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Rocky Marciano on Boxing and Bodybuilding

Marciano had a goal and method for himself to provide the key needed for success in everything
he did – “Find out what has to be done, and then do it.” We should adopt this same mindset for
every goal and task we set before ourselves.

 Marciano felt it was best to have the right food at the right time so we eat correctly. He
advocates plain, natural foods whenever possible and to give up candies, sodas, and foods
made with white flour (e.g. cakes and pies). He also recommended avoiding alcohol.
 Go for whole wheat or pumpernickel bread over white; 100% whole grain cereals over
refined cereals; cakes made from whole wheat or graham flour over standard cakes, pies, and
cookies; raisins and honey over candies and sweets; and milkshakes over sodas.
 The following is a week worth of eating. I combined the entire week together as it was
similar in many ways, so you can just look at the meal and plan accordingly. He would eat
only three meals per day, and two on Sundays (brunch and dinner). Sunday brunch was
breakfast, then dinner was as normal.
 Breakfast –
o Oatmeal with milk/cream (can sweeten with honey) OR whole wheat cereal sprinkled
with raisins and milk
o Two eggs (scrambled, poached, boiled) – on Sundays he would add bacon
o Whole wheat toast with butter or put eggs on it
o Chocolate milk OR hot chocolate (made with milk)
o Glass of juice (orange, tomato, grapefruit, pineapple, prune)
 Lunch –
o Bowl of soup (vegetable, cream of spinach, fish chowder, green pea) OR serving of
fruit (half grapefruit, orange)
o Sandwich (pumpernickel bread; lettuce and tomato; veggie cream cheese, baked ham,
cheese, roast beef – one of these)
o Glass of milk/milkshake OR stewed fruits or a vegetable plate
o Graham crackers with honey spread on top or whole wheat cookies (once a week) OR
hot chocolate made with milk (he also liked Jell-O with whipped cream once a week)
 Dinner –
o Serving of fruit (half grapefruit, fruit cocktail, sliced pineapple, stewed pears, half
cantaloupe, fresh fruit cup)
o Serving of meat (large slice of roast beef; two lamb chops; broiled steak; baked
Virginia ham; baked mackerel; roast leg of lamb; roast turkey or chicken)
o Salad (pear and lettuce; lettuce and tomato with olive oil and vinegar; combination)
OR vegetable soup
o Two servings of vegetables (carrots and peas; creamed spinach and buttered beets;
peas and corn on the cob; stewed prunes; yams and broccoli; baked/mashed potato
and string beans (he counted potatoes as a vegetable – ate three times a week);
spinach, squash, potato)
o Serving of bread (whole wheat or pumpernickel)
o Hot chocolate made with milk OR milk and graham crackers (hot chocolate most
nights) OR rice and raisin pudding with a glass of milk.
 Marciano doesn’t recommend eating between meals as it dulls your appetite and prevents
you from really enjoying your regular meals. Avoid condiments and too many spices.
 Fuel foods are mainly carbs (starches and sugars) and fats: Starches (bread, crackers, cereal,
tapioca, spaghetti, potato); Sugars (molasses, honey, dried fruits, sugar); and Fats (butter,
cream, lard, olive oil).
 Bodybuilding foods are your protein foods. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dried peas and beans,
gelatin, whole grain cereals, milk, cheese, nuts, lentils.
 Minerals to protect and regulate the processes of the body, so eat these foods regularly. For
calcium – milk, cheese, leafy veggies, egg yolk. For phosphorous – cheese, egg yolk, milk,
meat, whole grains. For iron – egg yolk, dried fruit, leafy veggies, meat, whole grains. For
iodine – Seafood. Don’t worry too much about the last one due to your allergy.
 Vitamins are necessary for proper growth and health. For Vitamin A – cod live r oil, cream,
salmon, liver, butter, milk, egg yolk, cheese, kidneys, spinach, kale, peas, peppers, lettuce,
broccoli, Swiss chard, tomatoes, snap beans, sweet potatoes, cabbage, bananas, carrots, yams,
yellow squash, beet greens, Brussel sprouts, oranges, pineapple, asparagus. For Vitamin B –
milk, egg yolk, liver, oysters, kidneys, brains, lean pork, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, peas,
cabbage, sweet potatoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, peaches, plums, grapes, grains
(wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley), almonds, chestnuts, brazil nuts, pecans, beans, lentils, dried
peas, peanuts. For Vitamin C – oranges, peaches, strawberries, onions, lemons, bananas,
melons, potatoes, grapefruit, pineapple, green beans, fresh meats, limes, raspberries, green
peas, cucumbers, tangerines, currants, spinach, beets, greens, apples, cabbage, rhubarb,
asparagus. For Vitamin D – cod liver oil, milk, salmon, egg yolks, butter, oysters.

Developing the Arms.
 Biceps - Barbell Curls. Barbell Rows. Dumbbell Reverse Curls. Pull-Ups.
 Triceps – Barbell Military Press. Push-Ups. Triceps Extensions.
 Forearms – Wrist Roller. Dumbbell Wrist Levers. Rubber Ball Squeezing. Lift weights
with the fingertips when you can.
Developing the Stomach.
Sit-Ups (with a side to side twist at the top of each rep or weighted). Leg Raises. Waist Twists.
Dumbbell Side Bends.
Developing the Shoulders.
Barbell Military Press. Dumbbell Lateral Raises. Standing Dumbbell Flyes.
Developing the Chest.
Roadwork. Try to do roadwork three times a week. Get out in the hills or parks. While running
or jogging, breathe deep and forcefully. Shadowbox to prevent the arms from getting too stiff.
Bring along two rubber balls to squeeze as you run. Back Squats. Lying Dumbbell Flyes. Bench
Developing the Neck.
Neck Snaps. To perform, turn head sharply to the left and then back forward. Then, repeat on
the right side. Neck Rotations. Back Bridge.
Developing the Calves.
Calf Raises. Running and walking will also help develop the calves.
Developing the Legs.
Dumbbell Front Rack Squat to Overhead Squat. This is nasty! Front squat the weight, then at the
bottom press it overhead and stand back up. Jefferson Squat. Lead foot pointing forward, rear
foot at 90 degrees. Lead hand is in front. Complete reps on both side.
Developing the Back.
Barbell Deadlift. Dumbbell Swings.

 Marciano recommends a three day a week schedule of bodybuilding movements, with two
days in between of running. Weekends off. Start at 1 set of 5 reps and add a rep each week
until you hit 10, then add weight and go back to 5 reps. For legs, he would do 10 reps to 15
reps. For some exercises (push-ups, dumbbell wrist levers, the stomach exercises, neck
snaps, and neck twists) you would do one set until you were tired. Do each of the exercises in
order as above.


 Marciano recommends an early morning run before work. Dress warmly, wear a hat, and
heavy shoes/combat boots. Run 2-3 miles. Shadowbox while running, taking deep breaths, in
through the nose and out through the mouth at regular intervals. Keep your hands up and
squeeze rubber balls as you run. As soon as you get home, gargle some water, take your
shoes off, and lie down for 20 minutes with all your clothes on. Then take a shower and go
back to bed until breakfast.
 Diet doesn’t change. He just recommends more OJ with a dash of lemon 2-3 times a days,
and to increase your protein.
 As soon as work is over, go to the gym, get on your gym clothes, and shadow box for a few
rounds. Then spar for 2-3 rounds. Shadowbox another round with training gloves on. Now hit
the heavy bag (adhere to 2-3 minutes of work and 1 minute rest). Practice your punch
combinations and improve on mistakes you made while sparring. Then taper things down
with a light or speed bag. A few minutes of rope skipping and then hit your calisthenics – pay
particular attention to neck and stomach exercises. Then go to the dressing room, bundle sup,
and sit around for about 20 minutes with a heavy towel over your head. Cover your ears with
the side of it and tuck it into your robe. Then take a hot shower, followed by a cold one. Put
Vaseline on any bruises/rope burns, treat minor cuts with an antiseptic. Then gargle water,
get dressed, sit around a while, and then go home.
 Dinner that night – stay away from fats, sweets, and gassy foods. Relax after eating and take
a short walk before going to bed early.
 Stop sparring two days before any fight. You can do roadwork up to the day before of the
fight, or even fit in a very light workout (e.g. punch the bags for a few rounds then skip
rope). On the day of the fight, relax. If the fight is at night, eat a big steak with greens and
fruit for desert. The meal should be done by 3pm. Then eat nothing and don’t exert yourself
after until the fight.

 A straight punch is always best.
 There is no substitute for good condition.
 Develop all single punches to perfection before you use them in combinations.
 Don’t neglect any part of your routine – you will only fool yourself.
 Watch good boxers in action and study their moves to learn more.
 A fighter who punches with his hands in front of him is not only better offensively but
also defensively.
 Speed and quick thinking are a boxer’s greatest assets.
 If you miss a punch, cover up; bob and weave immediately. That will help you avoid
being hit by counterpunches.
 Don’t force yourself to work out when overly tired.
 When sparring, don’t try to see how hard you can punch, but rather how clever and fast
you can be.
 Roadwork is the best developer of endurance.

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