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- Every day, many Filipinos die from heart disease and cancer while many are suffering from
diabetes, arthritis, and respiratory disorders. That is why it is essential that at a young age,
everyone should be informed about the risks of these dreaded NCDs and how to prevent them.

- . These conditions develop gradually over the lifetime of the person. Pain and other symptoms
usually manifest when the person is in their 40s or 50s. The choices and behavior that teenagers
and young adults make sets the tone whether they would develop these conditions later in life.

- These diseases are greatly affected by vices like smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption, and
having no physical exercise, especially for older people.

- For example, the changes in eating habits led to higher incidents of cancers in the lungs, breast,
prostate, endometrium and colon. Countries with low sugar, little meat, and high starch
consumption on the other hand, have lower incidence of related NCDs.


benzene(causes leukemia),

formaldehyde (used for embalming).

CILia – Hair in the lungs that will purify the that goes in and out in our lungs.

. Tar/nicotine build-up disrupts clearing process of the lungs and ruins air sacs

- Nicotine makes the the users addictive,

. Nicotine makes the heart beat fast, brings lightheadedness, and upset stomach.

CARBON - Thus, smokers have higher risks of having cardiovascular diseases like angina and heart

Kinds of tabcco smoke

1st -  Inhaling mainstream smoke increases the risk of lung cancer and may increase the risk of other
types of cancer. Inhaling it also increases the risk of other health problems, such as heart disease and
lung disease.

2nd - Secondhand smoke is what you inhale accidentally (called passive


but breathing secondhand smoke can affect your health.

 It has more harmful toxins than mainstream smoke that someone breathes

 Cardiovascular (heart, veins and arteries) disease like high blood

pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke.
 Lung problems like chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
(COPD) and asthma.
 Increased risks of lung cancer and cancers in the brain, bladder,
stomach, breast and more.
 Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to

Frequent coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath or other breathing


 Frequent ear infections.

 Frequent and more severe asthma attacks.
 Respiratory infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia.
 Damage to eyes (like cataracts) and teeth (like tooth decay).
 Learning and behavior problems.

 greater risk of damage from secondhand smoke

1. Service industry workers, such as restaurant servers and bartenders

2. Pregnant women:  Secondhand smoke affects unborn children and their

mothers. Lower amounts of oxygen available for the baby can increase fetal
heart rates or lower the birth weight. Women may experience
miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery or ectopic pregnancy.
Can inhalation of secondhand smoke be treated?
There is no treatment for breathing in secondhand smoke. But there are
ways to manage your exposure and treat conditions related to
secondhand smoke inhalation.

If you are regularly near secondhand smoke, you can reduce the danger by:

 Moving away from the smoker and finding a smoke-free place.

 Making sure guests to your home know they cannot smoke inside.
 Not letting passengers smoke in your car — even with the window
What if someone in my family smokes?

Often, secondhand smoke exposure happens because someone in the family

or a close friend smokes tobacco products. If this is the case, suggest
they quit smoking for their health and yours.

If you smoke, remember that your burning tobacco affects others around
you. You could be making family members sick. If you are not ready to quit,
find ways to reduce their exposure to secondhand smoke, such as smoking
only outside.
How far do you have to be to not get second hand smoke?
Secondhand smoke odor is detectable at 23 feet from the source and irritation levels began 13
feet from the source. Furthermore, anyone positioned downwind from an outdoor source of
secondhand smoke will be exposed, even at significant distances from the source.

3rd – RISK - ncreasing their risk of developing certain cancers, such as lung cancer ,
and other chronic diseases like asthma .
Thirdhand smoke and children

but children are the most vulnerable because of their exposure to surfaces and

Reduce your risk of thirdhand smoke

It can stick around for weeks, months or years. The best way to reduce your risk
is to be in a smoke-free environment and to avoid places where smoking occurs.

Here are some additional tips that can lower the risk:

 Regularly wash and clean hard surfaces and toys, upholstery and fabrics and
 When moving to a new home, ask about the smoking history of potential
 Don’t take in hand-me-down furniture unless you know it came from a smoke-
free home.
 When converting a smoke-filled home to a smoke-free home, start by replacing
carpeting (and padding), curtains, blinds and window coverings. Thoroughly
wash walls and ceilings and repaint walls with several coats. Clean out
ventilation ducts and replace filters.

Risk one: E-cigarettes don’t make it easier to quit smoking

many smokers who used vaping as a smoking cessation aid ended up using both,”
Dr. Corban said.

Is third hand smoke worse than smoking?

Summary: Do not smoke and do not allow yourself to be exposed to smoke because second-hand
smoke and third-hand smoke are just as deadly as first-hand smoke, say scientists who conducted
the first animal study of the effects of third-hand smoke.
“Children living in homes with smokers are at the highest risk since they may crawl
on the floor, touch their parents’ clothing or hair and other household objects and
surfaces,” Dr. Bixby said.

Adults who don’t smoke but live with those who do are also at much higher risk for
thirdhand smoke exposure.

WHY do people start smoking?

1. Parental role model

2. adolescence experimentation and rebellion

3. Depression

4. Limited Education

5. Weight control

6. Aggressive marketing

7. Stress

8. Addiction

Why do People Keep Smoking?

1. Pleasure

2. Fear of Gain Weight

3. Nicotine Dependent

4. Use of other substance(use by alcohol or drugs)


Poor dietary habit is about not eating enough healthy food.

Underconsumption and overconsumption of unhealthy food and drinks and intake of low-fiber, . sigh-fat
high salt, and high-sugar food are all part of poor dietary habits that affect the amount of essential
nutrients in the body such as vitamins, minerals, protein, , as well as fluid
Eating only for the reason to be with peers is unhealthy Eating to overcome the feeling of rejection,
depression, or anciety is unhealthy as well. Eating to cope with feelings may be detrimental and lead
eating disorders

What are the reasons of developing unhealthy eating?

- Learning from parents and guardians without healthy eating habits

- A family not having meals together
- Uninform about healthy eating
- Busy schedule
- Too much traveling
- Lack of desire to eat healthy foods
- Poverty
- Extreme emotional Conditions


DID YOU know.

1. An adult should complete A minimum of 180 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous
regiment once a week

2. walking 10,000 steps a day (appropriately 5 miles) is the ideal goal for improving health and reducing
the health risk caused by inactivity.

CD types

Arteriosclerosis - Risk factors may include high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood
pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity, physical activity, and eating saturated fats.

What are the 3 main causes of atherosclerosis?

 High blood pressure.
 High cholesterol.
 High triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in the blood.
 Smoking or chewing tobacco.
 Diabetes.
 Insulin resistance.
 Obesity.
 Inflammation from an unknown cause or from diseases such as arthritis, lupus, psoriasis
or inflammatory bowel disease
Atherosclerosis is an inflammation process that results in fatty lesions. Arteriosclerosis causes the
hardening of the arterial wall, resulting in a loss of elasticity and distensibility.

What is meant by coronary heart disease?

Coronary heart disease is the term that describes what happens when your heart's blood
supply is blocked or interrupted by a build-up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries.
Over time, the walls of your arteries can become furred up with fatty deposits.

What is the best treatment for coronary artery disease?

Treatment for coronary artery disease usually involves lifestyle changes such as not
smoking, eating healthy and exercising more.
HEART ATTACk - happens when a part of the heart muscle doesn't get enough blood. The more
time that passes without treatment to restore blood flow, the greater the damage to the heart muscle.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the main cause of heart attack.

Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few
minutes, or goes away and comes back.

There are 3 main steps you can take to help prevent a heart attack (as well as stroke): eat a
healthy, balanced diet. do not smoke. try to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.
: Drink at least five glasses of water every day to lower your risk for heart disease. To
reduce risk of Stroke.

How do I know if I'm having a heart attack?

chest pain – a feeling of pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across your chest.
pain in other parts of the body – it can feel as if the pain is spreading from your chest to
your arms (usually the left arm, but it can affect both arms), jaw, neck, back and tummy.
feeling lightheaded or dizzy. sweating.

What to do if you or someone else may be having a heart attack

 Call 911 or your local emergency number. ...
 Chew and swallow an aspirin while waiting for emergency help. ...
 Take nitroglycerin, if prescribed. ...
 Begin CPR if the person is unconscious.

What causes angina pectoris?

 Anything that causes your heart muscle to need more blood or oxygen
supply can result in angina. Risk factors include physical activity, emotional
stress, extreme cold and heat, heavy meals, drinking excessive alcohol, and
cigarette smoking.

Is angina attack a heart attack?

Angina is chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles.
It's not usually life threatening, but it's a warning sign that you could be at risk of a
heart attack or stroke. With treatment and healthy lifestyle changes, it's possible to
control angina and reduce the risk of these more serious problems.

, a heart attack is an actual medical condition and angina is a symptom

Rheumatic fever - (acute rheumatic fever)

is a disease that can affect the heart, joints, brain, and skin. Rheumatic fever can develop if
strep throat, scarlet fever, and strep skin infections are not treated properly.

Which of the following are signs of rheumatic fever?

 sore and swollen joints (knees, elbows, ankles and wrists). ...
 an ongoing fever that lasts a few days.
 rash over the elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, and spine.
 small lumps under the skin.
 unusual jerky movements of hands, feet, tongue and face.

Symptoms of rheumatic fever

Starts with soarthroat.

redness, pain and swelling of your joints (arthritis), usually ankles, knees, wrists or
elbows. pain in your chest, breathlessness and a fast heart rate. jerky, uncontrollable
movements in your hands, feet and face.

Why is rheumatic heart disease more common in children?

Rheumatic fever occurs more often in children between ages 5 and 15. This is more of
a risk if they have had frequent cases of strep throat. Poor access to medical care is a
risk factor for rheumatic heart disease as strep infections are more likely to be missed
and go untreated.

Heart Rhythm abnormalities/arrythmia-

- Caffeine is a natural stimulant most commonly found in tea, coffee, and cacao plants. It
works by stimulating the brain and central nervous ...
- when the electrical signals that coordinate the heart's beats don't work properly. 


Although caffeine use may be safe for adults, it's not a good idea for children. Adolescents
and young adults need to be cautioned about excessive caffeine intake and mixing caffeine with
alcohol and other drugs.

Is arrhythmia a serious heart condition?

While most arrhythmias are harmless, some can be serious or even life
threatening. When a heartbeat is too fast, too slow or irregular, the heart may not be
able to pump enough blood to the body. Arrhythmias can be associated with serious
symptoms that can affect your ability to function.

What are the warning signs of arrhythmia?

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Arrhythmia
 Fatigue or weakness.
 Dizziness or lightheadedness.
 Fainting or near-fainting spells.
 Rapid heartbeat or pounding in the chest.
 Shortness of breath and anxiety.
 Chest pain or pressure.
 In extreme cases, collapse and sudden cardiac arrest.

Heart failure - occurs when the heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should.
When this happens, blood often backs up and fluid can build up in the lungs, causing shortness
of breath.
What is the main cause of congestive heart failure?
The most common cause of congestive heart failure is coronary artery disease. Risk
factors for coronary artery disease include: high levels of cholesterol and/or triglyceride
in the blood.

What happens to a person with congestive heart failure?

Fluid buildup and reduced blood flow to your organs can lead to serious problems,
including: Breathing problems from fluid in and around your lungs (also called
congestive heart failure) Kidney or liver damage including cirrhosis.

CANCER - . Cancer is not contagious or caused by injuries or accidents.

One of the risk factors associated with cancer is unhealthy lifestyle. The most common types of cancer in
terms of incidence is breast cancer. lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer,

Tumors can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). 

Can a benign tumor turn cancerous?

Specific types of benign tumors can turn into malignant tumors. These are
monitored closely and may require surgical removal. For example, colon polyps
(another name for an abnormal mass of cells) can become malignant and are therefore
usually surgically removed.

A tumor is an abnormal collection of cells. It forms when cells multiply

more than they should or when cells don’t die when they should. A tumor
can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous).

 Carcinoma is cancer that forms in epithelial tissue.

Epithelial – is a type of body tissue that forms the covering on all internal and external surfaces
of your body

Lines body cavities and hallow organs and is major tissue in glands.s

Cancers of the skin, breast uterus, prostate, lung, stomach, colon, and rectum are examples of
Is sarcoma a serious cancer? Example SIS or excessive production of ligaments.

Soft tissue sarcoma is a serious illness that can be successfully treated if diagnosed

before it spreads. Overall, approximately 65% of adults treated for soft tissue sarcoma
are alive five years after treatment.

If the sarcoma is found at an early stage and has not spread from where it started,

Can be acquired or inherited before birth.

surgical treatment is often very effective and many people are cured.

However, if the sarcoma has spread to other parts of the body,

treatment can usually control the tumor but not cure it. Some sarcomas cannot be
removed using surgery.

Lymphatic cancer – can cause by radiation and certain types of chemical like benzene and some
agricultural chemicals

lymphatic system

is part of the immune system. It produces and releases lymphocytes (white

blood cells) and other immune cells that monitor and then destroy the foreign
invaders — such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi — that may
enter your body

lymphoma cancer symptoms- swelling of neck, armpit, or groin.

Not painless but some people find that will painfull.

Is leukemia can be cured?

As with other types of cancer, there's currently no cure for leukemia.

People with leukemia sometimes experience remission, a state after diagnosis and
treatment in which the cancer is no longer detected in the body. However, the cancer
may recur due to cells that remain in your body.

The 5-year survival rate for people age 20 and older is 40%. 
The 5-year survival rate for people under age 20 is 89%.

Recent advances in treatment have significantly lengthened the lives of people with ALL.
However, survival rates depend on several factors, including biologic features of the disease
and a person's age.

 Carcinoma: Cancer starts in epithelial tissue.

 Leukemia: Cancer starts in the bone marrow, where blood cells are
 Lymphoma: Cancer starts in the lymphatic system (ex., lymph
nodes, spleen, etc.).
 Sarcoma: Cancer starts in connective and supportive tissue (ex.,
muscle, bone, cartilage, etc.).

DIABETES - Many people produce sufficient amounts of insulin however, the tissues and cells develop a
resistance to the hormone which leads to impaired glucose uptake even if insulin is present. Diabetes
impairs several organs in the body, which causes kidney damage, blindness, and atherosclerosis.
There is no cure for diabetes.

With diabetes, your body doesn't make enough insulin or can't use it as well as it should.
When there isn't enough insulin or cells stop responding to insulin, too much blood
sugar stays in your bloodstream. Over time, that can cause serious health problems, such as
heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease.

INSULIN - a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the
amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.

Type 1 - This type of diabetes relies on daily insulin injections and follows a special diet it usually
occurs in children and young adults

- This reaction destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, called beta cells. This
process can go on for months or years before any symptoms appear.
Type 2 - This type of diabetes is manageable through oral medication and a lifestyle based on diet
and exercise programs, Symptoms are usually not very obvious and may go undetected for many

What is a difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

The main difference between the type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 diabetes is a
genetic condition that often shows up early in life, and type 2 is mainly lifestyle-
related and develops over time.

With type 1 diabetes, your immune system is attacking and destroying the
insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.

GESTATIONAL DIABETES -Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop
during pregnancy in women who don't already have diabetes.

What happens if a pregnant woman has gestational diabetes?

Diabetes that is not well controlled causes the baby's blood sugar to be high. The
baby is “overfed” and grows extra-large. Besides causing discomfort to the woman
during the last few months of pregnancy, an extra-large baby can lead to problems
during delivery for both the mother and the baby.

COPD-  asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis,

pneumonia, and lung cancer.

COPD - can be life threatening and may lead to death if not detected and cured early.

1. EAT healthy Do not eat food with too much sugar or fat, or dine in at fast food. Est desserts and
delicacies in moderation.



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