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Xuan Phi IELTS

Practice 7: Viết báo cáo hoàn thiện (full report) cho đề bài dưới đây.

The table below shows the number of cars made in three countries in 2003, 2006
and 2009.

The table demontrates the car production in three countries namely Argentina,
Australia and Thailand of the period from 2003 to 2009.

Looking at the graph from an overall perspective, it is clear that Thailand was
highest number of cars production, while Autralia and Argentina alternative in 2nd
and 3rd placed.

Looking the table more detail, we can be seen that the manufacture of cars in
Argentina increased significantly from 235,088 to 466,089 in the peroid of 2003 to
2009, and there achieved second place at the last time. In addition, the car
production in Thailand boomed dramatically from 735,852 to 1,162,356 during the
first three years of the period. However, there saw a slightly drop about 160 cars at
the end of period.

When it comes to Australia, it strated moderately at second place with 452,163 cars
produced in 2003. The number thereafter decreased steadily over the years to hit a
trough of 245,624 in 2009 as well as losing their second place.
(163 words)

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