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Chapter I


ESSU Can-avid Faculty Workload Scheduling System is a capstone project

that provides a time in every instructors which they spent less to find where there

classes are. Every 1st and 2nd Semester or Summer of the school year that must have

their own class schedule. This project will help all faculty in ESSU Can-avid Campus

to less effort in searching their schedules.

Class scheduling system are extremely important for a variety of reasons. This

will ensure that no teachers is scheduled for too many subjects or for two classes by

the same time. This Class scheduling allows students to know exactly when a specific

subject is scheduled. A well-constructed time schedule establishes a natural rhythm

and routine, which can be comforting to both teachers and students.

An Instructor scheduling with mandated period lengths, and specific subjects

for each period helps administrators allocate sufficient resources to the most

important curriculum areas. Curriculum should be organized so that the most

important subjects are at optimal times of the day.

This system is smartly designed to reduce confusion for teachers, allows them

to set for their routines and creates comfort during the first two weeks of school when

classroom management is critical.

This system is auto generated that can eliminate redundancy, can be updated

for the convenience of the user,


The most important reason for creating this Class scheduling, is to develop a

routine for all students and teachers. Just as teachers must develop a routine for their

students to build a class structure. Administrators must use the school time scheduling

to delineate exactly when and where students go to class and when teachers are

scheduling to teach.


This study aimed to, Develop instructors class schedule in ESSU can-avid


1. To expedite scheduling in every department. This is also capable of

providing class schedule for instructors based on their specialization and

available time before the class start.

2. And also to design an effective and reliable class schedules. And will

utilize student’s crowd in each rooms. This system will be using GUI and

must test and improve the system primarily based on users requirements.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem in manual scheduling are:

o Consume long time and high effort to generate

o inconsistency in data entry, room errors, miskeying information

o conflict of teachers time schedule

Significance of the study


This study was made to find out that in using of Scheduling System will lessen

the time for the transaction and searching their schedule of their classes. This study

will benefit the following:

1. Professor of Eastern Samar State University (ESSU) Can-avid.

2. Help Students to search or find out what are their schedule of their classes for

the whole semester.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focused on Class Scheduling of every Instructors of Eastern Samar

State University Can-avid Campus during the 1st semester and 2nd semester of every

school year. The result of the study is applicable only to the respondents of this study

and should not be used by other campuses and students who do not belong in ESSU

Can-avid Campus.

The implementation of this program will be directed by these challenges, will

be discussed, analyse and improved through its own limitation. The perspective of the

respondents will be studied and analysed to determine the reliability and affectivity of

the proposed system.


This part will emphasize the areas covered by the proposed system to all

faculties in Eastern Samar State University Can-avid Campus and the scope of the

system’s capabilities. The study will also discuss the services that offered by the use

of the proposed system.


The propose system will provide an alternative and easier way of planning and

creating class schedules for interface computer college, it also eliminates the

difficulties in using the existing system which is manual scheduling.


This part will discuss the proposed system’s limitation.

All system has boundaries and limitation capabilities in doing a task. The

system is proposed only to a certain educational institute.

Definition of terms

The research of the study concentrate mainly on the problem encountered by

faculty and students of Eastern Samar State University Can-avid when it comes to

making subjects & teacher schedules. The program would be developed using

Microsoft visual studio 2015 & SQL Server management. This system runs at least

under windows 10, it also focuses on developing database which can be used in

applying safety procedures in certain files. It provides the subject schedules of all

faculties in every department. It also includes login security with two users’ faculty

and staff.

Computer – an electronic device that accepts, processes, stores, and outputs data at

high speeds according to programmed instructions

Data – Collection of new facts necessary for the study.

Faculty/ Instructors – A person who is employed at the Eastern Samar State

University Can-avid campus or a university teacher who teaches a skill.


Microsoft Visual Basic .Net – An application used to design the GUI and used for

programming of the proposed system.

Process/Transaction - means a sequence of information exchange and related work

(such as database updating) that is treated as a unit for the purposes of satisfying are

guest and for ensure of database integrity.

Proposed System – A system designed by the researcher to enhance if not totally

replace the existing system and is presumed to completely revolutionize or change the

old system.

Routine - a practice of regularly doing things in fixed orders.

Scheduler - program that arrange time of all faculty in every classes or a computers

operations into an appropriate sequence.


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