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The relationship between stimulus Behaviorism is the most important/used

and response that occurs through

method in the foreing lenguage teachng
the interaction with the envionment
Behaviorism is an interaction between
stimulus and response.
Thorndike classifies laws
of learning like: law of
The way of teaching it’s very
readiness, law of
exercise and law of Behaviorism in important because it benefits
the reception of information.
forenig language
Watson, he said that
learning is a process of
interaction between
The theories of lenguage are
stimulus and response
four: behaviorism, cognitivism,
through conditioning.
humanism and constructivism.

Are two types of stimulus In behaviorism, the teacher is the

and two types of response Is basically, authority and has control of the stimulus
theory was
Unconditiones stimulus descovered by the sitmulus and response in the learning
Conditioned stimulus Ivan Petrovich response of environment
Pavlov while he the student
on dogs
The strategies of Behaviorism are:
Repetition Expansion
Inflection Contraction
Replacement Transformation
Erros are corrected Integration
on the spot, and they Restatement Rejoinder
focus a lot on writing Completion Restoration

Desoite being a
Behaviorism in Behaviorism gives several
implications in
somewhat archaic forenig language languagelearning
method, its very
common among teaching process:
schools Shaping
methodology Modelling
Rewarding and punishing
Programmed learning
Behaviorism focuses on
the teachingas an
example or model within Siknner said the relationship between
in the class. stimulus and response that occurs
through in the interactive with the

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