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TAHUN 2023
BAB I INTRODUTION..........................................................................................................3
1.1 Backgrown.....................................................................................................................3
1.2 Purpose of the practical.................................................................................................3
BAB II CONTENT..................................................................................................................4
2.1 Discussion......................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Filtration....................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Lime Water..............................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Plate and Frame Filter Press...................................................................................4
BAB III WORK PROCEDURES..........................................................................................5
3.1 Tools And Material........................................................................................................5
3.2 Work Procedures...........................................................................................................5
BAB IV DISCUSSION RESULT...........................................................................................6
4.1 Analysis Results..........................................................................................................6
4.2 Disussion......................................................................................................................7
BAB V CLOSING...................................................................................................................7
5.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................7
5.2 Thank you note.............................................................................................................7

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings By giving thanks Alhamdulillah for the
presence of Allah SWT, who has given His mercy and grace to the writer, so that the writer
can complete the report on the results of the implementation of the Chemical Engineering
Operations Practice (OTK) on time.This report is an assignment given to the author as part of
the completeness of the Industrial Engineering Operations Practice (OTK) and at the same
time is one of the requirements for completing the assignment in the OTK subject at Smk
Negeri 2 Cilegon, Industrial Chemistry Expertise Program.The preparation of this report is
also proof that the author has carried out Industrial Engineering Operations Practices.The
author realizes that the limitations of knowledge and understanding also make it limited for
the author to provide a deeper description of this report. Please understand if there are still
many shortcomings and errors in the preparation of this report.Hopefully with the simplicity
of this report can provide a source of benefits for writers in particular and for readers in


1.2 Backgrown
In this era of globalization, the development of the industrial sector in Indonesia, especially
the chemical industry, is increasing and has a significant share in the country's development.
Therefore, skilled and experienced chemical analysis personnel are needed. State Vocational
High School 2 Cilegon is a vocational school that aims to produce skilled and competent
middle man workers in the field of Industrial Chemistry. To meet these demands, students are
required to take part in the Lime Plate and Frame Filter Press Water Filtration practice
program in the subject of Chemical Engineering Operations (OTK). With this practice, it is
hoped that students will be able to operate and be able to apply the knowledge they have
gained at school as well as gain work experience in the industrial world so that students can
become skilled, experienced and competent workers in the field of Industrial Chemistry.

1.2 Purpose of the practical

The objectives of carrying out practical Lime Water Filtration With Plate And Frame Filter
Press in the subject of Chemical Engineering Operations (OTK) are as follows:
 Carry out the water purification process by filtration
 Able to operate plate and frame filter press type filtration equipment.

2.1 Discussion
2.1.1 Filtration
Filtration is a process of separating mixture operations between solids and liquids by
passing feed or solids and liquids through a filter medium. Filtration processes are widely
carried out in industry, for example in drinking water purification, separation of salt crystals
from the mother liquor, paper factories and others for all flow feed filtration processes caused
by a thrust in the form of a pressure difference, for example, due to gravity or rotational
The filtration process that is carried out is that the material must be made in the form of a
solution or liquid form and then filtered. The result of filtering is called filtrate and the
residue left behind in filtering is called residue or dregs. This method is used to clean water
from impurities such as lime and others by using a plate and frame filter press.

2.1.2 Lime Water

Water is a compound that is essential for all life forms known hitherto on Earth, but not on
other planets. Its chemical formula is H2O, each molecule of which contains one oxygen and
two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Most of the water can be found in the sea
(salt water) and in the ice caps (at the poles and on the tops of mountains). Apart from that,
water can also be found in clouds, rain, rivers, surface fresh water, lakes, water vapor, and sea
ice. The water in these objects moves according to a water cycle, namely: through
evaporation, rain, and the flow of water over the ground surface (runoff, including springs,
rivers, estuaries) towards the sea. Clean water is important for human life.
Limestone is a material derived from white and fine sedimentary rock which is mainly
composed of the mineral calcium. Types of sedimentary rock that generally contain carbonate
compounds, especially calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Lime is a component of building
materials that functions as an adhesive. The ability of this lime can be used to add to the
concrete mixture which previously only used cement, sand and crushed stone. The nature of
lime that easily hardens and provides binding strength makes lime widely used in the
construction industry. Several building materials use lime as a manufacturing material,
including mortar, concrete aggregate, stucco, wire, glass, and ceramics.

2.1.3 Plate and Frame Filter Press

Plate and frame filter press is a filtering process that uses tools, such as plates and
frames that are joined together with filter cloth on each side of the plate. The plates have
channels, so that the clear filtrate can pass through each plate. Slurry is pumped into the
plate and frame and flows through the channels in the frame, so that the slurry fills the
frame. Filtration continues until the frame is filled with solids. Most filters have a
separate outlet for each frame so that it can be seen whether the filtrate is clear or not. If
the filtrate is not clear, it may be caused by a damaged filter cloth or other reasons. When
the frame is completely separated, the plate and frame are separated and the cake is
removed, then the filter is reassembled and used. In this filter, the filter cloth covers each
side of each plate, then is held together by mechanical force using a jack. There are also
filters equipped with washing plates, the purpose of which is to wash the cake, so that the
remaining valuable filtrate can be recovered in the cake (such as in an oil factory) or the
aim is to get a cleaner cake. At the time of washing, the washing water enters from the
washing plate, through the filter cloth then through the cake, finally through the filter
cloth again and exits through the hole under the plate. In the results of washing,
sometimes there is something valuable and wants to be taken, such as an oil factory. For
cases like this, the washing water is not disposed of but is subjected to further processing.
The advantage of the plate and frame filter press is that the work is easy, it only requires
ordinary trained personnel because the method of operation of the tool is simple, you can
immediately see the results of the filter, namely cloudy or clear, can be used at high
pressures, adding capacity is easy, just by increasing the number of plates and frames
without adding filter press unit, can be used for filtering solutions that have a high
viscosity, and can be used for filtering solutions that contain relatively low levels of
colloid (impurities). The disadvantages of this plate and frame filter press are the
possibility of large leaks and the operation is not continuous. Another disadvantage of the
plate and frame filter press is that it requires a lot of labor because it takes a long time to
disassemble and install the filter.


3.1 Tools And Material

1. A set of plate and frame filter press
2. Bucket
3. Lime
4. Plain water

Work Procedures
1. Weigh 1 bucket of water.
2. Install the filter cloth correctly.
3. Tighten the plate and frame
4. Ensure that the filtrate container has been installed at each output of the
5. Turn on the pump, wait until the filtrate comes out.
6. Make sure there are no leaks in each partition between the plate and the
7. Put a certain amount of sample into the bucket as a container.
8. Perform filtration until the desired number of samples, if the filtrate is not
clear, it can be re-filtrated.
9. Measure the amount of filtrate that can be obtained.
10. Compare the turbidity level between the sample water and the filtrate.


4.1 Analysis Results

Analysis of filtered water quality in terms of
Physical parameters include color, odor, taste, TDS, pH,
and the temperature of each filter. The water produced by each filter can be seen in Figure 2.
Picture 3. Graph of zeolite and carbon composition to tds of filtered result

4.2 Disussion
In figure 2a) the water from filter 1 looks not colorless, odorless and tasteless, TDS adsorbed
to 557ppm. Filter absorption 6.39%. The water from filter 1 is still not suitable for
consumption becauseis above the maximum limit. The pH of the water increasesto 8.1 so
water is alkaline. In figure 2b) the water from filter 2 looks not colorless, odorless, tasteless,
TDS adsorbed 46ppm to 549ppm. Filter absorption 7.73%. Filter 2 water is still not fit for
consumption becauseis above the maximum limit. The pH of the water increases to 8.1 so
water is alkaline. In figure 2c) the water from filter 3 looks not colorless, odorless and
tasteless, TDS absorbed 128ppm to 467ppm. Filter absorption 21.51%. Filter 3 water can be
said to be feasible consumption because it is below the maximum limit i.e. 500ppm. The pH
of the water increases to 8.1 so water is alkaline. In figure 2d) the water from filter 4 looks
not colorless, odorless and tasteless, TDS adsorbed 151ppm to 444ppm. Filter absorption
25.38%. Filtered water is suitable for consumption because it is in below the maximum limit
of 500ppm. water pH increases to 8.0 so water is alkaline. In figure 2e) the filter 5 water is
visible yellowish in color, odorless and tasteless bitter, absorbed TDS 10ppm to 585ppm.
Filter absorption 1.68%. Filter 5 water is still not suitable for consumption because it is above
the limit maximum. The pH of the water increases to 8.1 so that the water alkaline. Yellow
color and TDS is back increases because there are carbon particles that released and the
activated charcoal starts to saturate so, the process reduced absorption.


5.1 Conclusion
Composition of carbon and zeolite filter media affect the filtered water. Substance absorption
dissolved in water is best shown in filter 4 with a composition of 5 cm zeolite and 10 cm
carbon capable of absorbing 25.38% of dissolved substances.

5.2 Thank you note

thanks to Allah swt for and the convenience provided, to the teacher in the field of vocational
studies in the chemical engineering operations subject who has helped with the discussion
and helped facilitate this filtration device and thanks to friends who contributed to making
this report, hopefully with him making this report can study harder.

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