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FBF Fortified Blended Food

CSB Corn Soy Blend


FAQR Food Aid Quality Review

WFP World Food Program

WHO World Health Organization

AOAC Association Of Official Analytical Chemists

OCS Organo sulfur Compounds

NPD New Product Development

ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme

1 Idea generation
New product development is a costly and risky process. And in today’s competitive business
environment firms must introduce new products which could survive and make profit.

Research on NPD has recognized several factors that influence NPD process: technology,
product characteristics, project structure, team member characteristics and patterns, team process
organizational context, and external environments, and internal resources needed like budget,
knowledge, and skill (cooper, 2003).

1.1 Product name, main raw materials and reason for choice
Product name:
1. Development of fortified blended food from blends of peanut, moringa, and soybean
Raw materials:
The main raw materials that are going to be used for the development of this product are

• Peanut flour

• Soybean flour

• Moringa leaf powder

Reason for choice:

The main reasons the researchers decided to develop such a product are

• Nutritional value

• Availability of processing equipment

• Production cost

• Raw material availability

• Production time
• Knowledge and skill needed for development

• Agreement with any legal requirements

• Potential market size

These reasons listed above are listed according to their importance from the most important to
the least important.

Product name:
2. Energy bar production from cassava and wheat flour blend.

Raw materials:
Raw material to be used for this product include

• Wheat flour

• Cassava flour

Reason for choice:

The reasons for considering this product as a potential success include

• Nutritional value

• Availability of processing equipment

• Production cost

• Raw material availability

• Production time

• Knowledge and skill needed for development

• Agreement with any legal requirements

• Potential market size

These reasons listed above are listed according to their importance from the most important to
the least important.

Product name
3. Development of biscuit from blends of pumpkinseed flour, soybean flour and wheat flour.

Raw materials
Raw materials to be used in the development of this product are

• Pumpkin seed flour

• Wheat flour

• Soybean flour

Reasons for choice

• Nutritional value

• Availability of processing equipment

• Production cost

• Raw material availability

• Production time

• Knowledge and skill needed for development

• Agreement with any legal requirements

• Potential market size

These reasons listed above are listed according to their importance from the most important to
the least important.

2 Idea screening
The above three product ideas were put forth by the researchers (after passing the primary idea
screening stage) to go to the product design stage. But before going into the product design stage
these product ideas must go through yet another screening process more extensive than the
previous one.
In this stage these ideas were compared with each other and graded via a numbered (quantitative)
grading system; and the product idea that receives the highest grade passed to the next stage and
the other two were rejected.

Idea screening (grading)

No Screening factors fortified blended Energy bar Biscuit

food production production from production from
from peanut, cassava & wheat wheat, pumpkin
soybean &moringa flour seed &soybean
flour flour
1 Nutritional value 5 3 5
2 Availability of 5 4 4
3 C=Production cost 5 3 3

4 Raw material 4 5 4

5 Production time 5 3 3

6 Knowledge and skill 4 3 4

needed for
7 Agreement with any 3 3 4
legal requirements

8 Agreement with any 4 2 5

legal requirements

9 TOTAL 35 26 32

1. Poor
2. Satisfactory
3. Good
4. very good
5. Excellent

3 Design task or problem

Define the problem

Nutrition plays a vital role for normal growth and to maintain physical and mental fitness
throughout one’s life. Inadequate nutrition may lead to malnutrition, growth, retardation, reduced
work capacity and poor mental and social development (Awasthi andkumar, 1999).

Nutrient deficiencies/ malnutrition i.e., deficiencies of vitamins, protein and other important
nutrients considered the most widespread form of malnutrition, with women and children being
particularly vulnerable. It is a major impediment to socioeconomic development and contributes
to a vicious cycle of underdevelopment, to the detriment of the already underprivileged groups. It
has long ranging effects on health, learning ability and productivity. It leads to high social and
public costs, reduced work capacity in populations due to high rates of illness and disability, as
well as tragic loss of human potential (Osho S 2010).

Poverty, lack of access to a variety of foods, lack of knowledge of optimal dietary practices and
high incidence of infectious diseases are some of the factors which lead to micronutrient
malnutrition. In growing children, the adverse effects of micronutrient deficiencies include poor
growth and development, mental and neuromotor performance, immunocompetence, physical
working capacity, overall reproductive performance as well as increased morbidity, mortality,
and risk of maternal death (Viteri FE and Gonzalez H 2002).
In many low-income countries including Ethiopia, large proportions of the population are
nutritionally vulnerable (Tontisirin et al., 2003). Generally, infants and young children, pregnant
and lactating women, and the elderly are regarded as nutritionally vulnerable.

The search for novel high quality but cheap sources of protein and energy has continued to be a
major concern in many parts of the developing world(Arinathan et al., 2009). Investigations on
economically viable indigenous food ingredients as alternative strategies to curb under nutrition
and food insecurity are of utmost importance to broaden the essential nutrient sources for human
nutrition (Barba de la Rosa et al., 2009)

A good number of global goals have been established and considerable investments have been
made by governments and aid agencies in programs designed to prevent micronutrient
malnutrition in Ethiopia and other developing countries.

Diet-based strategies through consumption of a broad variety of foods are the most promising
approach for a sustainable control of malnutrition and disease among the vulnerable groups
(Marchione, 2002). Vulnerable groups are population groups whose immune system is
compromised or depressed nutritionally, medically, or socially and require provision of extra,
nutritionally high-quality foods in addition to the general ration to rehabilitate or prevent
deterioration in their conditions. Beside various problems being faced by the vulnerable groups,
cancer and diabetes have been increasing dramatically in the last two decades and the
prevention/treatment of diabetes has received a paramount importance among the health
professionals and nutritionists.

The easiest and cheapest way of overcoming micronutrient malnutrition for most of the
vulnerable groups of the population is the blending of our locally available food crops to produce
high nutrient, inexpensive and popular food products with high quantity/quality of
micronutrients, to provide alternatives to the more expensive imported foods.

The leaves, seeds, and flowers of Moringa stenopetala all have great nutritional and therapeutic
value. The seeds are eaten like peas or roasted like nuts; while the flowers are eaten when cooked
and taste like mushrooms. The leaves are outstanding as a source of vitamins A, B group and (C
when raw) and are among the best sources of minerals. They are also excellent sources of
protein, but poor sources of carbohydrates and fats. Thus, Moringa leaves are one of the best
plant foods available in nature (Price LL. 2000).

There fore The aim of this project is, to develop and characterize moringa fortified blended food
for possible use as a supplementary food for vulnerable individuals.

• Design brief

The food product to be designed

4 Research

4.1 Malnutrition
Malnutrition refers to deficiency of all essential nutrients. In the world each country is affected
by different forms of malnutrition, especially in developing countries due to poverty and lack of
sufficient knowledge about nutrition, malnutrition is the key cause of morbidity and mortality of
children in the world such as 149 million under five years children are attacked by stunned, 45
million wasted, 38.9 million overweight,45% death (WHO, 2021).

There are two types of malnutrition, the first one is protein-energy malnutrition which includes
lack of protein, fat, and carbohydrate, the second one is micro nutrients such as deficiency of
essential minerals and vitamins. Malnutrition causes adverse effects on up to two years of age
infants because it is at this age children have high nutritional requirements for growth and
development (Blossner et al., 2005), high brain growth velocity, this age is a transition period of
family food trained so it must be fulfilled required quality and quantity of nutrients. Under
nutrition included underweight (low weight for age), wasting (low weight for height), and
stunting (low height for age).

4.1.1 Malnutrition in Ethiopia

Malnutrition is a common public health problem and the main cause of death of children in
developing countries. In Ethiopia there are different forms of malnutrition such as low weight for
height (Wasting), low height for age (Stunning), low weight for age (underweight) and the
second form is micro nutrient malnutrition like vitamin A deficiency, Iron deficiency, and Zinc
deficiency which includes overweight and obesity which is too heavy or excessive fat for height.
In Ethiopia, the main causes of malnutrition are determined food insecurity, poor guiding and
child feeding practices, high incidence of infectious diseases, and limited access to quality
nutrition services. Household capital, education, and family planning are also key drivers of
children’s nutrition.

4.2 Production nutritional value and usage of soybean, peanut and moringa

4.2.1 Peanut

Groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.), which is also known as peanut, earthnut, monkeynut and
goobers, is an annual legume. It is one of the world’s most important oilseed crops (Dwivedi,
S.L., Crouch et al 2003), ranking the 13th most important food crop and 4th most important
oilseed crop of the world (Surendranatha, E.C., Sudhakar, et al 2011), being cultivated in more
than 100 countries in six continents (Sharma, K.K. and Mathur, B.P., 2006). Cultivated
groundnut originated from South America (Weiss, E.A., 2000.) Its cultivation is mostly confined
to the tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate (zones) countries between 40o N and 40o S

It is currently grown on 25.2 million hectares worldwide with a total production of 35.9 million
metric tons, with developing countries in Asia (66%) and Africa (25%) as the major producers
(FAO 2006). In 2009, China, India and the United States were the three largest producers of
groundnut (USDA-FAS 2010). Groundnut is relatively new to Ethiopia. It was introduced from
Eritrea to Hararghe in the early 1920s by Italian explorers (Daniel, E., 2009). Major groundnut
producing areas in Ethiopia are Babile, Gursum, Beles, Didessa, Gambella and Pawe. Gamu
Gofa, Illubabor, Gojam, Wello and Wellega are identified as potential production areas (Daniel,
E., 2009). During the 2014, it was cultivated on 79943.03 ha of land and 112088.7 tons of
groundnuts were produced, with average yield of 1.402 tons per ha (CSA 2014).

Peanut is the fourth most widely cultivated oilseed in the America continents, Africa, and Asia.
Peanut plants grow best in well-drained sandy soils and sunny warm temperatures with moderate
rainfall. In Ethiopia, the total planted area was 443000 ha and a production of 103.7 M ton of
grain as it has been reported in the 2014 cropping season (FAOSTAT 2014). This report also
showed that the productivity of peanut has been 1604.1 kg ha 1. To increase this productivity,
plant breeder has tried to release new high yielder varieties of peanut in Ethiopia (Kebede and
Bushra 2012). So far, peanut varieties improving program in Ethiopian has obtained the peanut
variety yielding up to 2.2-ton ha−1. When its productivity is comparing to the productivity
(3.25-ton ha−1) that has been reported in North Carolina is very low (Jones 2003). Hence,
improving the production and productivity of peanut in Ethiopia using environmentally friendly
technologies is essential.

4.2.2 Nutritional composition

4.2.3 Soybean

Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important food plants of the world and seems to be
growing in importance as industrial and multipurpose crop. In Ethiopia, soybean is a
multipurpose most nutritionally rich crop as its dry seed contains the highest protein and oil
content. Thus, production of soybean in Ethiopia is very essential to overcome malnutrition and
partially compensate the expensive source of animal proteins and as a source of income for small
holder farmers. Production of this crop is indispensable in the country to enrich the staple cereal
based food with sufficient and high-quality protein (Mekonnen and Kaleb, 2014).

Soybean is a drought tolerant crop that requires warm climates and is suitable for low to medium
altitudes (Ogema et al., 1988; Urgessa, 2015). Since its introduction in Ethiopia in the early
1950s soybean has become one of the most important lowland grain legumes in the country that
is highly adapted to diverse agroecological conditions including areas of marginal to the
production of most of other crops. Furthermore, soybean is the primary source of edible oil
globally with the highest gross output of vegetable oil among the cultivated crops with total
cultivated area of 117.7 million ha and total production of 308.4 million tons (FAOSTAT, 2015).

In recent years, production and area cultivated under soybean in the country has increased trend
(One of the reasons for soybean production increase is policy measures taken by the government.
For example, GTP II plan has given focus for soybean production as industrial crop and its
production is expected to increase from 0.72 million quintals in 2015 to 1.2 million quintals by
the year 2020 to meet the market demand by creating a linkage with the industry and export
market (GTP II, 2015). Soybean is one of the legume crops introduced to Benishangul-Gumuz
region during the resettlement program in 1986. Predominantly, the crop is produced by
smallholder and some commercial levels in the region with productivity potential of 16 to 17
qt/ha (BoARD, 2014). The productivity level of the crop is nearest to the national average yield
which is around 17.2 qt/ha. The crop grows widely in those zones of the region mainly for its
economic advantage in the local market and household consumption (AsARC, 2006).

4.3 Moringa
M. stenopetala, often referred to as the African Moringa tree, is a multipurpose tree native to
Ethiopia, northern Kenya and eastern Somalia, which has a wide range of adaptation from the
arid to humid climates (Jahn, 1991). Moringa stenopetala is locally called Shiferaw in Amharic
or Haleko in Gamo and Wolyeta, and cabbage tree in English (Abuye et al., 2003). The botanical
description of this tree: the height is 6–12 m with a diameter of 60 cm, a smooth bark, strongly
branched, sometimes with several trunks, and its wood is soft (Abuye et al., 2003; Orwa et al.,

This plant is drought resistant like in southern part of Ethiopia and often grows in well-drained
soils at altitudes of 900–1200 m with a mean annual rainfall ranging from 500–1400 mm (Orwa
et al., 2009), however, the cold temperature is the limiting factor for the cultivation of this

4.3.1 Nutritional composition

Moringa leaves have been advocated as a source of highly digestible proteins with considerable
amino acid profile that contains the sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine
(Booth and Wickens, 1988). It is also rich in the minerals calcium and iron and the vitamins A,
B, C and E (Booth and Wickens, 1988). The leaves are also rich in β-carotene and are an
exceptionally good source of fiber (Nambiar et al., 2003). M. stenopetala leaves are rich in
protein (28.2%) and contain reasonable amounts of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals
(Abuye et al., 2003; Melesse, 2011).
M. stenopetala leaves are nutritious and contain an average of 29% protein, 28 mg of iron,
1.9 g of calcium, and 0.8 g of vitamin C (Wangcharoen and Gomolmanee, 2013). The leaf also
has a wide range of beneficial polyphenolic compounds, which include zeatin, quercetin,
β-sitosterol, caffeolquinic acid, rutin, lutein, catechins, isothiocynates and kaempferol (Nambiar
et al., 2003). The seed also has a high oil (41.1%) and protein content (42.6%) (Seifu, 2012).
This shows that it can be used as a source of oil. In addition, the seeds of this plant are used for
water treatment (Bichi et al., 2012).

On the other hand, moringa leaf contains various antinutritional factors that may affect efficient
utilization, absorption and digestion of nutrients, and thereby decrease their bioavailability and
nutritional value (Lestienne et al., 2007). In addition, the bitterness and dark green color (Abuye
et al., 2003) is a limitation to the use of moringa leavf powder in food formulations. According to
the findings of Sengev et al. (2013), wheat bread with 5% of moringa leaves flour was
unacceptable though it has high nutritional values. Moreover, a wheat cookies developed by
mixing moringa leaves flour, had acceptability to the maximum of 10% moringa flour mixture
(Nwakalor, 2014).

4.3.2 Bio active compounds

Bio active compounds are essential and non-essential compounds (e.g., vitamins or polyphenols)
that occur in nature and can be shown to have an effect on human health (Biesalski et al. 2009).
The majority are found in foods that predominantly originate from the plant kingdom - in various
fruits, vegetables and grains - with some others from animal sources (Rein et al. 2013).

Bio active compounds vary widely in their chemical structures and functions; as such, they are
categorized accordingly (Kris-Etherton et al. 2002). Several examples of plant derived bioactive
compounds include polyphenolics, organosulfur compounds, phytosterols, carotenoids and
monoterpenes - all of which have subcategories exhibiting a diverse range of chemical and
biological properties (Kris-Etherton et al. 2002). They may also differ in attributes regarding
sites of action, distribution in nature, and concentrations in foods as well as the human body
(Carbonell-Capella et al. 2014)

Natural antioxidants protect against various diseases, which are induced by free radicals.
Antioxidants have various activities in addition to scavenging free radicals. These include
inactivating metal catalysts by chelation, reducing hydroperoxides into stable hydroxyl
derivatives and interacting synergistically with other reducing compounds (Frankel and Finley,
2008). The increased popularity of natural food additives may prompt food manufacturers to
replace synthetic antioxidants with ingredients containing natural anti-oxidative compounds.


Polyphenols are polyhydroxyphenols, which are structural class of compounds that are mostly
composed of natural compounds, and sometimes synthesized or semi synthetic in nature (Cattani
et al. 2012).

Polyphenols are among the largest group of secondary metabolites found in plants. Over 8000
structurally variants of polyphenols exist which are characterized by aromatic rings with one or
more hydroxyl groups (Han et al. 2007). These compounds have the characteristics of multiple
phenolic structural units in them, hence, the name polyphenols. Polyphenols are mostly of plant
origin and they are among the most studies class of phytochemicals.

Some classes of polyphenols are

❖ Flavonoid

❖ Tanin

❖ Lignan

❖ Stilbenes

Organosulfur Compounds

Organosulfur compounds (OSCs) are natural compounds that contains sulfur. They are unique
because of their unsavoury or foul smelling odours, with few exceptions. This class of compound
contains most of the Earth’s sweetest compounds derivatives of sulfur, e.g. saccharin, a benzoic
sulfimide artificial sweetener which is almost 400 times as sweet as sucrose. OSCs are present
naturally in plants and animals. They are indispensable to life because they help in the prevention
and treatment of several life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular
diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders, viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The natural
world has abundant of OSCs. Among the 20 general amino acids, two (methionine and cysteine)
are OSCs, while the antibiotics sulfa and penicillin medicines both have sulfur (Block 1978)
Bio active compounds and their sources

No Sources Bioactive

1 Fruits Apple, grape, Polyphenols,

cherry, peach, anthocyanins,
mangos, blueberry, carotenoids,
cranberry, flavonoids,
raspberry, bilberry, betalains
cactus pear (betacyanins,

2 Vegetables Carrot, tomato, Carotenoids,

onion, cauliflower, lycopene,
broccoli polyphenols,

3 Grains Pigmented corn, Anthocyanins,

oat, barley, wheat, polyphenols,
amaranth, bean, flavonoids, soluble
rice fiber, l-lysine

4 leaginous by-products Defatted soybean Proteins,

paste, pumpkin, polyphenols,
and defatted carotenoids
sunflower pasta
Overview of Bio availability of nutrients and bio active compounds

The ability of a bio active compound to exert its health-promoting effects upon a living organism
depends on its bio available dose instead of the administered dose (Holst and Williamson 2008).
The bio available dose is a more accurate representation of what the body is capable of
absorbing, distributing, metabolizing and excreting (ADME) as opposed to what is administered
or how much of a compound is present in specific foods.

A prerequisite to assessing bio availability is bio accessibility, or the fraction of a food

constituent that, as a result of being released from the food matrix, becomes present in the gut
and may pass through the intestinal barrier (Saura-Calixto et al. 2007). A compound must be
released from the food matrix, whether by digestive enzymes or colonic micro flora, and in the
right form to be absorbed before it can become bio accessible (D'Archivio et al. 2007). The
caloric content and makeup of the food matrix can affect the bio accessibility of digested

Fortified blended foods

Fortified-blended foods (FBFs) are porridge mixes composed of cereals and legumes that have
been milled and fortified with vitamins and minerals. FBFs are major food aid products for
young children, women, and other vulnerable groups in developing countries. Historically,
corn-soy blend (CSB) has been the most widely distributed FBF in a majority of the food
aid–receiving countries (Fleige LE et al 2010). The US Agency for International Development
(USAID) Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR) recommended developing novel FBFs using cereals
that are both culturally and nutritionally acceptable in Africa. It also recommended sorghum as
an alternative to corn or wheat and suggested other legumes could be paired with it as
alternatives to soy (Webb P, Rogers B et al 2011). One logical legume to investigate is cowpea,
because Africa is the world’s leading producer of cowpea (95%) n addition to sorghum (41%).

FBFs, that are currently used, are partially pre-cooked foods. They are designed to be cooked,
fried or baked to complete their digestibility. WFP (2002) suggested that the cooking time for
FBFs should vary from 2 to 15 minutes depending on the kind of preparation required.
Vegetables, seasoning and other additives are used in order to improve the palatability and to
increase the nutritive value of the final product. (Rowe et al. 2009) reported that African people
added sugar and vegetable oil to their meal. Cinnamon, herbs, or banana were often added to the
Guatemalan recipes. Thin or thick porridges are the most common dishes prepared from
cereal-based products (Rowe et al., 2008; Moussa et al, 2011). The difference between thick and
thin porridge is the concentration of the flour used in the preparation.

Advantages of FBF

❖ It is of low cost

❖ Readily provides amino acids

❖ The blended flour ingredient is readily available


❖ The pre-mixing of the ingredients is a difficult procedure

❖ The product is bulky (i.e. it’s relatively of a high weight for the number of calories provided

compared to other products)

❖ It is of poor nutritional quality

❖ Requires an addition of oil which may not be readily available

5 Design specification
For development of this product some specifications are made that will give the developed
product its own specific characteristics and quality.

⮚ Powders have the longest shelf life, in general, more than a year, depending on production

and processing method, packaging, and storage environment.

⮚ Powders can be blended with other ingredients without compromising the texture or

structural integrity of the product.

⮚ Depending on the processing method, a powder can have the mildest flavour and aroma as

well as the lightest colour.

5.1 List of main raw material and ingredients

• Unshelled peanut

• Whole soybean

• Moringa leaves

• Salt

• Sugar

• Anticaking agents

5.2 Blending ratio

When deciding the blend ratio of each raw material nutritional composition of the product was
the main criteria use since this product is targeted for people suffering from malnutrition.Six
blends were formulated, out of which one, (50% peanut, 50% soybean) which had no moringa
powder served as the control.
The five experimental blends were prepared according to the percentages of constituent
ingredients given in the following table and each blend is named according to its distinguished
constituent ingredient as follows:

Blending ratio for product formulation

Product no Peanut (%) Soybean (%) Moringa (%)

1 60 35 5
2 55 40 5
3 50 45 5
4 45 50 5
5 40 55 5
6 35 60 5
5.3 Production process flowchart

Moringa leaves
Drying in solar dryer
Blended product

5.4 Storage information

Due to the form of the product it is much more susceptible to damage from environmental factors
during storage especially like: moisture content and relative humidity so, to avoid quality loss of
the product during storage the following recommendations should be considered.

The product should be stored at:

• Dry

• Low moisture
• Low humidity

• Less than 25ºC

• 50-60% relative humidity places

5.5 Instruction for users

• Store at low moisture areas

• Cook at low temperature

• Don’t leave pack open

5.6 Nutritional content

5.7 Equipment used

• Oven
• Sieve
• Grinder
• Metal plate
• Laboratory spatula
• Solar dryer
• Mortar and pestle

5.8 Process specification

The development of a new supplementary food should take into account the guidelines and
statement accepted at a meeting of the Technical Consultation organized by WHO in
collaboration with UNICEF, WFP and UNHCR, in Geneva, 2008.

The following statement was agreed upon:

When there is good reason to believe that use o f a new commodity has at least equal impact
compared to the currently used product (often fortified blended foods, FBF), and can be regarded
as safe, it can be used at limited scale programmes for young (moderately malnourished)
children with good programme monitoring and evaluation, while impact is also assessed under
carefully controlled circumstances.

Products for which there is “good reason to believe

1. Nutrient density in combination with family food and breast milk is consistent with
adequate nutrient intake for malnourished children

2. Ingredients, fortificants and hygiene criteria are in accordance with Codex standards and

3. Production and packaging are in accordance with the Codex, with appropriate quality
control and quality assurance in place
6 Final product making

According to WHO/UNICEF (1998), and WHO (2005), formulation of low-cost, fortified

supplementary foods from locally available ingredients, using appropriate small to medium-scale
production technologies in community settings, can help meet the nutritional needs o f
vulnerable groups, hence decreasing the prevalence of under nutrition significantly. Therefore,
development of supplementary foods based on locally available cereals and legumes has been
suggested by Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) and FAO to combat malnutrition
among vulnerable groups and populations of low socio-economic groups. There is, therefore,
urgent need to develop low-cost nutritious supplements through combinations of less expensive
foods always available in respective localities or communities. The use of simple, inexpensive
and traditional processing methods would need to be standardized to optimally conserve the
nutrients during preparation of such supplementary foods.

Six different supplementary products were formulated using selected local food combinations
and optimized in terms of their nutritional contents. Sugar was added to the formulations to
increase the energy content and counter the bitterness of the product.

6.1 Sensory evaluation

The six formulations were subjected to sensory testing to identify the most preferred supplement.
The six supplements were assessed for acceptability with the use of taste panel procedures.
Sensory attributes of the supplements were evaluated according to a seven-point hedonic rating
scale ranging from 1 (dislike extremely) to 7 (like extremely).

The evaluators were 9 untrained panelists who were Food technology and process engineering in
the University of Arbaminch . They were asked to assess the products for six sensory attributes:
color, aroma, sweetness, appearance, bitterness and taste. For presentation to the panelists, the
products were prepared as a simple shake by adding powdered milk and sugar then mixing with
clean water. The sensory evaluation data was calculated as the means of the panelists’ scores for
each attribute and were used to select the most acceptable supplement.
Sample Sensory attributes
Color Aroma Sweetness Appearanc Taste Bitterness Overall
e acceptanc

MPHT 6±1.154 4.5±1.914 3.975±2.95 6.5±0.577 3.875±2.322 5.375±2.926

MPLT 6.375±0. 5.375±1.7 4.875±1.65 4.75±1.892 5.25±1.707 5.75±1.892

478 96 2
MPMT 5.25±2.3 4.25±1.25 4.625±1.37 4.875±1.65 4.5±2.38 5.75±0.957
62 8 6 2
MPMD 5±1.825 6±1.322 4.125±1.93 4.75±2.217 4.625±2.75 5±1.414

MPAP 6±0.816 5.875±0.2 6±0.816 5±0.816 5.75±0.5 5±1.414

MPN 6.75±0.5 6.75±0.5 5.75±0.5 6.25±0.5 6.5±1 5.5±2.38

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