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I do agree with the saying "not everyone is good at everything, but everyone is good at

something" based on my life experiences. If I can relate to the popular saying I would like to

describe myself because I am not good at everything, but I do excel in some things that have the

patience and desire to learn more about it. In this world, there are two types of people: those who

were born with naturally gifted talents and skills in everything, and those who were good at the

things we value most. Since no one is born perfect, everyone was born with different purposes,

characteristics, and life and has their uniqueness in everything. For example, like myself, I am

not good in terms of speaking eloquently but rather than I am good at expressing my thoughts

through my writing. In addition, I do well in athletics because I work hard, am committed, and

have the willingness to practice being good. As the years go by, I've come to realize that It is

okay to not be good at everything because no one is perfect, but instead of comparing ourselves

to others, we should strive to constantly do our best and value who we are as individuals.

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