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[Intro Music]

[Clips of natural disasters: hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires, melting ice caps]

News Reporter (Voice Over): Climate change is not just a distant problem, it is affecting
us right here, right now. The frequency and intensity of natural disasters are increasing
and it is time we take action.

News Reporter (On TV): The world is waking up to the reality of climate change and it is
our responsibility to act.

[Cut to a guy watching the news report on TV]

Guy: (Shocked) This is devastating. I have to do something.

[Cut to guy standing by his window]

Guy: (Looking out the window) Everything outside is dark and polluted. This is not the
world I want to live in. I used to take this world for granted but now it's time for me to
make a change.

[Idea: Cut to flashbacks of the guy doing wrong stuff by littering etc ]

Guy: (Determined) I can't change the past, but I can definitely change the future. I will
pick up my efforts to make this earth a better place.

[Cut to the guy making small changes in his daily life, such as switching off the lights
when not in use, reducing water usage, using reusable bags, etc.]

Guy: (Narrating) Little changes in our daily lives can make a big difference in the long
run. Let's start by taking small steps.

[Cut to a community meeting]

Guy: (Addressing the community) Climate change is a global issue, but it can only be
solved by collective efforts. Let's come together and make a difference.

[Cut to shots of the guy participating in environmental activities and educating others
about climate change through social media, posters, etc.]

[Cut to a scene of the guy speaking to a group of school children]

(Add clapping sound)

Guy: (Emphasizing) The future of our planet lies in the hands of our next generation.
Let's educate them and inspire them to make a positive impact on the environment.

[Cut to shots of school children participating in environmental activities and learning

about climate change]

[Cut to the guy speaking at a rally or protest for environmental causes]

(Green sceen a protest)

Guy: (Passionate) We cannot afford to wait for someone else to make a change. We
must stand up and fight for our planet. Climate change is a crisis and it's time for us to
act like it.

[Immediate cut to credits]

[Outro Music]

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