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Name : Muhammad Ziedan Ravarael Putra

Class : XII-3 (12 TKJ 3)

Subject :English Practice Exam

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Honorable, my headmaster Mr. Muhammad Anhar Prawira S.Pd

Honorable, english teacher Ms. Susie Ernawati S.Pd
Honorable, my teacher is Mr. Sugeng Riyanto S.Pd

First of all, pray and praise to gratitude to Allah SWT who has given grace and guiden
ce, and don’t forget to Propheth Muhammad SAW. I want to delivered a speech about
the title is “The important of maintaining health” for today.

When we got sick, we can’t feel pleasure like when we are health, especially
if we suffered on a serious desease, such as hearth desease, or other desease.
But, desease is can be prevented simply by maintaining the health of your self.
The simple steps to maintain personal health is by eating nutritions food and do an ex
ercising regularity

Do not let maintaining your health must be identified with the thing that are complic
ated and verry expensive. You can maintaining your health trought something in arou
nd us, and just started with some small thing that you can do it.

I think enough about my speech today, please forgive me if I had many mistakes.
Thank you,
Wassallamu’alaikum Wr. Wb


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