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DNA fingerprinting

Submitted by- saijyoti rout

Class-xii ‘a’
Roll no.-48
Subject- biology
Session- 2022-23
Principal’s certificate
This is to certify that SAIJYOTI ROUT of standard XII–
completed his project work under the guidance and supervision
I certify that this project is up to the expectation of CBSE

Principal’s signature
Teacher’s certificate
This is to certify that SAIJYOTI ROUT of standard XII
completed his project under my guidance and supervision .
I certify that this project is up to the expectations of CBSE

Examiner’s signature teacher’s signature

I express my deepest gratitude towards my guide “Ms.
ARPITA NAYAK” for giving her effort and guidance in
this project. I am also grateful to her for giving me an
insight in to the barriers aspects which regard to my project
work. I would also like to appreciate the co-operation
offered by my friends and my family members that made
this project presentable by helping me in the domains of
creativeness, designing and managing the task. Sincere
thanks to principal madam for giving me opportunity to
complete my project work.

index Title Page no.
1. Introducing to dna fingerprinting 1
2. Steps to dna fingerprinting 2-4
3. Uses of dna fingerprinting 5-6
4 Advantages of dna fingerprinting 7
5 Disadvantages of dna fingerprinting 8
6 Benefits of dna fingerprinting 9
7 Limitations of dna fingerprinting 10
8. Conclusion 11
9 Bibliography 12

Introduction to DNA
 DNA Fingerprinting is a way to identify a certain
individual, rather than simply identifying a species or a
particular trait.
 A technique used by scientists to distinguish between
individuals of the same species using only samples of
their DNA.
 The process of DNA fingerprinting was invented by
Alex Jeffreys in 1985.

Steps to dna fingerprinting

Step 1: Isolation of DNA
 DNA must be recovered from cells
or tissue. Only a small amount of blood, hair, or skin is
needed to isolate DNA.
Step 2:Digestion of DNA by restriction endonucleases
 The DNA is cut into fragments using restriction
 Each restriction enzyme cuts DNA at a specific
base sequence.
 The sections of DNA that are cut out are called
restriction fragments.
 This yields thousands of restriction fragments of all
different sizes because the base sequences being cut
may be far apart (long fragment) or close together
(short fragment).
 Commonly used RE are (hae III, Hinf I, Alu I etc.)
 Reaction mixture is incubated overnight at 37.C
 Step 3: Electrophoretic separation of different fragments
 Fragments are separated on the basis of size using a process called
gel electrophoresis.

 DNA fragments are injected into wells and an electric current is
applied along the gel.
 DNA is negatively charged so it is attracted to the
positive end of the gel.
 The shorter DNA fragments move faster than the longer
 DNA is separated on basis of size.
 Step 4: Transfer DNA on Nylon/Nitrocellulose membrane
 The DNA fragments are transferred to a nylon sheet by
placing the sheet on the gel and soaking them overnight
by the process southern blot.
 Step5: Probing/probe labelling
 Adding radioactive or coloured probes to the nylon sheet
which is complementary to target sequences.
 Each probe only sticks to one or two specific places on
the sheet.
 Step 6: Hybridization
 Labelled probe DNA should be hybridized with the
complementary sequences located on nylon membrane for
the detection of position of later
 Membrane is washed to remove non specific binding and
clearing of the background.
 Step 7: Autoradiography

 To detect the sequences in genome bound with the
hybridized radioactive probe on membrane
 Technique involves alignment of hybridized membrane
with X-ray film
 The X-ray film alter its development shows multiple no.
of bands that looks like bar codes and known as DNA
 Step 8: Interpretation of band patterns
 Analysis of band patterns of different individuals
 comparison of position of bans
 Computer software are also available for the analysis of
DNA fingerprints.

Uses of dna fingerprinting

 Diagnosis of Inherited Disorders
 Helps diagnose disorders in both prenatal and newborn
 Disorders may include cystic fibrosis, hemophilia,
Huntington’s disease, familial Alzheimer’s, sickle
cell anaemia, thalassemia , and much more.
 Crime
 Forensic science is the use of scientific knowledge in
legal situations.
 The DNA profile of each individual is highly specific.
 The chances of two people having exactly the same DNA
profile is 30,000 million to 1(except for identical twins).
 The pattern of the DNA profile is then compared with
those of the victim and the suspect.
 If the profile matches the suspect it provides strong
evidence that the suspect was present at the crime scene
(Note: it does not prove he committed the crime).
 If the profile doesn’t match the suspect then that suspect
may be eliminated from the enquiry.
 DNA profiles can be used to determine whether a
particular person is the parent of a child.
 A child’s paternity (father) and maternity(mother) can be
 This information can be used in
 Paternity suits
 Inheritance cases
 Immigration cases
 Personal Identification
 The U.S. armed services are just beginning a program
where they collect DNA fingerprints from all personnel for
later use, in case they need to identify casualties or missing
 Some other uses of DNA fingerprinting
 Identification of carcass of tissues
 Detection of somatic mutations or cancer
 Pathogen identification
 Detection of loci controlling quantitative traits or
disease resistance.
 Sex determination
 Individual identification.

Advantages of DNA fingerprinting
•DNA profiling is an ideal method for confirming an
identity with absolute
•It’s easy and painless to obtain a specimen for testing.
•A thorough, scientific test can be conducted in as little as
48 hours.
•DNA testing is affordable and reliable.

Disadvantages of DNA
To be conclusive, a DNA test should be run on multiple samples, at
least twice. DNA People Diagnostics collects four samples and the
lab runs every test twice to avoid false readings. In fact, your samples
are sent to the only lab in the country to actually run each test twice
through two separate DNA analyzers, virtually eliminating the chance
for error. The lab also tests up to 29 markers to produce the highest
possible probability indicators. Most labs will only test 10 markers,
greatly increasing the need for additional testing. While most labs
charge patients when this occurs, we do not charge when additional
testing is necessary. Misuse of results can lead to privacy concerns.
DNA People Diagnostics guarantees complete confidentiality.
Personal information will not be released to anyone other than
the tested parties and their named representatives without a written

Benefits of DNA Fingerprinting:

The most important benefit of DNA fingerprinting is that

there is strong similarities shown between genetic
fingerprints of parents and children. This is a benefit
because a child's genetic fingerprint is made up of half the
father's genetic information and half of the mother's
information. This means that the bands of a child's genetic
fingerprint will match the bands on both of their parents,
making it possible to establish paternity and maternity tests.

Limitations of DNa fingerprinting
One of the main problems with the process of DNA
fingerprinting is that the sample can be easily ruined. The
tiniest pieces of genetic junk can contaminate DNA
samples, causing them to be useless. Although DNA
fingerprinting requires a good sample to work with, this
problem can be solved by using the newer technique called
PCR. PCR can use extremely small samples of DNA and
produce a much faster result. But this also means the DNA
samples that PCR uses are even more likely to be
contaminated because of their size, as it is harder to find
a small sample with hardly any contamination. Another
limitation of fingerprinting is that the procedure is so
complex and hard to read the DNA patterns, that sometimes
the juror finds the evidence almost invisible.

With a beginning as a mere forensic tool, the world of DNA
fingerprinting has a gone a long way in revealing the
genetic identity of living beings. With massive evolution in
concepts and techniques it has given a lot to various fields
cutting across the spectrum. In plants it has not only helped
in identifying species but also in defining a new realm in
plant genomics, plant breeding and in conserving the
biodiversity. With world paving way for developments in
biotechnology, DNA fingerprinting promises a very
powerful tool in our future endeavours.

I have written this project with the help of my teacher, friends, my parents
and also through the web:


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