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Capstone Update #3
Before starting the winter break and during the winter break I want to try and complete the essay
for this capstone. A obstacle that I place during this week and might be during winter break
would taking some time out to work on the capstone. Other subjects assignments are coming up
and I think it would be difficult for me to work on this. But during this week I completed the
paragraphs that showcases what is the importance of accounting is and what really accounting
means. In the terms of mentor I still didn’t found one but so far my dad and my uncle really took
come Time out and helped he out.

Sources I found during the update:

Walker, Stephen P. “ACCOUNTING IN HISTORY.” The Accounting Historians Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, 2005,
pp. 233–59. JSTOR,

Giroux, Gary. “What Went Wrong? Accounting Fraud and Lessons from the Recent
Scandals.” Social Research, vol. 75, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1205–38. JSTOR,

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