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College of Engineering and Technology

School of Computing and Informatics

Computer Science Program
Advanced Database Management System Assignment Max–Score 10%
Tittle student management system
 General Direction: -
o Report Submission Deadline: - 6/6/2015 E.C.
o Make a group of 5 (5 members in one group) and select title.
o Every Student should participate there will be presentation.
o Write report on your selected topic based on the following guidelines.
o Your title should not be similar with others if it is similar, it will be rejected.
o Make it pdf and attach on telegram or use the following e-mail address.
o Your report includes the following contents.
 Cover Page.
 Table of Content.
 Introduction.
 Write a Case Study about your Title (Database Management System).
 Describe Players of your Database Management System.
 Draw ER DIAGRAM for your Database Management System.
 Logical Design of your Database Management System.
 Physical Design of your Database Management System.
 Normalize the Database Tables into 1NF, 2NF and 3NF.
 Show Relationship of your Table.
 Show Report from your Database using SQL Queries.
 Conclusion.
 Reference.

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