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Third period English test


Teacher: Daniel Ernesto Rivera Subject: English
11 Grades Examen de tercer periodo

2° año bachillerato Section: 2GC Monday September 5th, 2022

Student’s name Javier Enmanuel Escobar Meléndez Date 5/9/2022

Vocabulary used in a restaurant

1-Write 5 sentences you would say at the restaurant:
1 This is on me
2 how many are you?
3 A table for two please
4 Can I have the bill please?
5 That’s all, thank you

2-Write 5 sentences or question a waiter or waitress would

say at the restaurant:
1 Anything to drink?
2 Can I take your order?
3 would you like a dessert?
4 Are you ready to order yet?
5 do you want a salad with it?
Customs and Traditions.
In your own words answer each cuestion in English about customs and trditions.
3-Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Yes, I like it
4- what are some good things to ask someone you just met?
Where are you from, your favorite color and how is it
5- What are some things you should not ask people you just met?
vulgar things and uncomfortable things
6- Is it okay to ask the age to people in your country?
yes, although some people are embarrassed to say their age.
7- Are you nervous when you are introduces to someone new? How do you react?
if I get nervous because I'm somewhat antisocial and embarrassing

8- Mention one custom in Nicaragua:

In Managua the patron saint festivities are celebrated in honor of Santo

Domingo, between August 1 and 10.

7- Mention one custom in The United States:

the super bowl

8- Mention one custom in El Salvador:

the august festivities

9- Mention one custom in France:

It is customary in France to greet each other with a firm handshake, but not
too much. The usual greeting between friends or relatives is the kiss on the
cheeks, between women, or between men and women.

10- Mention one custom in Malaysia:

religious beliefs Almost all world religions including Islam, Buddhism,

Hinduism and Christianity are present in Malaysia.
11-Write 5 holidays celebrated in the world and explain
what they are about:
1- Chinese New Year Celebration, China There are family
feasts and outdoor shows with firecrackers, fireworks and
often dancing dragons.
2- Rio de Janeiro Carnival, Brazil For a week, music and color
fill the streets of the city. You will find spectacular
impossible costumes and allegorical cars in a festive and
colorful street parade in which music also has a leading role.
3- St. Patrick's Day, Dublin
a festival that lasts five days and is one of the biggest
attractions of the festivities. In them, the streets are
dressed in green and filled with music and dances.
4- Oktoberfest, Munich
During this party, attendees can enjoy the best beers in the
area, along with the most delicious sausages and typical
5-Day of the Dead, Mexico
Cemeteries open at night for families to set up altars and
make offerings to their deceased.
Choose should or shouldn’t, make sure you choose the right one for each

12-Daisy has dirty hands. She should wash her hands.

13-My brother has toothache. He shouldn’t eat candies.

14-Jennifer has a broken arm. She shouldn’t play volleyball.
15-He feels tired. He should rest a little bit.
16- Caroline has sore throat. She should go to the doctor.

17- Daniel doesn’t like candies. He shouldn’t buy chocolates.

18- They stole my cat. I should call the police.

19- My mom is feeling sick. She should go to the hospital.

20- I love my girlfriend. I should marry her soon.

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