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 A community is a network of human relationships connected either by norms,

religion,values, or identity. It came from the Latin word communitas, meaning “the
same” that was derived from communis, meaning “public or being shared by everyone.”

 A community has no legal rights to claim in the eyes of the law and has no legal
obligations to fulfill because it has no legal status at all.

 Having a group of people is the fundamental requirement of being a community.

 Community cultural means it may be a system composed of things that are learned
instead of inherited from genes and chromosomes

Perspectives of Community

 Social Science Perspective- A community can be characterized by depicting its social

and political systems that bind people, community organizations, and leaders.

 Institutional Perspective- Composed of diverse parts that function uniquely, a

community has distinctive parts that speak to specialized capacities, exercises, or
interests that work inside particular boundaries to meet the community’s needs.

 Civil society, also known as the third sector (after government and commerce), has the
control to impact the activities of chosen policymakers and businesses.
 Diversity refers to differences existing among individuals and within groups

 Gender involves socially constructed ideas such as perceptions, expectations, attitudes,

and roles of being male or female.

 Diversity in race can often be identified through physical and biological criteria such as
skin color, hair color and texture, and facial features.

 Ethnicity- refers to one’s status of belonging to a state or country by birth or


 Sexual orientation is an individual’s identity relating to the gender to which they are
emotionally and romantically attracted.

 Social class may include individuals’ and groups’ financial and material wealth,
education, and occupation.

Types of Community

 Rural
 Urban
 Sub urban

 Guidance counselors- these are professionals who encourage and strengthen individuals
to overcome challenges and reach their fullest potential.
 Community engagement- It is the process of working collaboratively with a community
through volunteering and civic involvement.

 Leaders are persons or groups responsible for taking charge of a particular group.

 Action refers to a deed, a behavior, or an initiative. It also means movement or change.

 Cultural - Annual fiesta celebrating the anniversary of the local.

 Social Political- Barangay elections every three years, Volunteering at the community’s
quarterly donation drive, Governing body, authority, law, and order.

 Economic- Fiscal and monetary policies, the sustainability of resources, livelihood,

employment and labor market, and other economic activities.

 Membership   - refers to the feeling of belonging or of sharing a sense of personal


 Integration and fulfillment of needs- Refers to the feeling of fulfillment, which stems
from the personal investments that members make in maintaining community
membership or in participating in community activities and affairs.

 Influence- Refers to sense of having importance or of feeling valued

 Shared emotional connection- Refers to a sense of shared cultural and historical

heritage and the feeling that common experiences will continue to be shared in the future.
 common symbol system- These are things used to represent the community such as
emblems, rituals, rites of passage, dress codes, etc. to create and maintain a sense of

 Robustness- It is the ability of a person to bounce back from a negative experience and
persevere despite it.

 citizen participation- It is a form of practice wherein the members use their skill and
talents to meet the collective goals of the community.

 Community development- It can be defined as a collective action in which people

voluntarily and mutually cooperate to improve the physical, social, and economic
conditions of a community.

 Community engagement- It is the process of working collaboratively with and through

groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations
to address issues affecting the well-being of those people.

 Marginalization - It is the position or condition of an individual or group at the margins

of society due to certain social, cultural, economic, political, ecological, and other

 Youth - According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations
(UN), these are individuals aged from 15–24 years old.

 Poverty - It is a condition in which individuals or families are unable to afford or keep

up with society’s living standards.

 People - It is the first prerequisite characteristic of a community

 Agricultural Areas - Rural community typically located

 Progress - The term dynamics refers to “a pattern or process of change, or growth, or

 Social change - It is characterized by alterations of cultural attitudes, values, behavior,

and social organization

 Solidarity - the following facets is not involved in the process of formation of collective

 National identity - the following is an example of shared identity that can be referred to
as the sense of belonging to a state or a nation

 Museum - The common good can be in the form of material, cultural, or institutional
facilities or resources. Which of the following is an example of a cultural common good?

 Diversity - This concept refers to differences existing among individuals and within

 Community power relations - In community dynamics, which process answers the

question “who can wield power when he so desires?”

 March 8 - Women empowerment has been recognized worldwide, and days like
International Women’s Day are celebrated annually. 

 Voluntary work - the following describes the practice of joining organizations and
sharing one’s talents and skills to improve the community’s well-being

 Definite locality - This locality does not need to be permanent as they can move to
another place as needed, such as in the case of nomads. 

 Poverty - the following refers to the condition in which individuals or families are
unable to keep up with society’s living standards
 Low-income contractual employees - People who are experiencing poverty and
marginalization are referred to as the marginalized poor. 

 Age of 15-30  - The following describes the youth according to the Republic Act No.
8044 or the “Youth in Nation-Building Act”

 High Self-esteem - The Filipino youth possess various strengths that make them ideal
agents for community building. Which of the following strengths is characterized by
their positive attitude and view of themselves that enable them to be productive?

 Positive outlook and composure in times of adversities - Among the strengths

possessed by the Filipino youth, which of the following results from their driven and
support-oriented characteristics?

 Youth as community builders - Mika and her friends are members of the Girl Scouts of
the Philippines, which allows them to participate in civic activities like serving in relief
operations after a calamity. Which among the following roles are depicted by Mika’s and
her friends’ actions

 Youth as resources - Jon is a consistent honor student. He believes that studying hard is
his way of giving back to the community. Which among the following roles are depicted
by Jon’s case

 Right to Life - the following is an example of a natural right

 Political - the following kinds of constitutional rights provides power to people to

participate in the establishment or administration of government

 Life - the following is defined as the existence of humans from birth to death
 Right to liberty - A law was passed requiring every individual to join a specific

 The term person in Article III, Section I of the Constitution embraces all persons within
the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines.

 citizen of the Philippines

 foreigner underwent naturalization
 private corporation

 Tens of thousands of killings have been linked to the “war on drugs” in the Philippines.
Despite international condemnation of extrajudicial and vigilante killings, the
government is firm in eradicating people engaged in illegal drugs. These are the victims’
rights violated

 There is a denial of the right to life

 Legal proceedings never happened.



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