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Failure and success

How do you think can you achieve success without failure? I think that it is
impossible because failure is just a stepping stone to success. No one has
reached his goal without falling. One word is an addition to another word.
Success does not exist without failures. If you want to become a successful
person, you must work on yourself and go towards your goal without fear of
mistakes and difficulty. If you don’t believe me, I will represent some facts.
At the first, when we studied to walk, we all fell, but we got up and tried
again. Of course, we all don’t like failure because we think that is all.
Sometimes failure makes us perceive the goal as unrealistic and
unattainable, therefore, without hesitation, we abandon it. But we are
wrong. The best way to measure your progress is to count the number of
failures you have had. When failure overtakes you, it makes you stronger
and you know now where you made a mistake. It helps you prevent other
failures. Each mistake should be treated positively and to the maximum
benefit from it because it is a step to the top.
At the second, failures have their disadvantages. Mistakes can will draw the
wrong conclusions about our abilities. It destroys your self-confidence,
motivation and optimism. And, of course, it cause fears. But if you can
overcome it all, success awaits you.
In conclusion I would like to say that we should not be afraid of mistakes
and failures because it is the key to success, it is a test of strength. Or you
will pass it, or you will surrender.

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