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The medieval or Middle Ages is a period of great invention and innovation.

Most of the inventions during this period paved the way for the modern
world we live in today. Their inventions are Printing Press, Microscope,
Telescope, and War Weapons. The first invention was the Printing Press
which was invented by Johannes Guttenberg and was probably the most
important invention of the Middle Ages because it made the dissemination
of information easier. The second invention was the Microscope which was
invented by the Dutch father-son team named Hans and Zacharias Janssen
and is used to see the object closer or to see objects that are not visible with
the naked eye. It is commonly used in the field of biology and medicine. The
third invention is the Telescope which was traced back to early makers of
eyeglasses and lenses. It was first invented by Hans Lippershey and was
improved in the succeeding years. It is usually used for space observation.
And finally, the last invention during the Medieval Period was War
Weapons used for offensive and defensive purposes. Some of the war
weapons are swords (used among elite and common soldiers), crossbows
and longbows (for long distances), armors (protect bodies in short ranges),
and chainmail.

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