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Xuan Phi IELTS

Practice 7: Viết một báo cáo hoàn chỉnh (full report) miêu tả toàn bộ quy trình dưới đây
(Nguồn: IELTS Vietop)

The diagram below describes how stormwater is recycled in an Australian city.

The povided process illustrates information about the steps in how stormwater is reused in an Australian city.

It is clear that there are five main steps in this diagram, starting from collecting rainwater and ending with clean
water being pumped to house, in order to recycle rainwater.

Looking more detail in the process, we can see that the first main step of the process is the collection of rainwater
from drains and into pipes where it is transformed to a water recycling plant. The filtration of the plant have four
small steps, beginning with the removal of plastic and other rubbish. Next, small particles are removed from
stormwater, followed by bacteria and viruses. Lastly, mini steps of this main step is the removing of molecules and

In the second half of the process, chlorine is added to the water, approximately 4 mg/l for futher treatment. Then,
the water is transformed through pipes to large storage tanks where can be easuly distributed to Autralian

( 165 words)

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