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Activity 3

1. What type of learner are you?

At first, I was confuse if I learn through reading/writing because sometimes I easily absorb ideas if I was reading
and studying them just through my mind without doing something. However, when I took this test it turns out that
I am more than an auditory learner, and I take some time to remember where I used my auditory skills. I realized
that I learn most efficiently through hearing and listening. I sometimes retain information better when it is
delivered through sound or speech rather than written form, and I'm just used to answering modules rather than
listening to online sessions. This face-to-face session, I realized that I also learned a lot by listening attentively with
my professor. Sometimes I experience challenges when instructions or information are given in written form but
can clearly understand them when the information is clearly explained verbally and that is maybe because I am an
auditory learner.

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