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Level : 3rd Year / Lit + F.

Lges Unit Two: Ethics in Business

Materials :  Coursebook “ New Prospects” - a wordle Sequence: Reading and writing
Learning goal (s) At the end of the sequence, pupils will develop awareness on ethical business investments and social responsibility in busines
T Phase Learning Competences Procedure Assessment
objective Tasks

10 Pre-reading
mns ( Adapted )


Preview for the

topic of the
reading passage

Step1: The teacher distributes the word cloud above to pupils on handouts the raises the
questions below for class discussion

T: What does the picture represent?

T: Pick up the words or phrases from the which make of this businessman greedy /
dishonest then note them on a sheet of paper.
Pupils’ expected answer:
- A businessman / a boss / a dishonest businessman / a greedy manager –
- child labor / profit / low wadges / pollution / endanger / unfair / harmful /
The teacher makes the followig graphic organizer on board then asks pupils to refer to the
word cloud again then write the problem and cause ( leaving the solution for the next
step in reading)




Expected answer: …….

1/ Child labor
Unethical business
2/ Pollution
30 reading practices
3/ Low wadges

Social audit
Text: ( Adapted from Management Articles By Hitesh Bhasin August 10, 2019  )

Step1: ( listen and check )

To check their T: Skim through the text ( Adapted ) and check your previous answers then write the
solution to the problem in the graphic organizer .

Expected answer:
Solution: Social audit

interpret The teacher asks pupils to skim through the text mainly the introduction and the
To identify the conclusion then then answer the questions:
. topic
( main idea ) of - Which word or expression is mostly used in the text?
. the text - What does the writer want you as readers to know about it ( the most repeated
word or expression?

Expected answer:
- Social audit ( topic )
- The importance of social audits in business ( main idea of the text)


The teacher then asks pupils to note down the main idea on the table below then each
pupil is invited to suggest an appropriate title to the text.

Main idea :……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Title : …………………………………………………………………….

Expected answer:

Main idea : Social audit is necessary in business today

Title : Social Audit: A Social Necessity

T: Skim through the text again then match ideas ( A – E ) with their corresponding
paragraphs (1 -4 )
To locate the
One idea is irrelevant and must therefore be left out.
supporting ideas
7 ( main idea of
mns each paragraph ) A. Social audits domains of study
B. Definition of social audit
C. The necessity of social audit in today’s business

D. Social audit is financially costing

E. Companies influence on the whole community
The teacher attracts pupils’ attention to the importance of key words when skimming for
the main idea ( s )

Expected answer:

§3 §1 §4 §2

Step 4: Scan through the text then answer the following questions Answer the questions

A. How is social audit defined in the text?

10 To get specific B. Who is in direct charge of conducting social audit inside a company? Is it
mns information and
a. the company b. the government c. the society or d. shareholders
understanding of C. Which benefits can social audit bring to stakeholders?
the text D. Why do you think social audits benefits both shareholders and stakeholders?
Expected answer:
A. Social audit is defined as a review of a company’s production policies and code of
B. It is the company itself ( a )
C. The benefits are:
- providing and improving citizens’ facilities like health and education.
- improving employees’ working and health conditions in their workplace
- protecting the environment.
D. I think so because it balances profit and social responsibility.

What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a. they (§1) d. they ( §2 )

7 To create lexical
mns and grammar b. It ( §1 ) e. the latter ( §3 )
cohesion in c. Them( §1 ) f. it ( §4 )

Expected answer:
a. production, procedures, policies and code of conduct
b. social audit
c. production, procedures, policies and code of conduct
d. companies
e. the company
f. ( powerful) organization

Post reading

Step1: ( Act3 Page )

T: Re-order the sentences to get a coherent passage. One sentence is irrelevant and must
be left.

- The teacher makes it clear to pupils before setting the latter to task that reference
words are used to create lexical and grammatical relations between sentences and
paragraphs. Therefore ; they have to pay attention to these markers
Create cohesion
sentences and
- The teacher also elicits information from pupils about the topic sentence of the
10 paragraphs passage which will an additional hint or key to the activity for the pupils.
mns when writing
A. Algeria has recently adopted a new model of economic development.
B. It has also set high standards of governance including social auditing and public
accounts reporting.
C. Such tasks are carried out by the National Economic and Social Council and by the
Accounts Court.
D. This model balances economic growth ; social justice and the sustainable use of
natural resources.
E. Algeria regained its independence in 1962.
F. In addition to the setting of standards of governance ; it has accorded ethically
responsible companies tax reductions so as to encourage them to promote
sustainable development and social well-being.

Expected answer
1 2 3 4 5

Topic: Being a manager of a socially responsible company ; you decided to organize a

Produce an meeting with the company’s shareholders to tell them how they can be managed for their
1 expository produce own interest and that of stakeholders. Write a summary of your speech.
hour paragraph on The following notes can help you:
the social
responsibility of - To avoid activities / to endanger the environment
business - Not to invest in unethical ways ( arms ; drugs ; tobacco….)
- To provide employees / safety – healthy conditions / workplace
- To create balance / financial profit – social responsibility

Step1: The teacher brainstorms the topic by underlining the key words / the main idea

Step2: set a plan for their writing

( Introduction / Body / Conclusion )

- Relevant voc-items and logical connectors / linkers are highlighted during this
phase and noted on the board
- Pupils work in groups to expand the given notes / ideas

Step 3: Presentation
Pupils write an initial draft of the summary then a clean version

Step4: At this level ; pupils check common mistakes or may add or drop words / expressions to
their writing
Expected paragraph:

Dear partners;

I organized this meeting to talk about the social responsibility our company bears not
only its shareholders but its stakeholders as well including its employees ; suppliers ;
citizens and the whole society .
First of all; if we want to generate profit and be managed for the benefit of our
stakeholders ; we’d better avoid engaging in any business activities which may endanger
citizens’ health or harm the environment . Second ; we ought not to invest money
unethically like investing in arms ; tobacco…etc because a part from being both illegal and
immoral ; such investment will give a bad reputation to our company. In addition to this; it’s
very important to provide our employees with the best conditions of work I mean healthy
and safety conditions in their workplace. So; as long as we balance our financial profit and
our social responsibility towards the whole community; our business will prosper.

Finally ; let me remind you that business ethics has is no longer a choice ; it has become
an obligation.



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