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• So\~tnt a\t1acfi11gf
, _ \iquidrlo\ling
1 1;;0\s fo,rneJ Cij m1iina ~Ul\)J ielQ.¼inl 1

1 Ste\<chi, rnbbev el-c._ w1"1 su~ble \i~uid.

• RMks1b\dso\~.
.. 50\vent rtpelliflj f
II(\ uid hoh{)8 ·
• CA<\ be \Xfpa1eJ
01)1H bff speciql f')tfbtAS
4 ~~ 3 (q) 50i.('j) - 4 4tJ6 <gl +6H,4 lS) :- EleclncoJ d1sfoh~rali(l{\ > ptphlahon fie
2.N0(4\-+ 02 (9\ --4 2NO1 (9l • f ut\Jnsiblc so\s .
'4N01{g\+2H.2.0(l)-+01 4fiNO~l4£1J) l,ii} i~pes of po~licles of Oispt~sio!) p~as&
cotd\j-.t Ji pcihn,~ osbe,to~- C\) - • F01111td bH
®'1£t prowis sul phU'c\cocid, 11g~rtsa~ of la!!f no. 4f molwJlcs.
soJ(9l-+ 1-11 so~ (<1~) tL.!20-l (J) • t\ tsO()M\\d cnatadcr
(o\eum) • intt/1\d,qte ~oltculot 11Hl$ &a,e
luS20-1- W ..-lul)(J\ -4 2JfLS04 (a") Mij logttfitt h!j ~rqk ijQMti' u.,aal ~led .
(ial)St1> Plohlll5tti1 aqbests OY (V~Os).
( hHdrophilic taid)
(s·teacate im\l)
~ f~ Q
~- (0{3(l~i)1 SO+Natj 1

( $001ulff \au1sulphote-0 J

(0.) ~~e((\trol me 11\od~ -

r :4 (001Jblo! ~~ili,Q)
Lfi'h031' 3Hz.S Mi$~ {sol)
(~fSt'f\.l& . /' -+-
inoi1de) (~<s~~~ide) 3H20]
-j., OY.tbMlt
SOi. +lH.i.5 3s(sot) +lH26.
l l'l~d,ogeo
1\t~ ~tdudi~
2Auci3 -\- 31-\C.1-10 ·HHJ-0
(cnoki t,~lo~ide) (-{6ri1'10ld~le)
2RU (sol) '1'3\iCOOl-t+ 6«cl
~- ~(y ~31-110 H~ii<,ii,'5iS ) fe{Ot-1)3 (t;o\)
~Hc.l ( fmit hgdtol\ck)
tb) Elechicd\s'1otts1attdl'\ 0~ ered~'s Alu
~ cd -
It1\J(Jh1tS ij1sptl'5ial1 a ~ti~O{ ) ·
,. fl~, 51wtf, pf etc, can bt p1epor~
,. flee bic oic. is s~ut k b\11 dec.hodts
The pottnoot d1 ff Cft4ltd Dlu1 fi -xed ~u\siOI\S 11,111~-1i~u,d colloid41 s~st.
# •

(ll\o d,ffu<,d 1o.ij~5 of 6ppt GMf8tS is ~ ~ ; 'J.\ult of h.oe fm~143(1blt Olf

col~d · tlt'c~o kifltnc ti~ zet~ ~nhot . r>athall~ m1c.,d~~ li\uid is 5hokrn > <t
•aM of 1'1)01~ eledrolHlff;' te, so~ "tJPrf>,i& coa<c;e dtpn~1m of_cmr li\ll~ lti o~ev
the difwsrd doub\e l<tijtt <h. iedt1<t~ -tie ,~ tiblaiotd ..) eroll\s1on.
zit~ {)O+tt\h'<tl . This the ele<n,sMiG Tu~·
{f~\l\s,on blt.0 p<i!hclts l,. colla1d ppt'es. (1) ~ ~ , (o/w "d~)
~- milk and uc11wsh,i Cffdlfl . In 11\~,
lv~ Eledfephoresis- h~u,dfat Is d~pel(sed II'\ watev.
•~01J1mtfltiof co\\'.>1dal pathcl~s uodeY oi) Wok ~' disern,td Ill oil (wjo fBpe)
an a p~ litd e~,~1-d po¼tnhd ( like twe
~: Bllt1et aoo c,eo.rn.
~t ~ds di~pe<l \o sol~).
""e' I~ ch4fgt~ po1thdes ,athixie Pril'loQ\e Ernulsifd lfl6 a~~l\ts i 6¥ 0_f11D(
e(TI\I\Sl(l!)S pro hens I gums & noturai'
•\Jt' lg chargtdlpa\'liclcs "~ <1Mde.
s3n\\)~hc !36'.t~ ·
l.t.)h~I\ dl.5prt~i<m mtdium htg111s re
al'ld wjo emu\5ions -<> hea.~ ~t<tl
~o\le mal) e\ednc pe Id ~\ f\tchoosmos,'3. S-Olls of 10~ odds I lan8 chain alcohol ,
~ ) · bnipblad\Mei.
i' stobili~ of lijophob,c soils is due * A\sa f>hou, ~ndoll lJ. 0(oUJ\)l(ln,
it) pnsrnce chQ~ei11n colloidol porhcld. mo1Jement.
~asula~°" rol'lbe cani~ out b~ - *__B~~f~ -
-~t) EltGk'e~h~ esiS (!) E\e,~ica\ pitci pit~han af f>moHt
ijl) au boilinB
.·• o ¤) fo~C.cohan of dri"~'oB c.oattt
()1~ B~ pt~sisfoot di111~51S I'
~") 0~ aGtaf elechol~fes. @ ~ -· • Acg~rolt 1s o
Ttie S{eatd tht lmcH or-f'oau lonna 51 \\ltY soi I ustd Qi 01'\ tijt lohcrt •
(a\) aMtt\ , file greote~ is its powef ie • lo\1011\al ami~i u,ed in curtog

couse p~t. \<a\Qiaa~ .

J 11 fl fan • (.o\laidul g~\I used fo~ ION41UUSCUklij
•Tf'I coagulondfl 11) ·\je sol,, inf ocw 08 . L~
_r. ; t 1 _. -+) \(\it'Cnm1.
powt\' IS I() oidei tAI ) en >Na. • t\"of roaanesia used for stomach.
I11' toa5ulo.h<m of ;v eson flocculalinij d1so\dc'!.
powt¥ ,s l<'IO~de~ - [fe(cN)61 .> Po\·'> ®~- AoiMI hi~es colloidal in
so~- '> cc) [ F·P· 0< •·J.v,J Mlut, used {o~ hat~t~nm~of lt<11iitt.
11 fad-o~ s cesp~~ible ior sab,li~ of * Chcamium 5<1lts are ctho ustd if! ~lace
\ijophiliG5o~.- of fonm.
0) (na19e lP) bg so\U4hortof colb,dol © (leaos\oa acllan of SQQ\>5~ dt~tacnts
p<andt& o
tJtlf these tw& fact'o'CS dtt rtroo~cd, o. ©~ ~ r ~:-
\Moph,lit ~ol CCAI\ be cooiol41td - coo.nng an el\ufr>i°"l of light sens,hue
O) b~ adding an rl_nllolijtd Agtv in gt!ahl) ouet 3\ass p~tfi.
tti) bM ad~'"S a su,~e~le SONtnt1 '5\ J l _1
0; Rubb~~ 1f>ollsir\i.- obtamro
._ 4io~hll1c so\1, Q{f mote sfoblt 4fi~t\ too~ri
l~ophob1c ~sll - ~ - ) 1 . - , t - ) ( - ,i -"-.x - :,,c. - )t-"JI-
I •

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