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January 20, 2023

BSCE-CHE42S1 / GE ELECTIVE – Living in the IT Era GEC 002B

Reflection Essay

Guide Questions:
 What are the changes brought by the pandemic in the current information
technology stature?
 How does it affect you in terms of studying, playing, etc.

The current information technology has changed the process of IT

development. We can see a lot of technologies are developed to save natural
resources, make easy access to the internet and in the current information technology
stature, some changes were brought like; source code being less accurate and it is
easier to modify because of the pandemic. This leads to a cybersecurity concern as
hackers are invading our confidential data. It also has impacted the reliability of software
testing and there is a constant shortage of resources.
With the emergence of the Pandemic in January to March 2020, we have
experienced various challenges that created a lot of impact on our daily lives as well as
jobs and specially students that urge to adapt the online learning system. Moreover, the
main change brought by the pandemic is an increased number of vacancies in the
industry due to a reduced workforce. In the past, information technology (IT) had the
power to change people's lives. However, with the emergence of the pandemic and the
changes that it brought in this field, many people lost their jobs and were not able to
support themselves by working on IT activities.
Technical advances will always create new and exciting ways of using
technology, but they can only work if they are kept up and running. The impact of the
situation may maximize potential; however, complications can arise when implementing
certain methods or processes because of inadequate training or inexperience.

In a world where the internet is shutting down and connectivity is upgraded,

people are expected to focus on things that can sustain their lifestyles and the study
environment has greatly changed.
Many people have either postponed their studies or postponed the ongoing
ones to put a halt to their growth. In addition, when taking up studies, many things are
affected such as studying at home and learning languages, and it has impacted young
students since the restrictions delayed the progression of their education.
TOLIBAS, MA. CHELSEA G. January 20, 2023
BSCE-CHE42S1 / GE ELECTIVE – Living in the IT Era GEC 002B
Similarly, academic activities have been affected as computers were down,
and cannot access their accounts on the internet. Many have introduced new measures
for them to continue with their academic work even though there was an internet
blackout period in many places around the world.
Other things that are affected are transportation and communication. The
recent pandemic brought new challenges in terms of transportation and communication,
especially for public officials. This has resulted in delays in government services and
limitations to access media.
In addition, we have seen how social media has become a channel for people
to communicate with each other about all kinds of issues including health concerns as
well as government decisions. An unbreakable network can be achieved only when all
parties are connected through the internet. Consequently, it can be a disaster since
cyber security is a major concern as everybody is working on their mobile devices, it
has affected the transportation sector as well since web-based apps have become very
popular in the transportation industry.
Transportation and communication are affected not only during the pandemic
but also after it. We had to change our ways of transportation and communication as we
became a digital society. The IT changes brought by the pandemic are impacting
transportation and communication which is seen through how rapid diversion with the
elevated use of wireless devices, as well as social media platforms.

Honor Pledge
“I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this
assignment and that this work is my own.”

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