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Ways to expand your answer

1. Example:
- Hobbies -> reading -> “one of my perennial favorite is…”

2. Benefits (necessary important)

To do wonders for
+ Physical health: keep fit/ stay in shape/ get a lean body
+ Mental health: let my hair down/ blow off some steam

3. Popularity:
for the most part,…. I’m really big on
- Ubiquitous
- All the rage

4. Discuss the opposite

+ Quiet >< Bustling (unlike/ compared to)

How to paraphrase in SPEAKING

1. Like questions
+ I’m quite into..
+ I’m really big on
I’m pretty fond of…
I’m really keen on…
I’m a big fan of…
I’m passionate about…

+ Part 3: “Each one has its own perks”

-> I lean towards/ I gravitate towards/ I long for
DISLIKING (Strategy: General to specific)
Rephrasing “Disliking” 
I’m not really satisfied with…
I’m not much of a fan of…
I’m not really fond of…
…is simply not my cup of tea.
I really can’t stand…
… simply gets on my nerves.

2. Important questions
+ it is indispensable
+ it is of paramount importance
+ play a pivotal role

3. Types Questions
+ a wide range of
+ an abundance of
+ an eclectic mix of
+ plenty of

BUSY STORY: These days my life is quite hectic, which means I’m always up
to my ears in study -> virtually I have no time to breathe
 In the off-hours, I just go to the coffee shop with some of my besties to
chill and unwind
 It’s always a blast hanging with them

WHEN: Just a few weeks ago, when I was preparing for the university entrance
exam, which is also the high school graduation exam, since a few years ago, the
Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam had merged both of them into
 So as you can guess, I was practically drowning in FINALS
 I was always up to my ears in REVISION, it was a nerve-wracking
ORDEAL for me
 I really needed to do something to let my hair down (blow some steam),
that’s why I …… (went on a trip to…/ had some shopping therapy)

WHERE: …… a building, which is conveniently situated in the inner-city of

A very bustling area, and it is frequented by lots of locals/ tourists
 As you can imagine, given its prominent location -> it enjoys the
PATRONAGE of locals/…

It does wonders for
 physical health: get a lean body, improve cardiovascular system ->
mitigate the risks of obesity, diabetes, and heart attack
 Mental health: BUSY -> a wonderful way to blow off some steam,
alleviate stress from work and study
Shopping Mall Story:
On my payday when I’m feeling flush
 Usually hit the mall and splurge on some nice shoes or clothes because
I’m a slave to fashion, oh I love the shopping therapy

I have known her/him since we were knee-high to a grasshopper
 As you can imagine we have a close-knit relationship ever since


- The crab was succulent and juicy
- The pasta was al dente
- So overall, It was an absolutely lip-smacking dish
- OMG, just thinking about it, all my taste buds were thoroughly tantalized

Diamond phrases:
- A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast
- Better safe than sorry
- To make money hand over fist

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