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Prepared by: Eleria, Rustom R.

The learners should be able to explain how

the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom
describes the energies and positions of the
electrons. ( S9MT-IIa-22)
▪Describe the quantum model of an atom.
▪Describe the behavior of electrons using
the quantum and electron configuration.
s orbital (sharp) - it is a spherical clous that becomes less dense as the
distance from the nucleus increases. Because of the closeness to the
nucleus, the electrons in this orbital possess lower energy. Thus, these
electrons have high probability of being found closest to the nucleus.
p orbital (principal) - It is a dumbbell-shaped clous, having two lobes on
opposite sides of the nucleus. This electron can never found near to the
nucleus. This orbital has three types based on their orientation: px (its
orientation is along the X-axis), py ( its orientation is along the Y-axis), and
pz( its orientation is along the Z-axis).
d orbital (diffused) - It is like a four-leaf clover, as an hour and as a ring.
Its shapes are more complicated than orbitals in the s and p orbitals.
There are five d orbitals with its own spatial orientation: dxy, dx2-y2, dz2, dyz.
f orbital (fundamental) - The f orbitals are difficult to represent and too
complex to visualize among theme. There are seven f orbitals which have
complex appearance.
Principal Number of Type of Sublevel and number of orbitals Maximum
energy level Sublevels number of
n electrons
1 1 1s ( 1 orbital) 2
2 2 2s ( 1 orbital), 2p ( 3 orbitals) 8
3 3 3s ( 1 orbital), 3p ( 3 orbitals) 18
3d ( 5 orbitals)
4 4 4s ( 1 orbital), 4p (3 orbitals) 32
4d ( 5 orbitals) , 4f ( 7 orbitals)
5 5 5s ( 1 orbital), 5p (3 orbitals) 50
5d ( 5 orbitals), 5f ( 7 orbitals)
5g ( 9 orbitals)

The principal quantum number is always equal to the number of sublevels within that
principal energy level. The maximum number of electrons that can occupy a principal
energy level is given by the formula 2n2, where n is the principal quantum number.
▪ The shapes of other
orbitals ( d and f orbitals)
were derived from
complex calculation.
▪ In an atom, electrons and
the nucleus interact to
make the most stable
arrangement possible.
▪ The way in which
electrons are distributed
in the different orbitals
around the nucleus of an
atom is called the electron
▪ The probable distribution of electrons
around the nucleus among the orbitals
is called the electron configuration.
▪ Electron configuration is the shorthand
representation on how each electron is
arranged among the orbitals, levels, and
sublevels based on the stated principle.
▪ The number corresponds to the main
energy level or shell, the letter can be
any pf the different sublevels ( s, p, d, f),
while the superscript represents the
number of electrons occupying an
assigned orbital.
▪ The electrons occupying the highest
energy level in an atom are called
valence electrons.
1. The Pauli’s exclusion principle states that no more than two electrons
in an atom can occupy an orbital. They must spin in opposite directions.
Electrons are said to be paired if two electrons with opposite spins can
occupy an orbital and unpaired if a single electron is present in the

1s 2s 2p
2 2 3
2. The Hund’s rule, states that for a set of orbitals, when electrons
occupy orbital of equal energy, one electron enters each orbit until all the
orbital contains one electron with parallel spins. Then the second electron
will be added to each orbital pairing the spins of the first electron. Hund’s
rule is also called the principle of minimum pairing and the principle of
maximum multiplicity.

1s 2s 2p
2 2 3
3. The Aufbau ( German word that means “ building up or construction”)
Principle states electrons fill first the orbitals of the lowest energy (
ground state) until any added electrons occupy the available orbital of
higher energy ( excited state). Orbitals with equal values of ( n+l) will fill
the lower n values first. It is the building up of an atom by progressively
adding electrons.

1s 2s 2p
2 2 3
1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz Electron Configuration
l Symbol
1H 1s1
10Ne 1s22s22px22py22pz2
▪ Quantum numbers are
used to describe an
electron in an orbit or
atomic orbital, the region in
space with the greatest
probability of finding the
electron in an atom
▪ The Schrodinger wave
equation indicates the
region occupied by a given
orbital in terms of : ( a)
distance from the nucleus,
(b) orbital shape, and (c)
orbital orientation in space
( along coordinates x, y,
and z).
The first three quantum numbers were derived from Schrodinger’s
▪ The principal quantum number (n)
designates the energy level of each
atomic orbital in which electron moves.
▪ It also determines the average distance
of electron from the nucleus. It also
describes the electron shell.
▪ The higher the value of n is, the farther
the electron is from the nucleus and the
greater the electron energy.
▪ It is related to the size of the orbital. It
may take the values of any positive
integer: 1, 2, 3, and so on.
The first three quantum numbers were derived from Schrodinger’s
▪ The azimuthal quantum numbers (l)
also called angular number or
subsidiary number, this one describe
the way the electron moves around
the nucleus.
▪ This describes the general shape of
the orbital whether it is s, p, d, or f
orbital and this tells the sublevel or
subshell to which the electron
▪ The corresponding value for each
orbital shapes s, p, d, and f are 0, 1,
2, and 3 respectively.
The first three quantum numbers were derived from Schrodinger’s

▪ The magnetic quantum

number (ml) describes
the spatial orientation of
an electron in a space or
magnetic field.
▪ The value of ml depends
on the value of l and may
range from -1 to +1
including zero.
Sublevels ml values

s sublevel 0
p sublevel -1 0 +1
d sublevel -2 -1 0 +1 +2
f sublevel -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
The first three quantum numbers were derived from Schrodinger’s
▪ The electron spin quantum number (ms)
specifies the way the electron spin or
rotates, either counterclockwise or
clockwise, on its axis as it moves within
the orbital.
▪ This takes only two values: +1/2 and -1/2.
The arrow up and down can also be used
to express the spin of the electrons.
▪ The arrow up (↑) signifies a
counterclockwise movement, while an
arrow down (↓) signifies a clockwise
1. The quantum numbers are integers are integers except for ms .
2. The lowest value that the principal quantum number, n, may have is 1.
3. The highest value that the azimuthal quantum number, l, may depend
on n. It can have a value from 0 to n-1 . For example, if n= 4 , l can be
0, 1, 2, 3.
4. The magnetic quantum number, ml, can be any integer from – 1 to + 1.
For example, if l = 3, ml can be – 3, -2, -1, 0 , +1 , +2, or + 3.
5. The spin quantum number, ms , can only be +1/2 or -1/2. No other
values are acceptable.

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