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Nama : Elsya Ribka Krisen

NPM : 1906288404
Fakultas/Program Studi : FMIPA/GEOSAINS
Mata kuliah : Kapita Selekta
Tanggal : 14 September 2022

Narasumber : Sonny T. Sampurno

Petroleum Consultant & Oil and Gas Explorationist

5W1H in Oil and Gas Exploration

Warna Hijau : menandakan oil
Warna Merah : menandakan gas
Warna Biru : menandakan air/fluid

Exploration is the act of searching for the purpose of discovery of information or
resources, especially in the content of geography or space, rather than research and
development that is usually not centered on the earth sciences or astronomy.
Oil and Gas
A fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing material formed naturally in the earth’s crust
from the remains of dead plants and animals that is extracted and burned as a fuel. The main
fossil fuels are coal, crude oil and natural gas.
⇒ sebutan lain dari hidrokarbon (HC) karena memiliki unsur Hidro dan Karbon.
Oil and Gas Exploration
Perencanaan hidrokarbon yang dilakukan oleh petroleum geologist dan geophysicist.
5W1H : apa saja yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari explorasi oil and gas.

Exploration Oil and Gas

⇒ we need geology, geophysics, geochemistry, geomorphology, structure, basin,
sedimentology, petrographic, biostratigraphy, mineralogy, engineering,
5W1H : Kenapa dan Bagaimana cara kita untuk eksplorasi oil and gas
Exploration Oil and Gas : Hard Skill
5W1H : Soft Skill
a. Who is oil and gas?
⇒ Fluid (liquid & gas) containing mainly Hidrogen dan Carbon (HC) that can be
⇒ A hydrocarbon-containing material formed naturally in the earth’s crust form the
remains of dead plants and animals.
b. When is oil and gas formed?
⇒ Proterozoic (± 2500 mA) - Oligo-Miocene (34-5 mA)
c. Where is oil and gas formed?
⇒ Earth, Basin, Sedimen
⇒ Di sedimen karena terbentuk dari fosil dan menjadi sedimen sehingga ada
akumulasi hidrokarbon (HC) dan terletak di cekungan.
d. Why is oil and gas formed?
⇒ natural events
e. How oil and gas formed?
⇒ remains of dead plants
f. What is oil and gas?
⇒ Oil and Gas = Petroleum = Crude Oil = Hydrocarbon = Fossil Fuel.
Petroleum ⇒ Petro = rock; Oleum = oil
Color ⇒ Yellowish - Black
Occur ⇒ Sedimentary rock in subsurface
Type/Color ⇒ Quality of oil
Petroleum System
Elements (source rock, reservoir, seal) and Process (migration & trap).
● Source rock
Batuan induk yang menghasilkan hydrocarbon, mengandung komposisi Hydro &
Carbon, dan juga ada kerogen typenya.
● Reservoir
Batuan yang memiliki pori-pori untuk minyak atau gas dapat terakumulasi di batuan
● Seal
Batuan atau perangkap yang impermeable (tidak tembus) sehingga hydrocarbon tidak
bisa kemana-mana.

● Migrasi
Proses hydrocarbon keluar dari source rock karena tekanan (karena HC akan mencari
tekanan yang lebih rendah).
● Trap
Tempat terakumulasinya hydrocarbon. (inilah yang dicari!!)

5W1H untuk Oil and Gas Exploration

a. Who? (siapa yang mau cari?)
Oil and gas company, State oil company, etc.
b. What? (apa yang dicari?)
Oil and gas accumulation.
c. When? (kapan dilakukannya eksplorasi?)
Tahapan awal dari mencari cadangan minyak atau gas yang memiliki nilai ekonomis.
d. Where?
Earth, Basin, Subsurface.
e. Why? (kenapa dilakukan kegiatan eksplorasi?)
Business need, Energy security, Profit.
f. Who?
G&G Study, Survey (seismic, gravity, magnetic, topografi, batrymetri), drilling.

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