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Formation of natural gas

1. Inside the sun, hydrogen turns into helium. This process gives out a
huge amount of energy.

Some reaches the Earth as sunlight.

2. Tiny plants floating in the ocean trap sunlight. They store the energy
in sugar (glucose) inside them.

Plants die and are buried under sediment. Slowly, over millions of
years, they break down to form gas.

Energy that was stored in the plants is now stored in the gas.

We pipe out gas and burn it as a fuel for cooking and warming our

Formation of oil

1. Inside the sun, hydrogen turns into helium. This process gives out a
huge amount of energy.

Some reaches the Earth as sunlight.

2. Tiny plants floating in the ocean trap sunlight. They store the energy
in sugar (glucose) inside them.
3. Sea creatures feed on the plants and take in the stored energy.

They die and are buried under sediment. Slowly, over millions of
years, their soft parts turn to oil.

Energy that was stored in their bodies is now stored in the oil.

We pump out oil and turn it into petrol. We burn this as a fuel to
make cars move.

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