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Create a landing page for the event with all content

Required items:
● Description
● Poster/Banner
● Date and time
● How to join (Link or a way to send the link)
● Add to calendar option in event page
2. Share event on social media (from company page and personal profiles)
● CresMedia page
● TiE Lahore page
● Personal profiles (Shameel, Purnea, Irtza)
3. Ask guests to post on their social media (Provide guest with high quality material to post)
● Share the link of event in his post
● Share the poster and description so he can create a post
4. Send email invitations (If have or can build email list from linkedIn)
● Collect information about who to send invites (C-suite people, Directors, CEOs,
● Identify demographics
● Scrap for emails and create a list
● Draft a first email, then follow-up email, and last email to be sent out.
5. Share event in relevant LinkedIn groups
● Identify what kind of groups suit our niche and if they allow free promotion of
6. Promote event on Facebook and LinkedIn (LinkedIn recommended for professional
reach as compared to facebook)
● Identify and set target audience
● Add description and image to the ad
● Allocate budget
● Make it live

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