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Week 04 - Task:

Assignment - A trip to
the past


Arias Antezana Edson Brajhan Bustamante Gahuallay Gimena Nayeli

Sifuentes García Ttatiana Kenia Morales La Torre Lisset Veronica

Tatiana: Hi 
Gimena: Hello guys. How are you? 
Edson: I’m fine. 
Lis: Hello everyone. I’m fine. 
Tatiana: Guys, what is your favorite device? 
Gimena: My favorite device is my cell phone.  
Edson: Oh, and what are its characteristics? 
Gimena: Well, first of all, it is easy to use, it also has a beautiful design, the battery
lasts many hours and the best thing is that I can take it everywhere. 
Edson: I think we all love our cell phones. And Lis, what is your favorite device? 
Lis: My favorite device is my computer. 
Edson: Tell me, why is your computer your favorite device? 
Lis: I bought my computer and I love it. Because it's bigger and thinner than my old
computer. Has a faster memory; The best thing is that it allows me to finish my
university work and buy the most modern; to download my favorite games. 
Lis: And Edson, what is your favorite device? 
Edson: I think that my favorite device is my speaker. 
Tatiana: Oh, the speaker is amazing, I love it! Why is it important to you? 
Edson: It is important to me because I really enjoy listening to music. My speaker is the
highest quality in my zone and there is no one who does not know it. And how about
you Tatiana? 
Tatiana: My favorite device is my laptop. 
Gimena: Why is it your favorite device? 
Tatiana: In my opinion, the laptop is the best device in this world, because it’s the most
practical device to study anywhere. 
Lis: Wow, all of your devices are amazing! Well, I have to go now guys, see you later. 
Gimena: Goodbye guys  
Edson: Bye Bye! 
Tatiana: See you. 

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