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Frostcast Revival Crate Rewards

Crate Keys can be earned through voting or special events, they CANNOT be purchased. Normal Keys can be used on Normal Crates,
Premium Keys can be used on Premium Crates OR World Edit Crates.
Each vote has a 15% chance of rewarding a normal key, and a 5% chance of rewarding a premium key.

 NORMAL CRATE (SURVIVAL ONLY) Rewards one of the following packages:

 Midas (Golden Apple) Odds: 20
 Rewards: 4 gold nuggets, 10 honeycombs, 3 blaze rods, golden horse armor, 2 gold ingots, golden apple
 Birthday Bash (Red Candle) Odds: 20
 Rewards: 36 red candles, 10 red apples, 5 cakes
 Diamond Glow (Diamond) Odds: 20
 Rewards: 16 diamonds, 16 glow ink
 Experienced Trader (Emerald) Odds: 10
 Rewards: 16 emeralds, 32 exp bottles
 Free Diver (Sea Lantern) Odds: 30
 Rewards: 128 prismarine, 128 dark prismarine, 16 sea lanterns
 Provisioner (Cooked Chicken) Odds: 10
 Rewards: 32 steak, 2 apples, 32 cooked chickens
 Foundry (Blast Furnace) Odds: 15
 Rewards: 2 blast furnaces, 64 iron ingots, 64 coal, 32 copper ingots
 Explorer (Spyglass) Odds: 30
 Rewards: 8 cookies, spyglass, saddle, lantern, empty map, nametag, book and quill, lead
 End Architect (PurPur Block) Odds: 20
 Rewards: 64 purpur block, 64 purpur pillar, 64 end stone bricks, 8 enderpearls, 16 purple stained glass panes, 8 end rods
 Jenous (Piston) Odds: 15
 Rewards: 4 tripwire hooks, 64 redstone, 2 levers, 16 rails, 4 pistons, 16 redstone lamps
 Furnisher (Yellow Bed) Odds: 15
 Rewards: cauldron, furnace, bell, chest, yellow bed, composter, brewing stand, cartography table, loom
 Sheep Stylist (Sheep Egg) Odds: 15
 Rewards: 8 green dye, 8 magenta dye, 8 red dye, 8 cyan dye, sheep spawn egg, 32 seeds, shears

 PREMIUM CRATE (SURVIVAL ONLY) Rewards ONE of the following packages:

 Neutrino (Nether Star) Odds: 2
 Rewards: nether star
 Enchanter (EXP Bottle) Odds: 30
 Rewards: 128 lapis, 128 exp bottles
 Shulk n’ Shard (Shulker Shell) Odds: 30
 Rewards: shulker shell, 64 amethyst shards
 Satan’s Architect (Gilded Blackstone) Odds: 30
 Rewards: 64 gilded blackstone, 128 blackstone, 128 smooth basalt, 128 nether bricks, 64 block of quartz
 More Ore Stores (Deepslate Emerald Ore) Odds: 10
 Rewards: 8 of every normal stone ore/deepslate ore variants
 Fortunate Son (Enchanted Book) Odds: 10
 Rewards: looting III, fortune III, luck of the sea III
 Yukon Cornelius (Raw Gold Block) Odds: 10
 Rewards: goat horn (admire), 64 raw gold blocks, 64 raw iron blocks, wolf spawn egg

 WORLD EDIT CRATE (CREATIVE ONLY) Rewards THREE of the following, some could be duplicates.
 1 Hour of World Edit (Enchanted Wooden Axe) Odds: 30
 30 Minutes of World Edit (Wooden Axe) Odds: 40
 20 Minutes of World Edit (Stick) Odds: 20

** Odds listed in RED are NOT percentages, but by weight. For example, if the sum of all the weights is 200, an odd of 20 is 10%.
Odds from different crates will not apply to each other.

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