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Excitement filled me while watching the video of the student nurses who went to Pongayan Kapangan.

But at the same time I felt sad because we are not able to experience that too.

The student nurses first headed to the Kapangan Municipal office for their courtesy call before heading
to Pongayan. The Future Nurses did a job well done in teaching the kids about 4s. They put so much
effort in doing their props and other materials needed for their health teaching. As seen on the video,
even if it rained, they still continue to rendered care to the community.

The 'iPongayans' warmly welcome them to their houses for their home visitation. In there they applied
all their knowledge and skills they learned. They also did the clean up drive with their proper uniform
(including their gloves)

Happiness was shown to their faces because they knew that they did their part well. And sadness also
was heard from their voices when it's time to leave Kapangan.

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