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Word problems involving TIME are easy to handle like all other
word problems!

When solving the time related word,

keep in mind that 1 hour = 60 minutes

A few points to keep in mind while solving a word problem involving time.

It will be a lot easier for you if you know what you have to find out, e.g.

 Starting time
 Ending time
 Or the time duration

For example

Alice takes a cooking class every day. It’s a 3 hour long class which begins
at 2:00 pm. When does the class end?

Here, the starting time of the class is given i.e. 2:00 pm and also the duration
of the class which is 3 hours.

We have been asked to find the time when the class ends.

Its 5:00 pm after 3 hours are past

Its 5:00 pm
starting from 2:00pm.
after 3 hours
So, the class ends at 5:00pm

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