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Hi, I am Mariel, and bellow are images that define who I was.Those pictures signifies myself.Those are treasure to mylife.Let me first
start to the man that I loved the most. He is my boyfriend. The love of my life. Well, it sounds chizzyy, but when you are in loved it
happens.Before,I am so vulnerable. When I entered relationship, I entered for attention. Because all my life I always seek for attention to my
family and friends. I am proving myself to be a better one so they can accompany me.When I have problems I got angry when they can’t help
me. Or if no one is available for me.Like I always feel that I am not important. Then, when I become a workingstudent.I met him. He thought me
to be independent. He thought me to not rely to anybody because; No one can help me but only myself. Then, I realized that he is right. As the
time goes on I grow as an independent woman. Whenever I encounter problem or stress. I think of away on how I could endure it by myself. I’m
still on a process and he helps me to have progress in my growth. Next, is my besstie. Her name is Janice Bartolay.We are friends since grade
9,we are a schoolmate. She helps me to resolve some problems,specially in schoolworks.And now, we still besties.We may have different course
now, but she still helps me.That is one of the reason why I loved to studies because I have a friend that is serious when it comes in studies like
me.The third, Is ma’am Bungcag .The one with eyeglasses. She is my teacher when I was in grade 10.She died because of dengue .After our
graduation. She really a great teacher to me. Ma’am Bungcag became my second “nanay”.She motivates me to studyhard,to prove myself that I
can do better.So,I study. And the result is, I am the only one in our section who received with honors by the end of the year. I miss her so much.
She is an unforgettable person that I treasure. I hope she’s doing well in heaven.

The rest define me.I loved music, I love to sing.One of my dreams is to be a singer, I also love to dance, most of what I watch is k-pop dance
and also their songs. There is also a sea.Yes,I am badly inlove with the sound of the waves that give ease to my troubled mind .The salty air that
bluzz onto myhair that give peace to my uneasy heart.Yes,I’m inloved with the sea ,I can spend the rest of my life on its calming view. The sunset
that reminds me of tomorrow’s hope.I love it.Oh, the nature It always the best to sit with a great view of nature. Smelling the fresh air and the
sound of the birds that is music to my ears.Oh,I forget all the stumbling blocks. The last one is a girl that holding a box, It means, that I like to do
something that makes me more productive. Before the day ends I asses myself if I do productive things on the whole day. It trains me to be more
responsible. Because I want to be successful. Now, I sell leche flan to earn money, and that’s me.

Before I end this I want to leave a message. “If you want something, then work hard to achieve it”. There is no such lucky in this world; you
just need to prove that you deserve what you want. Use the people that contribute to your life now as an inspiration to keep going and don’t let
other defines you, because the only person that can do that is non-other than yourself.

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