently been screened for cancer is nervous
about how their diet might be associated with cancer risk. The client
asks the nurse what in their diet might be associated with cancer, one
example the nurse could provide might be _____, which are associated
with _______________.

- high volumes of calories; cancers of the gall bladder

113.) After being notified about the need for nine or more servings of
fruits and vegetables each day, the cancer client asks the nurse why so
many fruits and vegetables are needed in the diet. Which of the following
reasons would be appropriate for the nurse to give to the client? Select
all that apply.

- Fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, which are thought

to be anticarcinogenic agents

- Some fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin-C, which may

protect against cancers of the stomach and esophagus

- Some vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin-A, which may

protect against cancers of the lung, bladder, and larynx
114.) A client who has cancer has not been eating the appropriate
quantities of calories or nutrients for a while because of an aversion to
food that came with chemotherapy treatments. Over time, the client has
become malnourished, and the client’s dietician has come up with a
new diet to combat this. If the nurse recently weighed the client as 68
kilograms, how many grams of protein per day maximum should the
nurse expect to provide the client in order to provide energy and spare
protein for tissue building and the immune system?

- 136

115.) The nurse is determining how much protein a post-surgical client

requires. Which of the following would be an appropriate amount of
protein for the nurse to recommend for the post-surgical client?
- 80 to 100 GRAMS
116.) The nurse is caring for a client who will receive enteral nutrition
through a PEG tube. The client also has a condition that inhibits
digestion and absorption of nutrients. What type of enteral nutrition
formula will the nurse select for this client?
117.) A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving enteral nutrition via
a nasogastric tube at a rate of 50ml/hour over 24 hours. The nurse
notes that the client is also now receiving the drug phenytoin. The nurse
notes that there is a food drug interaction with this drug. How will the
nurse alter the client’s feeding to avoid the food-drug interaction?
- Stop the tube feeding for an hour before the drug is administered
until an hour after.
118.) A client who is been receiving enteral nutrition now has
pneumonia. What nutrition related complication would the nurse say
could be related to development of pneumonia in this client?
- Aspiration of formula from the feeding tube.
119.) The nurse is caring for a client with serious burns who is unable
to eat. What would the nurse do to ensure the client is getting adequate
nutrition? Select the best answer.
- Assess the client and immediately begin either tube feeding or
parenteral feeding as appropriate.
120.) The nurse assesses a client with AIDS and finds the client’s
temperature is 2 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. The nurse knows
that this client will need more calories because fever increases the basal
metabolic rate (BMR). The nurse would calculate that this client’s BMR
is increased by what percent over normal?
- 14%
121.) A client is scheduled to have surgery in 4 weeks, and it was
determined that the nutritional status of the client needs to be
improved. Which of the following nutrients would the nurse identify as
being of particular concern for a client about to have surgery? Select all
that apply
122.) Twenty minutes after eating a meal, a gastric surgery client begins
to experience dizziness, cramps, and vomiting. The nurse recognizes
the symptoms of dumping syndrome and recommends the client avoid
which of the following foods? Select all that apply.
123.) The visiting nurse is caring for a client who has AIDS. At the
nurse’s most recent visit, the nurse notices that the client has lost
weight and discerns that the client is experiencing anorexia. The nurse
knows there are several issues that could cause anorexia in a client
with AIDS. Which of the following would the nurse say could be causing
the client’s loss of appetite? Select all that apply.
124.) A client who weighed 80 kilograms was given an intravenous
solution that contained 500 calories immediately after surgery. This
was the client’s only calorie intake for the following 24-hour period. The
nurse estimates the client’s daily energy needs to be 40 calories per kg
of body weight. What will the nurse determine the client’s energy deficit
to be for the 24 hours post-surgery?

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