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Dosen Pengajar :

Drs. Leonard Oley

Nama : Suwai Batul Aslamiyah
NIM : 11194562211109


Passive Voice with 8 Tenses:
1. Simple Past: Subject + was/were + verb 3
Aktif : Indra drove a helicopter last week
Pasif : A car was driven by indra last week
Negatif : A car was not driven by indra last week
Introgatif : Was a car driven by indra last week?

2. Simple Present: Subject + am/is/are + verb 3

Aktif : Lila bites Mary
Pasif : Mary is bitten by Lila
Negatif : Mary isn’t bitten by Lila
Introgatif : Is Mary bitten by Lila?

3. Simple Future: Subject + will + be + verb 3

Aktif : Lila will make a video next month 
Pasif : A video will be made by Lila next month
Negatif : A video will not be made by Annisa next month
Introgatif : Will a video be made by Annisa next month?

4. Past Continuous: Subject + was + being + verb 3

Aktif : Lila was watching a movie
Pasif : A Movie was being watched by Lila
Negatif : A movie was not being watched by Lila
Introgatif : Was a movie being watched by Lila?

5. Present Continuous: subject am/is/are + verb 3

Aktif : Tamada is watching a movie
Pasif : A Movie is being watched by Tamada
Negatif : A movie is not being watched by Tamada
Introgatif : Is a movie being watched by Tamada?
6. Present Perfect: Subject + have/has + been + verb 3
Aktif : Abdullah has planted the coconut for 2 years
Pasif : The coconut has been planted by Abdullah for 2 years
Negatif : The coconut has not been planted by Abdullah for 2 years
Introgatif : Has the coconut been planted by Abdullah for 2 years? 

7. Past Perfect: Subject + had + been + verb 3

Aktif : Tamada had made an agreement
Pasif : An agreement had been made by Tamada
Negatif : An agreement had not been made by Tamara 
Introgatif : Had an agreement been made by Tamara? 

8. Future Perfect: subject + will + have + been + verb 3

Aktif : Amelia wrote a letter to her grandmother / Amelia will have written a letter to her
grandma tomorrow 
Pasif : A letter will have been written by Amelia to her grandma tomorrow
Negatif : A letter will not have been written by Amelia to her grandma tomorrow 
Introgatif : Will a letter have been written by Amelia to her grandma tomorrow?

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