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COURSE: IELTS Fighter Target 6.


I. Part 1-style questions


1. Do you enjoy using technology?

“I can't really call myself a techie or a computer buff, but I actually have a collection of devices at home such as my
smart phone, iPad, laptop, desktop computer, etc. I love spending time with these gadgets. I can't imagine living
without technology.”

Techie /ˈteki/: somebody who has an interest in technology (người đam mê công nghệ)

Computer buff /kəmˈpjuːtə(r) bʌf/: an expert computer user (người sử dụng thành thạo máy tính)

Device /dɪˈvaɪs/: an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job (thiết bị)

Gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/: a small tool or device that does something useful (đồ dùng)

2. Do you have your own computer?

“Yes, I do. I have a 13 inch laptop, which I use all the time. I use it for checking emails, browsing Facebook, word
processing, doing assignments, and watching my favourite programs on Youtube.”

To check emails /tʃek ˈiːmeɪl/: to see where there's a new email or not (kiểm tra hòm thư điện tử)

To browse a website /braʊz ə ˈwebsaɪt/: to look at a website (truy cập trang web)

Word processing /ˈwɜːd prəʊsesɪŋ/: producing written texts on a computer (soạn thảo văn bản)

To do assignments /du: əˈsaɪnmənts/: to finish tasks given for one's study (làm tiểu luận)

3. Do you use the Internet for your study?

“Yes, I would be lost without it! I usually need to google for reference documents. And I even bought some online
courses for English. Also, I really enjoy educational websites like BBC or VOA, which I visit regularly.”

To be lost with sb/sth: to be unable to live without sb/sth

To google /ˈɡuːɡl/: to type words into the search engine Google in order to find information (tìm kiếm thông tin
bằng trang Google)

Reference document /ˈrefrəns ˈdɒkjumənt/: a document that provides details for consultation about a subject (tài
liệu tham khảo)

Online course /ˌɒnˈlaɪn kɔːs/: a Web-based course where students and teachers do not need to meet in person
(khóa học trực tuyến)

Educational website /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl ˈwebsaɪt /: a website made for education (trang web giáo dục)

II. Part 2-style questions


Describe a piece of technology you own that is very important. You should say:
- what it is
- what it is used for
- how long you have owned it
and explain why it is important for you.

“Well, I have several pieces of modern technology gadgets and among them I would like to talk about my laptop.
This is a laptop manufactured by HP.

I use it for multi purposes. I surf the internet, communicate with my friends and prepare documents using this
laptop. This laptop serves my entertainment also. I watch movies, listen to music and play games in it. In fact, I use
this laptop more frequently than any other electronic devices except my cell phone.

I bought it 3-4 months ago when I replaced my old Dell laptop. Since the technology changes and to get faster
performance, we need to upgrade our computers.

As I have already mentioned, I use this laptop for many important purposes such as communication, word
processing as well as entertainment. This laptop has become an indispensable part in my daily life.”

To surf the Internet /sɜːf ði ˈɪntənet/: to look at a series of websites one after the other (lướt mạng)

Electronic device /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk dɪˈvaɪs/: a device depending on the principles of electronics  (thiết bị điện tử)

Performance /pəˈfɔːməns/: how well or badly something works (khả năng hoạt động)

To upgrade /ˈʌpɡreɪd/: to make a piece of machinery, computer system, etc. more powerful and efficient; (nâng

II. Part 3-style questions


1. How can technology make our life easier?

“Technology can impact our life in many ways and so far technological advancement has made our life easier than
ever. First of all, the internet has provided us with a massive amount of information on different subjects.
Furthermore, communication and shopping have improved thanks to the Internet. Nowadays, people across the
world communicate so conveniently, Online purchases are popular as you can buy anything you want by few
mouse clicks. The smartphone is used by everyone because of its multiple functions. Besides, technology has
made it possible to cure diseases. Finally, it has improved the way we travel, cook, play, spend our leisure time and
so on. In fact, we are blessed with the advancement of technology on every aspect of our life.”

Technological advancement /ˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl ədˈvɑːnsmənt/: progress in technology (thành tựu công nghệ)

Thanks to: because of (positive meaning) (nhờ có)

Online purchase /ˌɒnˈlaɪn ˈpɜːtʃəs/: the act of buying online (mua qua mạng)

Mouse click /maʊs klɪk/: the act of clicking a mouse (cú nhấp chuột)

Smart phone / smɑːt fəʊn/: a device that combines a cell phone with a handheld computer (điện thoại thông minh)

2. Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity?

“It's an undeniable fact that mobile phones are very useful. For example, in case of an emergency, you can make a
call to get help. Moreover, these appliances help people communicate, take pictures to keep memories, access the
internet and include different types of applications as well. So, all these functions are available in a single device,
otherwise having different appliances for every single function would be very expensive. This is less expensive to
purchase and have many handy applications and usages. These are the main reasons why cell phones are gaining
its popularity so rapidly.”

To access the internet /ˈækses ði ˈɪntənet /: to get connected to the internet (kết nối mạng)

Application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/: a piece of software (ứng dụng)

Appliance /əˈplaɪəns/:  a machine that is designed to do a particular thing in the home (thiết bị, dụng cụ)

3. Why should we restrict the use of mobile phones in public places?

“The primary reason is that sometimes they can be irritating. For instance, when they are used in hospitals or other
public libraries, they are really disturbing and must always be turned to silent. A further reason is that cell phones
can be considered as an antisocial means. In a little more detail, most of the time people send messages and make
and this reduces face to face communication. A final reason could be health issues that are caused by cell phones.
Due to radiation emission, headaches and migraines are a frequent occurrence as well as other health related
problems such as cancer, eye and heart problems.”

Death anniversary /deθ ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri/: the anniversary of the death of a person (ngày giỗ)

Extended family /ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfæməli/: a family group with a close relationship among the members that includes
not only parents and children but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc. (đại gia đình)

Cozy /ˈkəʊzi/: warm, comfortable (ấm cúng)


Part 3-style questions

1. Are you interested in robots? Why?

2. Do you like robots to work at your home?

3. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?


1. We all are already surrounded by robots and I think yes I am too an extent interested in them as well. It will
be amazing to see the robots doing things that we don’t like, making us more productive. So, for example,
when a robot would be driving my car, I will have time to read my novel or have a chat with my friend.

2. I am pretty content with robots working at my home doing things that I really don’t like. So, for example,
things like cleaning the room or the car, well if the robot does it I am good with it. Or, for sometimes make
food for me. But, then depending entirely on them, does not suit me well. Allowing the robot to cook food for
me or drive car for me, is not something I will go for. Sometimes it is good, but there are times you wish to
do things on your own, spend time with people you love. I think balancing between both is where the things
will go.

3. Completely, might not be possible. But, yes to a very large extent, in the near future, robots will surely
replace humans. And they have done in the past as well. There were times when people were given jobs
only for data entry, this is now handled easily using computers. But, in my opinion for jobs like teaching or
even software jobs will continue to require manual intervention.

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