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First of all I would like to praise and thank God for His love and protection and

get me through many things in which I was able to attend the practical training at

Tambaza High School and also being able to prepare this report to be presented

for the assessment at the College of Business Education (CBE) Dar es salaam


I would like also to acknowledge the caring and conducive environment which I

got from Tambaza High School, I was well trained and given work same as other

workers which was in the Organization without any discrimination, also without

forgetting other department which we was cooperating together such as the

department of Accountancy, Registration department and others alike which all

enable me to obtain the intended objective for the entire six weeks of the

practical training.

Special thanks Head Master at Tambaza High School and the College of

Business Education for providing us with such a great learning opportunity

through which competence, exposure and confidence to work as Procurement

Officer has been developed.

I would like thank Mr. Hassan Mavulunza, MR. Luoga, Veneranda L Njahani,

Faraja Asukile, Rukaya Ibrahim, and all workers in this organization.

Thanks go to my family. Their support and flexibility allowed me to overcome a

number of obstacles including financial support they have given me throughout

the period of Field Training.

Lastly, I would like to thank Inocensia V Sekao, Eva P Kirenga, Rozina Mallya,

Athanasack L Mwendi, Ummy Junior and my friends for their support during

prepare this report..

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