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01.what is internet?

        Internet is the huge network of computer around the world

02.write abbreviationviation

      ISP - internet service provider

      MODEM - modulator-demodulator                                                                       
      WWW - World Wide Web

03. What are the differences between a web site and a web page?

                    Web site                                                                                                        web

Collection of webpage                                              an individual page of web site

04. What is the homepage?

          Homepage- First page or most important page of a website,

05. What are the contents of website?


06.who invented WWW?

            Sir Timberners-lee

07. Which language use to write websites?


08. Write 5 uses of internet?

        Distance learning

        Online shopping

        Send emails

        Watch movies

        Listen music

09.write 5 ISP in srilanka?


          SLT mobitel




10.write is a hyperlink?

     Hyperlink- A link connecting one web page to another web       page/


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