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Party Time

It’s party time! The grade 2 pupils are drinking juice. Some
children hold glasses. Some boys drink from bottles and mugs.
Some girls sip from cups. Teacher holds a big pitcher of orange
juice. Suddenly, Ferdie shouts, “Look, we are drinking orange
juice of different shapes.” The pupils laugh.
Teacher says, “Don’t laugh, children. Ferdie is just giving
his observation. Juice is liquid.”
“Yo u see,” says Ferdie, “liquid takes the shape of its
container. Liquid has no shape of its own.”
“That’s a good lesson, Ferdie!” exclaims Teacher.

Air and Sunlight

Miss Cruz asked her Science class, “What do plants need in

order to live and grow?” John answered, “Air and sunlight.”
“Good answer,” said Miss Cruz. “Green plants need sunlight to
make their food. They also need water and air.”

Joy’s Errand
Mother sends Joy to the store. Mother tells Joy to buy
cooking oil and vinegar. Joy tells Mother she likes to buy some
juice and milk, too.
Joy tells the storekeeper that she wants to buy a liter of
cooking oil and a bottle of vinegar. She adds that she needs a liter
of orange juice and a liter of milk.
When she gets home, Joy tells Mother that she has learned
something. She tells Mother that bottles and liters are used to
measure liquids. Mother hugs Joy.

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