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Dr. Wenyuan Li is currently a specialist engineer at British Columbia Transmission

Corporation, Vancouver, Canada. He is a Fellow of IEEE and an honorable adviso-
ry professor of Chongqing University in China. He obtained his Bachelor degree
from Tsinghua University in 1968 and his Master degree and Ph.D. from
Chongqing University in 1982 and 1987, all in Electrical Engineering. He was a
Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Saskatchewan from 1989 to 1991. Before
he came to Canada, he worked at the Research and Development Division of EDF
in France as a visiting scholar from 1983 to 1985 and Chongqing University as a
full professor from 1987 to 1989. Dr. Li has published four books and numerous
technical papers in economic operation, optimization, planning, and reliability as-
sessment of power systems. From 1991 to 2004, his work with BC Hydro and
British Columbia Transmission Corporation, was dedicated to practical applications
of risk evaluation to electric utility systems and has produced more than 50 techni-
cal reports based on the actual projects. He developed many computing programs
that have been used in electrical utilities for years and have created huge benefits to
the utilities. Dr. Li also was committed academic activities such as IEEE PES gen-
eral meetings, technical subcommittees, and paper reviews. He also serves on the
editorial board of the magazine Electric Power Components and Systems and
served on the technical advisory committee of the international conference “Proba-
bilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems.” He delivered tutorials and seminars at
different international conferences and industrial workshops and also provided pro-
fessional development courses to many engineers in the power industry. Dr. Li was
the winner of 1996 “Outstanding Engineer Award” of IEEE Canada due to his con-
tributions in power system reliability and probabilistic planning. His biography was
included in the second edition of Five Thousand Personalities of The World with
the citation “Distinguished Professional Achievement.”
Risk Assessment of Power Systems. By Wenyuan Li 325
ISBN 0-471-63168-X © 2005 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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