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WORDLIST – LEVEL 1 – 3.10- 7.10.


Family & Friends 1 (Unit 3

Lesson 4,5,6)


Maths (Chapter 3, lesson 3)

Making patterns
1. Different shapes: hình khác nhau
2. Different solids: hình khối khác nhau
3. Different colors: màu sắc khác nhau
4. Different sizes: kích thước khác nhau
Science (Chapter 4 - lesson 3)
Vocabulary Meaning
shelter Animals move around to find Nơi ẩn nấp
food, water and shelter.
escape Animals move to escape Trốn thoát khỏi
from danger. nguy hiểm
protect Animals can act to protect Bảo vệ

Cambridge – Topic
Place and Directions

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