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We have to say, we thoroughly enjoyed performing the modern dance that we made in front
of our classmates and teachers, we perform in covered court in December 12 2022 at 3
o'clock in the afternoon. At first, we thought that it would be difficult because only one of us
in the group is an actual dancer and none of us are actually accustomed in dancing modern
steps, let alone dancing in general. Still, that didn't stop us from doing our very best to
practice and rehearse the moves that we were not used to and guess what happened? It
turned out pretty well. We were all motivated because this was the last dance performance
that we're going to do in our whole grade 12 lives since we're about to graduate so we
decided to give it our all and we were full of motivation.

When the time came when we were about to perform, we were on fire and full of confidence
and we danced like we didn't care about anything. It turned out pretty fire and we're glad
that it happened just the way it did. We may not be used to dancing, but it's really a good
way of making us motivated and inspired, and I think that we'll keep on dancing for fun a bit
longer just for fun

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