Biology SAD Revision

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What is Biology?

The scientific study of living organisms.

How do you know what is alive?


Movement - Where muscles contract and part of the body moves

Respiration - Breathing in oxygen and using food to make energy for cells
Sensitivity - Can detect changes and respond

Homeostasis - They control their internal conditions

Growth - Growing into an adult
Reproduction - Producing young
Excretion - Waste products produced by the body need to be removed
Nutrition - Food is needed for new body structures, energy, growth and repair

Cells - Basic Unit of life that can function independently

Bacteria - Prokaryotes
Red blood cells - Erythrocytes
White blood cells - Leukocytes
Brain cells - Neuron
Windpipe - Trachea

Single cell organisms; Amoeba, paramecium

● Controls the cells activity
● Contains chromosomes/DNA
Cell Membrane:
● Controls entry/exit to cell of nutrients, waste and pathogens
● Where a lot of the chemical reactions take place in cells
● Engulfs pathogens and excretes waste from the cell
● Temporary in animal cells
● Produces energy by aerobic respiration

● Holds the genetic material for the cell
Cell membrane:
● Controls the movement of things that go in and out of the cell
Cell wall:
● The cell wall surrounds the plasma membrane of plant cells and provides
tensile strength and protection against stress.
● Where most of the chemical reactions take place
● Does respiration
● Absorbs the sunlight for photosynthesis

Biochemical Groups

Polymer Monomer Elements e.g. Test

Protein Protein Amino Acid CHON(PS) Hair, Biuret

enzymes, solution

Carbohydrate Polysaccharide Monosaccharide CHO Starch Iodine for

glycogen starch
maltose and
glucose glycogen


Lipid Lipid Glycerol and CHO Fats + Oil Lipid +

fatty acids Ethanol
Does not

● Release of stored chemical energy
● Enzyme controlled
● Aerobic needs oxygen
● Anaerobic in the absence of oxygen
● Exothermic
● Aerobic respiration produces a lot of ATP however anaerobic respiration produces a
bit of ATP
● Anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid in animals and ethanol and carbon dioxide
in plants and fungi
● Happens in mitochondria
● Glucose is provided from food and oxygen is provided from breathing
● Glucose and energy go in and the animal cells produce carbon dioxide and water
● Glucose → Lactic Acid
● Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + water
● ATP in broken down with oxygen that’s why you need to breathe in deeply after doing
some exercise
● The oxygen travels to the mitochondria because of diffusion because the cell has a
low concentration of oxygen however the blood stream with all the red blood cells
that carry the oxygen all around our body

Aerobic Anaerobic

Uses glucose and oxygen Uses only glucose

Produces carbon dioxide and water Produces lactic acid

Lots of energy Small release of energy

Products are easily released from the body Oxygen debt to break down lactic acid

Glucose + Oxygen → Water + Carbon Dioxide + ATP Energy

C(6)H(12)o(6) + (6)O2 --> (6)CO2 + (6)H2O + ATP + heat

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