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By :
M. Shaydul Abrar
Reg. No: 17249

Supervisor :

Mr. Ferry Chandra, MA


Matangglumpangdua – Bireuen – Aceh


A Paper
Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement
For Last Examination of Class Six
Almuslim Islamic Integrated Boarding School

M. Shaydul Abrar


Mr. Ferry Chandra, MA


Matangglumpangdua – Bireuen – Aceh

Supervisor Legitimacy Sheet

This research has been discussed by :

Name : M. Shaydul Abrar

No. Reg : 17249

Title : IT Media in Learning and Side Effects for Students

It is hereby declared to have met the requirements for the final exam at the
Almuslim Islamic Integrated Boarding School Peusangan-Bireuen-Aceh.

Matangglumpangdua, 5th December 2022

Clarified by,

Ust. Ferry Chandra, MA

Supervisor endorsement sheet

Name : M. Shaydul Abrar

No. Reg : 17249

Title : IT Media in Learning and Side Effects for Students

Matangglumpangdua, 5th December 2022

Clarified by,

Ust. Azkia, M.Ag

IT Media in Learning and Side Effects for Students
M. Shaydul Abrar
Reg. No:17249
This Paper has been established through an examination
Held on 12 January 2022

Examiner I Examiner II

Mr. Holis Wahyu Prasetyo, Gr, S.Pd.I Mr. Ramzanur, S.Pd

Clarifed By:

Mr. Iswan Fadlin, MA

The Director


I hereby declare that the paper entitled “IT Media in Learning and Side

Effects for Student” this and all its contents is truely the work of my own and I

did not do plagiarism or quotation in ways that are inconsistent with the prevailing

ethic in the scientific community.

On this statement, I am ready to bear the risk / any sanctions imposed to

me in accordance with applicable regulation, if the future found a breach of

scientific ethics, or you have a claim agains the authenticity of my work, IT Media

in Learning and Side Effects for Students.

Matangglumpangdua,5 December,2022

M. Shaydul Abrar
Reg. No:17249


The teaching and learning process is often faced with abstract material

outside the daily experience of students so this material becomes difficult for

teachers to teach and difficult for students to understand. Various materials related

to history will be more concrete and easier to understand if delivered by the

teacher with photo images, documentary films, or animations. Visualization is one

way that can be done to concretize something abstract into an IT-based learning

media. IT-based learning media, namely learning media consisting of hardware

and software as well as all activities related to data processing, both manipulation,

retrieval, collection, processing, storage, dissemination, and presentation of

information/data using computers and telecommunications. IT-based learning

includes computer technology, multimedia, telecommunications, and computer

network technology. The function of IT in learning media is as a tool in teaching

media, learning facilities/places, and learning resources, and as a means of

increasing professionalism.


‫س َّه َل اهللُ لَهُ طَ ِر ْي ًقا ِإىَل اجلَن َِّة‬,‫ا‬ ِ ِ ِ ‫ك طَ ِري ًقاي ْلتَ ِم‬
َ ‫س فْيه ع ْل ًم‬
ُ َ ْ َ َ‫م ْن َسل‬. َ
‫))ر وا ﻩ مسلم‬
Meaning:"Whoever takes a path (way) to gain knowledge, then Allah will surely
make easy for him the path to heaven."



Firstly, I thank to god who has give mercy and blessing so I can complete

this paper at the time. Secondly, I dedicate this paper to my beloved father and my

beloved mother who always supporting and praying in my success study. Then, I

dedicate to my beloved sister Sitti Faradiba who has supporting me with her

praying and I dedicate this to all my beloved friend and the last is for the big

family AMERTA.


Praise be to Allah SWT. Who always gives his mercy and blessing, who teaches us all the

knowledge that exists in this universe, through the gift of perfects reason. Therefore, we should

always try to activate common sense by learning science until there are no more questions.

Shalawat and greeting may continue to be bestowed on our lord, prophet Muhammad SAW.

Along with his family and friends. May we get his intercession on the day of judgment. Amin

In the preparation this paper, the author received a lot of support, guidance and suggestions from

various parties, so that the preparation of this paper can be completed. For that the author would

like to thank:

1. Ust. Iswan Fadlin, MA as the director of an Integrated Islamic Boarding School.

2. Ust. Holis Wahyu Prasetyo, Gr. S.Pd.I as deputy director of the Integrated Islamic Boarding

School .

3. Ust. Ferry Chandra , MA as a supervisor who has been willing to take the time, energy and

thoughts to provide guidance and direction in the preparation of his paper.

4. To my beloved father and beloved mother and my beloved sister.

We thank God the presence of Allah SWT because with his mercy and

blessing the author as a compiler was able to complete a scientific paper on “IT


manner, on this occasion the author would like to say thank you profusely to:

1. Allah SWT who has given me the blessing of spiritual and physical health and

also the opportunity so that I can complete the task of scientific writing.

2. Both parents who have their support and prayers during the learning process at

the Almuslim Integrated Islamic Boarding School

3. All of my friends who have helped in the process of preparing scientific writing


This work, of course, is still far from perfect, for that we are asking for

input in the form of criticism and suggestions so that in the future researchers can

produce better results.

Bireuen, 5 December,2022

M. Shaydul Abrar

Table of Content

CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………………1


A. The Background of The Research…………………….......1

B. The Definition of Key Terms………………………………2
C. Objective of The Problem………………………………….2
D. The Uses of Research………………………………………3

CHAPTER II…………………………………………………………………..4


A. What is the definition and how is the history of IT media..4

B. What is important reason in learning IT media……………11
C. What is the role of IT media in learning…………………13
D. What is Side effects of using IT media in learning………17
E. What is Islamic views on the use of IT media in learning..19

CHAPTER III………………………………………………………………….23


A. Conclusion…………………………………………………..23

B. Suggestion……………………………………………………24



A. The Background of The Research

Technology is an integral part of our daily life today. In Islam itself, it has

never restrained its people from being advanced, and modern Islam supports the

progress of its people to conduct research and experiment in any field, including

in the field of technology. In addition to containing a lot about the importance of

developing science, the Al-Quran can also be used as an inspiration for knowledge

and the development of thinking insight, so as to be able to create something new

in life. It's just that, to find this, it takes the ability to explore it more deeply so

that the natural potential given by God can provide full benefit for the harmony of

nature and humans.

The rapid advancement of modern technology has triggered the emergence

of advanced technology products such as radio, television, internet,

communication tools, and other luxury goods, as well as offering various types of

entertainment for every parent, youth, or child. But of course the tools are not

responsible for what they cause. It is precisely on the shoulders of humans that all

these responsibilities lie. Because of the various information media and

sophisticated tools that the world has today, it can do anything. One of the

technologies that is currently booming is the internet. In addition to connecting

global communications, another benefit of the internet is as a medium of

information and entertainment. Then another benefit is as a means of supporting

educational activities. As it is known that the internet is the easiest medium to get

information. However, the media cannot be used as we wish, we must also see

how the sharia views the media.

Therefore, as a writer, I will write a title related to IT media, namely "IT

media in learning and side effects for students".

B. The Definition of Key Terms

Based on the background above, as a writer, I can take a conclusions and

problems in it, including:

1. What is the meaning and how is the history of IT media?

2. What is important reason in learning IT media?

3. What is the role of IT media in learning?

4. What is side effects of using IT media in learning?

5. What is islamic views on the use of IT media in learning?

C. Objective of The Problem

1. Knowing definition of IT media is and also its history

2. Knowing the reasons why we need to learn about IT media

3. Knowing the role of IT media in the learning process

4. Knowing the side effects of using IT media in learning, both positive and


5. Knowing how Islam views the use of IT media in learning

D. The Uses of Research

Based on the problem formulation and research objectives above, I as a writer

can apply the benefits of the research that I will make.

The benefit of this research is we will know about the importance of the role

of IT media in learning, especially the advancement of the education system in

today's modern era. Therefore, we will be more enthusiastic about studying IT

media because of our knowledge of how important it to learn in the modern era.

today. By learning about IT media we will not be out of date and can live in

tandem with the times.



A. The definition and history of it media

Before entering another discussion about IT media, we should know what

IT media is. Media are all forms of channels used to convey information or

messages. The channels or messages can be printed even in visual form. In other

words, the media is a place for the message or channel to be conveyed.

The word media comes from the Latin word, which is the plural form of

the word "medium". The word has the meaning as "intermediary" or

"introduction, namely the intermediary of the message source.

  After knowing the meaning of the media, both in terms of terms and

language, although in a short form, it would be nice again we also have to know

about the history of the media. The history of the media that we will discuss has 4

eras. Among them are as follows:

1. Technology Era

2. Oral Era

3. Writing Era

4. Printing era

1. Technology Era

At first, when in the past communication could only be done directly or

face to face, along with the development of today's communication can be over

very long distances. These all happened just because of the technology which

helps human life on this earth. Even today, technology is increasingly

sophisticated and it doesn't take long for us to see and enjoy the results of the

latest technological innovations today.

It all started with the inventor of the telephone, named Alexander Graham

Bell, Samuel Morse, who invented the telegraph, and also Guglielmo Marconi,

who also played an important role at that time because he was the first to send

messages via radio. Everything is the beginning where a variety of the latest

technologies are found in human life. After that, other innovations emerged such

as television, computers and internet. Technology is helping humans to do

everything that was once difficult, time-consuming, even impossible to become a

very possible thing.

Today's media and ancient times are very different and growing. All

because over time humans continue to do many innovations to continue to find

new things that make life easier for humans. From the beginning, he could only

use spoken in a stammering way, starting to be able to write from the beginning

using dry leaves into a paper and now being able to write on much more

sophisticated tools such as a laptop or computer. There are also typewriters that

were originally used only for printing letters and making reports, now even

combined with phones and screens in a new form. The phone also underwent

similar changes. Designed for one-on-one conversations, now the phone can even

be with many people talking at once and also face to face. Media is developing

not to fool us but it should make us smarter in using media and really make our

life easier.

2. Oral Era

This oral era can be said to be the beginning of the use of media. This era

is a picture where humans begin to be able to communicate with other humans. It

is estimated that this oral era lasted around 300,000 th - 200,000 th BC. In the

book Mass Communication, Nuruddin said that humans in this era began to have

the ability to speak and speak even though they stammered in certain community

groups. Humans who became the hallmark of this era were Cro Magnon type


They are thought to have the same structure of the skull, tongue and voice

box as we have. It's all proof that they have the ability to speak. Conversation and

language itself appeared around 35,000 – 40,000 BC. Cro Magnon humans

continue to develop in this era because they continue to use conversation and

language as their means of communication. The advantage of those who begin to

communicate is that their planning in hunting can be more coordinated and carry

out better protection efforts.

3. Writing Era

The historical development of this writing era is in 1041 BC. This year is

the era of writing for the first time in the world. The forms resulting from this

writing era were when handprints were found in caves, hand paintings were found

in statues, then writing was found on a clay that was shaped in such a way with

the purpose and intent that the writer wanted at that time. One expert figure named

Everet M. Rogers (1986) also mentioned that their goal of writing in caves, statue

or clay is to give a statement that was the only thing they could do at that time

before advanced and developed technology existed. recently. We can see

examples of their historical heritage in caves in Yogyakarta, Solo, etc.

4. Printing Era

After the writing era, the printing era emerged as a successor and

complement to the development of the writing era. History records that this era

began to develop around 1450 when Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press

for the first time. After the era of Johann Gutenberg, came the era of the Penny

Press in 1833 which tried to develop the printing press which was originally

invented by Johann Gutenberg. At first it was China who discovered the raw

material for making paper, after that the invention of the printing press began to

be pioneered and used.

The mobile printing press was first invented in China in the 13th century,

and then this printing method was introduced to Europe. Over time, the printing

press began to be used en masse and even continued to be refined. Until finally
the book was one of the most important means of conveying information at that

time. Plus when Benjamin Day started launching The New York Sun or also

known as Penny Press the first newspaper on September 3, 1833.1

Several technologies can support the learning process, as follows:

a. Laptop

A laptop is a sophisticated device, in which its functions same as a

computer, but in a form is more practical and can be carried anywhere because of

its lightweight, slim shape and electrical power that uses a battery charger.

The use of laptops itself has also begun to be used in several junior high

school levels, including in this al-Muslim boarding school. This because the use

of laptops in learning can make students understand more about the material being

taught because they can provide visualization images and can also access online-

based lessons.

b. Flashdisc

Flashdisc is a portable data storage device in the form of a Universal serial

bus, but in a small form and lightweight and can store large amounts of data. In

Islamic boarding schools themselves, flash disc are very useful in terms of sharing

data files from teachers to students.

c. Computer
Ela Istiqomah,( 20 April 2017)Sejarah Perkembangan Media
Computers are devices in the form of hardware and software that function

in assisting humans in managing data into information and storing it for display at

a later time. audio, but it only exists at a certain class level.

d. Projector

A projector is a device that can integrate light sources, optical systems,

electronics, and displays with the aim of projecting an image or video onto a

screen/wall and making it look bigger.

In other words, the definition of a projector is a tool to help display

images, videos or other data from a computer or laptop to a screen (it can also be

on a flat surface such as a wall).

Projectors are very useful for helping someone with presentations and

presenting explanations or presentations in the form of text, images, animations,

or even videos, to the audience to make them easier to understand.

Referring to the definition of a projector, the function of a projector is to

display objects or data (text, images, videos) on a computer/laptop on a screen or

wall. The projector can display objects in a larger size easily and has high


Here are some projector functions based on their use:

a. Presentation Tools

The use of a projector in presenting a presentation will make the

explanation easier and more attractive. The display of text, images, or animation

in a presentation makes the audience better understand the intent and content of

the presentation.

b. Information Media

Projectors can display an object or data on a computer device to make it

look bigger. This makes very effective and efficient information medium.

c. Entertainment Media (Home Theater)

Having a projector at home can provide advantages because it can be used

as an entertainment medium. For example, watching videos in a much larger size

like in the cinema.

In Islamic boarding schools themselves, they strongly support the use of

projectors in teaching and learning activities by facilitating several classes with


e. MP4 Player

MP4 player is a device that can be used as a data storage media as well as

a video and music player. The use of this device is very helpful for learning with

the listening method.

f. MP3 Player

Almost the same as an MP4 MP3 player Is a device that can store data,

only this MP3 can not play videos and games, can only play music and listen to

the radio.2

B. Important reason in learning IT media

To find out the reason why it is important to study, we need to imagine

how the world will be in about 10 or 11 years in future. maybe some of us

imagine about the very rapid development of the times and maybe some of us also

imagine about competitiveness in looking for jobs that are getting tougher in the

coming year. And some of us also imagine that our selves who are hanging

around lost direction because of confusion in keep pace with the times that are

growing day by day.

This may be natural, the fear that occurs in us when we see the reality that

looks hard to conquer.

So to reduce the fear of increasingly fierce competition in the world of

work and the progress of the times that seem quite scary, it is better for us to

always prepare ourselves from all the competition that will be ahead by studying

IT media.

Therefore, I will discuss the importance of studying IT media, here are

some reasons why it is important to study:

Ihtiandiko Wicaksono(30 sep 2022)pengaruh media teknologi pada pembelajaran
a. Can keep up with the times

Now, times are advancing. Therefore, this reality seems to force us to

follow this path of progress as best we can so that we are not considered old-

fashioned by others.

So, this is one of the reasons it is important to learn IT media from an

early age. By studying IT media, of course, we will be more observant in seeing

the times because indirectly, the direction of progress at that time was in western

countries which incidentally had used various technologies to support their lives

b. Understand technology

We all know, almost all activities in our lives use the help of various

technologies. It is as if we have been living hand in hand with technology, even

other countries have started using robots to replace some jobs such as food

carriers, shopkeepers, and also robots for cooking. Therefore, we have to start

learning IT media from an early age so that we all know how to use or operate all

of these tools, for example, things that are not far from our daily lives such as

using washing machines, ovens, printer machines, etc.

Therefore we know how important it is to study IT media, because

otherwise we will have difficulty keeping up with the times that have started to

use technology in almost everything.

c. Can conquer the internet world

The internet can connect us anywhere and can open our horizons in

various ways. So, this is an important reason to learn about IT media. Studying IT

media means that we can conquer the world of the internet. By conquering the

internet, it means that it gives us positive things which will further increase our

insight in various things without any barriers at all.

It is also necessary to know that if we are able to conquer the internet

world then we should use this ability for positive things and never disturb other

people, especially if we are a Muslim.

C. The role of it media in learning

In carrying out learning activities, of course, we are very bored if we have

to use books all the time. Therefore, sometimes we have to use other alternatives

such as using IT media. Of course there are several uses for using IT media, here

are the uses:

1. Strengthening the role of humans, namely presenting information, tasks,

or processes

Helping humans in presenting material not only by giving understanding

but also by displaying pictures or videos so that students easily understand the

material presented.

2. As a learning tool

IT media plays a very important role as a learning infrastructure where

teaching materials are available in digital format so that the learning process can

be done anywhere and anytime. Students do not have to be fixated on studying at

a predetermined place and time. When they are free and in public, they can still

learn through their gadgets.

3. As a source of learning materials

Now the source of teaching materials for educators can not only be

obtained from books but educators can also get sources of teaching materials that

keep up with the times through IT media. Many teaching materials can be

obtained from all parts of the world so that the knowledge gained is more

numerous and varied.

4. As a learning aid

No longer using the blackboard and chalk, now the teaching-learning

process has been supported by IT media. As a learning tool and facility, IT media

will make the teaching and learning process more innovative and fun. This

method is also known to be effective because it is more modern. For this reason,

educators are also required to follow technological developments so that they can

teach according to developing trends. Students can explore science more broadly

and independently.

5. As a means of training skills and competencies

The use of IT media must be proportional. The point is that IT media can

enter all levels of society but is adjusted to their respective portions. Don't let IT

media for university-educated people be given to rural communities who on

average have a low educational background.

6. Facilitate consultation

The internet is widely used as a medium for consulting with experts in

other places. Both educators and students alike can use it to support their learning

activities directly from the experts without having to spend a lot of money.

7. As an online learning aid

Learning can be done anywhere, including online using the internet. The

many websites, blogs, forums, or applications that are now widely available on

the internet make anyone can learn online. For example, there are online libraries,

namely libraries in digital form that use the internet as a place. Anyone can access

the sources of knowledge in an easy way without being limited by distance and

time. There are also online discussions from forums formed on the internet that

allow anyone to discuss and exchange opinions with people who are members of

the forum.

After seeing some of the roles or uses of IT media in teaching and learning

activities, of course, one question must come out of our minds, namely: is IT

media applied to anything in the field of education? an example of the

application of IT media in the field of education.

Some examples of the application of IT media in the field of education:

1. computer-based learning.

With the IT media, learning can run using a computer, for example, the

implementation of the computer-based 2016 National Examination system or

known as CBT.

2. Sharing research results

Thanks to the IT media in the world of education, we can share research

results easily and in a very short time even from a long distance, for example:

sharing research results through blog accounts, lipi, ministry of education and


3. Consultation with Experts Through the Internet

If there is an obstacle in teaching and learning activities, then the existence

of IT media in the world of education makes it very easy for teachers to consult

with experts via the internet because they no longer have to meet face-to-face.

Examples include: asking everything via Whatsapp or email.

4. Online library

In teaching and learning activities, of course sometimes you have to use

books other than those provided by the school, but what if the library that

provides books is closed while we really need it. That's why an online library was

created in anticipation of this. An example of an online library is: https:/


5. Online discussion

In addition to learning on their own, teaching and learning activities are

also carried out in groups in the form of discussions, with the IT media also

making it easier for students to discuss if they cannot meet each other. Examples

include: Using google zoom.

6. E-learning

Teaching and learning activities don't always have to be in class. What if

circumstances force us to stay at home like during the pandemic yesterday.

Therefore, online learning or E-Learning is made. Examples like:

In essence, whatever the application, we still have to use it properly and

always based on the Shari'a.

D. Side effects of using it media in learning

When talking about side effects, what comes to mind are positive and

negative. In this section, I will tell you about the side effects of using IT media,

because everything has an effect, both positive and negative. Here are the positive

effects of using IT media:

1. The information needed will be more quickly accessed for educational purposes

2. Innovation in learning is growing with the existence of e-learning innovations

that further facilitate the educational process.

3. Advances in IT media will also allow the development of virtual classes or

teleconference-based classes that do not require the educator and students to be in

the same room.

4. Adding information

The first benefit of using technology is as a means of support for

students and educators to seek wider information, in addition to using sources

from books and print media.

5. Improve learning ability

This is because the information available on the Internet is more up-to-

date so that students can easily access the new information needed, under the

supervision of the teacher.

6. Easy access to learning

The learning process can be facilitated by the presence of technology in

education. For example, the teacher can provide learning materials or assignments

via email so that students can immediately complete and submit the assignment.

7. Material is more interesting

The use of technology in education can make students more comfortable

and not seem bored or monotonous. Because the delivery of information through

changing technology looks more varied and modern.

8. increase interest in learning

More complete information and knowledge and easy access can make

students more interested in carrying out learning.3

After talking about positive effects, there must be such a thing as a

negative effect, here are the negative effects:

1. Easy access to negative information

2. Lack of time in socializing in the community

3. Some experience problems in the economy due to expensive internet usage

4. interfere with the function of vision because it is often exposed to radiation 4

E. Islamic views on the use of it media in learning

As good Muslims, we must know the law against something we do

because if we don't then we can fall into kufr. Therefore we must know how Islam

views the use of IT media in learning, therefore Islam also pays attention to the

ethics that guard moral to something we do. As for the etiquette in using the

media are:

1. Straighten intentions

Oleh Administrator (3 0kt 2020) Pentingnya Teknologi Untuk Pendidikan
Oleh Administrator (13 Jan 2020) Teknologi Informasi Dalam Dunia Pendidikan
In Islam, the intention is the most basic thing so that good deeds,

including worship, can become bad and bear sin. Especially if you intend and do

bad. Rasulullah SAW said:

‫ور ُسولِِه‬ ِ ٍ
ِ َ‫امريء ما نَوى فَمن َكان‬ ‫ات وِإمَّن ا لِ ُك ِّل‬
ِ َّ‫بالني‬
َ ‫ت ه ْجَرتُهُ إىل اهلل‬
ْ َْ َ َ ‫إمَّنَا‬
ِّ ‫األعمال‬

ٍ ‫صيبها أو‬
‫امرأة َيْن ِك ُح َها ف ِه ْجَرتُهُ إىل‬ ِ ِ ِ َ‫اهلل ورسولِِه ومن َكان‬
ِ ‫ف ِهجرتُه إىل‬
ُْ ُ‫ت ه ْجَرتُهُ ل ُد ْنيَا ي‬
ْ ْ َ ُْ َ ُ َْ

)‫اجَر إليه(ر وا ﻩ خبري‬

َ ‫ما َه‬

Meaning:Verily, all actions depend on the intention.And everyone will get

what he intended.Whoever migrates for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, then
his migration is judged for the sake of Allah and His Messenger. And whoever
emigrated because he wanted the world or because of the woman he wanted to
marry, then his hijrah came to what he intended.” (H.R. Bukhari)

As has been said by the hadith above intention is very important because it

can affect our actions even though we think it is a trivial thing, therefore never

have bad intentions when studying IT media.

2. Spread the good and prevent the bad

Being a Muslim has many advantages, but not a few responsibilities. In

Q.S. Ali Imran [3]: 110, Allah SWT mentions that Muslims are the best people, it
ِ ‫َّاس تَْأمرو َن بِالْمعر‬
ۗ ‫وف َوَتْن َه ْو َن َع ِن الْ ُمْن َك ِر َو ُتْؤ ِمنُو َن بِاللَّ ِه‬ ِ ‫ُكْنتم خير َُّأم ٍة ُأخ ِرج‬
ُْ َ ُ ُ ِ ‫ت للن‬ ْ َ ْ ََْ ْ ُ

ِ ‫اب لَ َكا َن خيرا هَل م ۚ ِمْنهم الْمْؤ ِمنُو َن وَأ ْكَثرهم الْ َف‬
)‫اس ُقون(ال عمران‬ ِ َ‫ولَو آمن َْأهل الْ ِكت‬
ُُُ َ ُ ُ ُ ُْ ً ْ َ ُ ََ ْ َ

Meaning"You are the best people who were born for humans, enjoining

what is right and forbidding what is evil, and believing in Allah. If the People of

the Book had believed, it would have been better for them; among them are

believers, and most of them are ungodly." (Q.S. Ali Imran [3]: 110)

In the verse, it is clearly stated that the conditions for becoming the best

people are if they fulfill three things: enjoining good, forbidding evil, and both are

based on faith in Allah SWT. These three demands must be practiced by every

Muslim in their activities on social media, if they really want to be included in the

category as the best ummah.

3. Make the best use of time

Any activity that is dependent and excessive is not good. Especially if the

time we spend on social media makes us forget to worship. Rasulullah SAW

always taught his people to make the best use of time. Because "time" is often

ignored as something of value, except when the opportunity has run out or is lost,

He said:

“There are two advantages that many people ignore unless they are gone:

health and leisure.” (H.R. Bukhari) 5

That way we also have to learn according to our times as said by Ali bin

Abi Thalib:

“Teach your children according to their times, for they live in their times,

not yours. Verily, they were created for their time, while you were created for

your time."(Ali bin Abi Thalib)

Such is the view of Islam regarding technology and the use of social

media. May we make the best use of technology.

Lungit Marsudi Wening, S.Kom,(31 juli 2021) Pandangan Islam Tentang Teknologi Dan
Pemanfaatan Media Sosial


A. Conclusion

Science and technology continue to develop, even today it is happening

rapidly. This development is not only in a matter of years, months, or days, but

hours, even minutes or seconds, especially with regard to information and

communication technology supported by electronic technology. His influence

extends to various areas of life, including the field of education.

The influence of this very rapid development of science and technology

has a positive impact and a negative impact. The development of science and

technology has a positive impact with the more open and spread of information

and knowledge from and to all over the world through the boundaries of space and

time. The negative impact is the occurrence of changes in values, norms, rules, or

morals of life that are contrary to the values, norms, rules, and morals of life

adopted by the community.

Responding to this situation, the role of education is very important to

develop positive impacts and improve negative impacts. Education is not

antipathy or allergic to the development of science and technology, but instead

becomes the subject or pioneer in its development.

But all certainly will not be separated from Islamic law as we are Muslims.

We also have to see how Islam views the use of IT media in learning.

B. Suggestion

That's what I can say about "IT media in learning and side effects for

students", I hope all Muslims always make the best use of IT media and avoid

using it in a negative direction by always based on Islamic law, in this scientific

paper of course there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, due to limited

knowledge and lack of references that have to do with the title of this scientific

paper. Sorry if there are many mistakes because I am also still in the learning



Administrator,(3 0kt 2020) Pentingnya Teknologi Untuk Pendidikan


Administrator,(13 Jan 2020) Teknologi Informasi Dalam Dunia Pendidikan


Ela Istiqomah,(20 Apr 2017)Sejarah Perkembangan Media


Ihtiandiko Wicaksono,(30 sep 2022)pengaruh media teknologi pada


Lungit Marsudi Wening, S.Kom,(31 juli 2021) Pandangan Islam Tentang

Teknologi Dan Pemanfaatan Media Sosial


Personal identity:

Name :M.Shaydul Abrar

Date and Plae of birth :24 april 2005, Bireuen

Gender : Male

Religion : Islam

Nationality : Indonesia

Phone : 0852

Address : Geudong-geudong, Bireuen, Aceh

Occupati :Student of Almuslim Islamic Integrated Boarding



a.Father : Saiful Bahri

b.Mother : Rona Septina

Parent`s Occupation :

a.Father : civil servant

b.Mother : civil servant

Education Background :

a.Kindergarten :2009- 2011

b.Primary School Exacted :2011- 2017

c.Junior High School at Almuslim :2017- 2020

d.Senior High School at Almuslim :2020- 2023

Organization Experience :

a.The Scout Section OSPTA :2021- 2022

b.The Member of Kamus :2017- 2021

c.The member of Almuslim United :2017- 2023

d.The member of Sanggar Bungong Ban Keumang :2020-2021

Achievement :

a.The Third Winner of Kimia at ASCC :2021

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