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IMANE : Hello everyone, I am Imane, one of the founders of “meirim survivor”.

Today, we
are here to present our project to you. To begin with, I personally take care of the
recruitment. You should know that a lot of things can happen to us without you necessarily
being prepared for them. It's advice, you have to be ready to live the worst. Our world today
is strange, isn't it? Still 1 year ago we wear masks to protect ourselves from illness. Or even 2
years ago we had to stay at home. It was because of this epidemic that me and the girls
woke up and decided to create this survival community. Many things can happen to us such
as an apocalypse or a terrorist attack. In order to carry out this project, me, Meïssa and
Romane created a site and had a huge bunker built in Asia. To continue, I leave the floor to

MEISSA : Hello everyone, I am Meïssa, I am also one of the founders of this community. In
order to be able to enter it you can contact us on our website which is
www.meirim/ You will need to apply. Your presence in the bunker will be
important and necessary. You will need to possess an ability that will result in the good of
society in the bunker. An ability to create, protect or otherwise, as long as you provide
protection and good. We can build the bunker all together. You should know that in the
bunker we will have no worries of pollution, no abuse, you will bring a warm atmosphere
and we will live in harmony. I am, as you have understood, one of the founders but I am also
the one in charge of training. I am a black judo belt and it is with great pleasure that I will
teach you everything I know. I will now give the floor to Romane.

ROMANE : : Hello everyone, I am Romane one of the founders and I take care of the
organization of the bunker. You have to know that you will have no more problems, be it
medical, health, money, work or anything else. After your application, we will determine
what you can do according to your abilities and activities will be set up according to your
sport or if you have preferences for cooking, you can help people already engaged so that
we can eat our fill. Speaking of food, don't worry about it, we'll take care of it. Then, we have
also set up times where you will learn to acquire techniques in the face of danger and
succeed in defending yourself from all things. For this you will have the help of Meïssa who is
a black judo belt and other people already engaged.

IMANE: The purpose of the survival community is also to learn, so that when you get out of
there you will have the means to face the dangers and to protect yourself.
MEISSA: As you have understood, to access the survival community, you just need to apply
with your information and your abilities. You will all be welcome and you will all be true
ROMANE: I hope we have succeeded in making you understand that you have to prepare
and hurry to integrate a community that can only save your life.

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