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To all of the lovely members of the Tampa Bay

Businesses for Culture and Arts Organization,

I’d like to give my deepest thank you to all of you for your
support in all of my artistic endeavors. Your support and generosity gives
me incentive to continue putting my first foot forward in all I do. Not just
because I know, through this award that I have your backing, but also
because I can clearly see, through the provision of the Charlie Hounchell
Art Stars Scholarship and the kindness of all in your organization, that so
many other young artists and performers will have a chance to pursue a
career in whatever passion they have found for themselves. In my second
week of College, after what has quite possibly been one of the most
enjoyable weeks of my life, I look around at my new friends, new classes,
and new places to explore with such excitement, and I am reminded that I
couldn’t be here without your support.

Forever Thankful to you all,

Haydn Charles Kelley

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