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ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES -used to make shirts look whiter than white in daylight.
-produces vitamin D and gives tanning effect.

Ultraviolet is an EM radiation with wavelength shorter
than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays.
Ultraviolet simply means "beyond light", in this case the
visible type that us humans can see.
It is also called "black light" due to it being invisible.
Sunburn (erythema)
-is redness of the skin, which is due to increased blood
flow in the skin caused by dilatation of the superficial
blood vessels in the dermis as a result of exposure to UV
- refers to delayed pigmentation of the skin, or melanin
Premature aging of the skin
- encompasses a number of clinical signs that reflect
Our main source of UV radiation is the sun, but there are structural changes in the dermis
also artificial sources of UV radiation. It is also Eye problems
produced by electric arcs and specialized lights, such as - Corneal damage, cataracts, and macular degeneration
mercury vapor lamp, black light, tanning lamp are all possible chronic effects from UV exposure and
can ultimately lead to blindness
UVA rays- age skin cells and can damage their DNA - Melanoma, a type of skin cancer, can also develop
-these rays are linked to long-term skin damage such as within the eye
wrinkles, but they are also thought to play a role in some Suppression of the immune system
skin cancers - resulting from exposure to UV radiation is believed to
UVB rays- have slightly more energy than UVA rays be an important contributor to the development of non-
-they can damage skin cells’ DNA directly, and are the melanoma skin cancers
main rays that cause sunburns. Skin cancer
UVC rays- have more energy than the other types of UV - exposure to UV radiation is thought to be an important
rays, but they don’t get through our atmosphere and are factor for cancers as it induces DNA damage
not in sunlight UVA rays- Most tanning beds give off large amounts of
UVA, which has been found to increase skin cancer risk.
DISCOVERY UVB rays- They can damage skin cells’ DNA directly,
-1801 and are the main rays that cause sunburns. They are also
thought to cause most skin cancers.
-Johann Wilhelm Ritter UVC rays- They are not normally a cause of skin cancer
(German Physicist) for they cannot reach our atmosphere.

-conducted an experiment to
investigate the existence of
energy beyond the violet end of
the visible spectrum.
- he called the “oxidizing rays”
to emphasize chemical reactivity
and to distinguish them from heat waves.

There are various uses of UV Rays

-sensitive documents include UV watermark that is only
seen under UV-emitting light.
Crime Investigation
-used to locate body fluids just like semen and saliva. UV 2019- PCSHS
Sterilizing Water
-used in sterilizing water for it kills living cells.

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