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Saint Michael College of Caraga

Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

Name: ___Honeylyn V. Casing______________________________

Date: _______Aug.30, 2022______
Year Level: __1st yr.___________________________ Score:



I- Activity 2

Direction: Fill in this table on the physical development in infancy and toddlerhood.
Concept Processes/ Related Ideas Characteristics/ Description
Cephalocaudal and Cephalocaudal growth starts from the head
Proximodistal and moves down to the feet
Proximodistal growth starts from the torso, or
the body's center, and moves
outwards, to the arms and the
Height and Weight Nature of Changes - It's normal for newborn babies
to drop 5 to 10 percent of their
body weight within a couple of
weeks of birth.
That is due to the baby's
adjustment to neonatal feeding.
Once they adjust to sucking,
swallowing and digesting, they
grow rapidly. A baby's weight
usually triples during the first
year but slows down in the
second year of life.
The Brain Dendrites and myelination The dendrites receive incoming
signals while axons propagate
signals away from the neuron
cell body. Myelin is critical for
the proper function of the
nervous system and one of the
most complex cell–cell
interactions of the body.
Myelination allows for the rapid
conduction of action potentials
along axonal fibers and provides
physical and trophic support to
Motor Development Reflexes an involuntary (say: in-VAHL-un-
ter-ee), or automatic, action
that your body does in response
to something — without you
even having to think about it.
Gross Motor Skills Gross motor skills pertain to
skills involving large muscle
movements, such as
independent sitting, crawling,
walking, or running.
Fine Motor Skills Fine motor skills involve use of
smaller muscles, such as
grasping, object manipulation,
or drawing.
Sensory and Perceptual Vision The newborn's vision is about
Development 10 to 30 times lower than
normal adult vision. By 6
months of age, vision
becomes better and by the first
birthday, the infant's vision
approximates that of an adult.
Hearing The sense of hearing in an
infant develops much before
the birth of the baby. When in
the womb, the baby
hears his/her mother's
heartbeats, the grumbling of
his/her stomach, the mother's
voice and music. How soothing
must have been for you to listen
to your mother's lullaby.
Touch and Pain Immediately after birth, a
newborn is sensitive to touch
and temperature and is also
sensitive to pain, responding
with crying and cardiovascular
Taste newborns can also distinguish
between sour, bitter, sweet,
and salty flavors and show a
preference for sweet flavors.
Smell They can distinguish between
their mother's scent and that of
others and prefer the smell of
their mothers. A newborn
placed on the mother's chest
will inch up to the mother's
breast, as it is a potent source
of the maternal odor. Even on
the first day of life, infants
orient to their mother's odor
and are soothed when crying by
their mother's odor.
Intermodal Perception Early sensitivity to temporal,
spatial, and intensity patterns of
events (“amodal” information)
that are redundant across
stimulation to different senses,
guides infants' perceptual,
cognitive, and social
development. Intermodal
perception develops rapidly
across infancy.

II- Think about It

Direction: Having learned the physical development of infants and toddlers, as a future parent or a
caregiver of children reflect on:

1. What you should do more often for infants and toddlers.

I should do more often by giving them need time on the floor to learn to crawl and walk -- spending long
periods in swings or walkers keeps them from developing those physical skills. Toddlers need room for
active movement – running, climbing, jumping, dancing. comfortable places for adults (including
parents) to sit, play, or cuddle with children.
2. What you should refrain from doing to facilitate their growth and development.

In facilitating their growth and development, we must give them a safe and clean place so that
they will maintain their good health. Provides them with skills and abilities to explore and
interact with the world.

III- Formative Test

Direction: Read and answer the following questions carefully.

1. What struct you most in the cognitive development of infants and toddlers? Remember cognitive
development includes development of memory and acquisition of language.

I was struct that the infants and toodlers are born for ready to learn that they learn to listening the
language, trying out sounds,tasting foods,and exploring their environment in countless ways everyday
but their thinking and learning was taking place far faster than their physical and speech skills were
developing, and that they were learning from watching and listening and knew far more than they could

2. What plays a very important role in the socio-emotional development of children?

It is important to know that children are not born with social-emotional skills. It is the
role of the parents, caregivers, and teachers of children to teach and foster these abilities.
A child’s social-emotional development provides them with a sense of who they are in the world, how
they learn, and helps them establish quality relationships with others. It is what drives an individual
to communicate, connect with others, and more importantly, helps resolve conflicts, gain confidence
and reach goals. Building a strong social-emotional foundation as a child will help the child thrive
and obtain happiness in life. They will be better equipped to handle stress and persevere through
difficult times in their lives as an adult.

3. From what kind of home environment do children who are well adjusted most probably come?
What about maladjusted children?

-I think the kind of home environment children adjust well is probably come from Godly Home, wherein
family have a harmonious relationship with each other. While the maladjusted children came from a
broken family, wherein most of the children who came from a broken family have the tendency to be
4. “The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the world”. How does this relate to an infant’s and toddler’s

This is a proverb that says, Mothers are the most powerful people in the world because they shape their
children’s personality, they influence the way their children develop and the things they do when they
grow up. As a future Mom, it is important that we offer assistance or support we can do for children
because the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

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