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Hi Amazon seller administration team!

Some days ago, my account has been deactivated for the reason of linked
account beginning with “SUFFAH”.
But I believe this notification is sent in right.
My account “Z&R PRIME” is the only account I have and its verified. But
since its been deactivated.
Below are all the details of root cause with and attached supporting
documents to substantiate this claim.
• I have used a co working space for my office since its eco-friendlier. And I
use the Computer and Wi-Fi at the office which is shared by others.
• There might have been a breach in privacy, and someone might have used
the same computer for logging into their account in any case its my fault that
I was less than careful, and I since then have educated myself and my team to
be more in compliance with Amazon’s policies.
• Someone once asked me for help with their Amazon seller business and I
showed them what to do that is all I can think of other than that, there was no
breach of any policy.
• I have never tried to create another account. I am doing FBM . I don’t need
another account . I am just trying to run this business with a positive mindset.

Here is my
• I have taken some time to educate myself and my team to be in total
compliance with Amazon.
• I am never going to create a related account even by mistake, since now as a
whole company we are well versed in Amazon policies and implement strict
measures to comply on it.
• Me and my team keep complete track of the existing policies and any
changes to it so we remain 100% compliant Amazon Selling Partner.
• Now we do not use public wi-fi or hot spots to be extra careful of our
account security. We have our own office and computers.
• We understand that operating and maintaining multiple Seller Central
accounts is prohibited. And it is permitted by Seller Support only if there is
an explanation of the legitimate business need for a second account. We will
never act against this policy.
• This plan reflects our complete dedication to remain in 100% compliance
with Amazons policies going forward. Please let us know if there is anything
else we need to do to prevent this issue in the future.

Thank you, I’ve attached some records for proof.

Mohammad Ramzan

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