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The decision to get into nursing was inspired by my mother,who is also a nurse.

opinion is that the greatest most important things come from family. One important
characteristic that you have to have in this profession is selfless love. Love for
life and love for all human beings . That is exactly what makes this job different
from any other job. The unselfish need that we have to help the patient and to make
his sometimes last moments the easiest and painless as we can. I work as an ICU
nurse and sometimes that is not the easiest place to be. What makes it worth it is
the knowledge that they see me as a friend or a family member. That is what make me
content and what keeps me going on the roughest days. My plans for the future are
to build myself,get more experience in this field and finish college. And the most
important thing-to be the best nurse I can be.

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