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Howie Mandala came on the show “ Bell Let’s Talk”. And he talks about his mental health and an
awareness campaign. He talks about his long – hidden battle with obsessive – compulsive disorder.

A quote that really stuck out to me was “ Be accepting of mistakes, we’re all humans. There is a stigma
that exists where people would rather lie than admit to being human”. I fully believe that I am not
exempt from making errors. I am aware that I have made several poor decisions in the past about my
future. But I do my best not to make that choice again, though. I learned from this to always consider
thinking through before acting.

And the second quote that really stood out to me was, “ First and foremost, we’re all humans and we all
have an inner dialogue that we don’t always share.” really struck a chord with me. I chose this quotation
because I can really connect to it. I'm really hesitant to express how I'm feeling to people. I frequently
worry about what other people may think of me.

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